Chapter 8 - Business Partners

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Two more days had gone by since my unfortunate encounter with Rachel.

But at least I ended up sorting things out. The man and the woman that I visited had successfully moved somewhere else, leaving Kaia as the only guest on the ninth floor.

I knew better than to think that was it. I knew Rachel would try again, so I had been watching her closely. She had been quiet. I expected that she was cooking up a new plan, so I had to wait for it.

And it was now Thursday evening, where I sat in my office with Mason and Alexander, enjoying a drink...or three. I had lost count by now, but I knew it couldn't have been that much. I could still think clearly and I wasn't slurring my words.

"Last year, I met this girl at a bar. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together. A couple of weeks after that I got a call from her boyfriend. He asked to meet with me and I thought he would beat me up, right? No. Instead, we fucked to get back at his girlfriend for cheating...isn't that funny?" Alex explained with a proud grin on his face.

"So you're a homewrecker then," Mason commented, letting out a small laugh.

It was weird to hear them talk so calmly about this, knowing that they had been together. Neither of them was bothered though. Apparently, they had both agreed to have a friends with benefits type thing, so Alex was free to speak about his sex life.

Alexander gulped back his whole drink and defended himself. "Not really, because they ended up back together and we had a threesome-"

Thankfully, the phone on my desk rang, cutting off his inappropriate sentence.


"There's a man here," Rachel told me. "He says he wants to speak with you."

Could I catch a god damn break for once?

"Send him up." I huffed.

I told Mason and Alex, so they moved to stand on either side of me. A couple of minutes later, my office door opened to reveal two men.

The one in front was obviously the boss. He was tall...extremely fucking tall. Probably about six foot five if I was to guess. He had dark skin, brown eyes, and wrinkles covering his cheeks. He was older, maybe in his fifties?

The other was a little shorter, stocky, and a blank expression on his face. Both of the men wore designer suits, fresh and ironed. I had no idea who they were, yet the tall one looked somewhat familiar and I couldn't figure out why.

"Elias." the man greeted, extending his hand. I shook it before he took a seat, with his guard standing behind him. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Finally?" I raised an eyebrow. "May I ask who you are?"

The man smirked knowingly, confusing me before he said, "my name is Nathaniel King-"

I stood immediately and whipped out my gun, along with Mason and Alexander. His guard pulled one out too, pointing it at my chest.

Nathaniel fucking King. How dare he show his face here, at my hotel? Who did he think he was? The old bastard better get ready, because the only way he was leaving would be in a body bag.

"Now, now, boys." he placed his hands on the desk, showing that he was unarmed. "Settle down."

"Settle down?" I snapped, gripping the gun even tighter. "What did you do with Daniel's body?"

The whereabouts of Daniel had never been discovered, even after all this time.

I remembered getting a call from him two years ago when he went to stay with the Vitale's for a funeral. Over the phone, he told me how our father came to his end and how he was helping them find some rat that was working for the King family.

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