Chapter 29 - Surrendered

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Seven days.

Seven days had gone by since I had that conversation with Kaia.

We barely spoke. Other than small talk, passing sentences, and one specific awkward conversation about tennis over the dinner table.

I didn't think we would be at Josefina's for so long, but she insisted we stay until Kaia could walk by herself, and so that's what we did. Most of the pain had subsided and she didn't need help anymore.

Even more of a reason for her to ignore me.

Should I have been so upset? Probably not. Because it was my decision, we weren't even dating, and it was better this way. She would be safe with her grandmother by tomorrow. I would drive her as soon as we got back.

And besides, I'd already been through a breakup. Even though this wasn't the same thing, it all gets easier with time, no? I would be back to normal quicker than the last split.

Josefina slid a bowl of cereal across the counter to me. I looked down, frowning when I saw that it had too much milk.

I hated cereal with too much milk.

"I'm not hungry," I pushed it back, engrossed in some article on my phone about the Vitales. "I'll just eat later."

They had gained a little bit of fame over the last two years. Not for illegal stuff, but for the casino business. It excelled after Bianca took over, and I think one of them was getting married.

"I'll take it." Alexander came thumping down the stairs, giving me some look of disappointment for not eating his grandmother's food. "Don't mind this ungrateful shithead."

I grumbled, ignoring him. Just as I was about to read who was getting married, someone pounded on the front door.

"I'm not expecting anyone," Josefina said, walking over to the door. "Who would be here to see me so early?"

I wondered that too, because it was eight in the morning, and we were preparing to drive back to the hotel. Josefina wouldn't have asked someone to come over, and she didn't have many friends anyway.

Was it...was it him?

"No!" Alexander rushed over, blocking his grandmother from the door so she didn't open it herself. "I'll do it, just wait upstairs with Kaia."

She shrugged and left the room, up the stairs and safely out of eyesight. I got up and joined Alexander in front of the door, ready to fight if we needed to.

He opened it, and two police officers stood there. Dressed in blue uniforms with the badges and utility belts holding all of their weapons. I squinted instinctively, why the hell they would be here? Out of all people?

Alex cleared his throat. "Hi, officers. What can we do for you?"

"Alexander Mateo Villarreal, you are under the arrest for the murder of Mason Li. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can-"

"Excuse me?" I blurted out, utterly confused by that statement. "Where's the evidence-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before they both stepped inside the house. One of them pulled a gun on me while the other grabbed Alexander. Putting his arms behind his back and shoving him face-first into the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, looking for any kind of reason. My eyes fell to the name tag pinned to the cop's chest. I frowned. "Phillip, please tell me what is going on..."

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