FutureTrunks(DBS)~Flying Nimbus

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{ A/N: First story after a while aye? I'm more than happy to be back writing Dragon Ball Z/ Super fanfics again! I hope you guys like the story!❤️ }

It was in the middle of the day and you were flying around on your flying nimbus until you saw Trunks and Mia fixing on their time machine at capsule corp. You smiled and landed on the ground to greet your friends. "Hi Trunks, hi Mai! What are you guys up to?" Mai turned to you with an unpleasant look "There's no time for chit-chat today, Y/N. Trunks and I have to go back home soon and we can't afford to waste any more time!" "Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea about this." You apologized to the grumpy woman. Trunks threw his tools down on the ground "No, no, you're fine, Y/N. We needed a break anyway. You know I'm always glad to see you!" You smiled but didn't say a word as it was clear that his voice made you light up inside. Mai clearly would notice how you act around Trunks and would try to keep you away as much as possible.

Trunks looked over at the orange like cloud you were sitting on. "Hey, is that a nimbus? I never seen one in person before." You rubbed the back of your head "Goku actually gave it to me since he didn't need it anymore and I can't fly so that's how I end up with it haha." Trunks crossed his arms "That's great, I always thought those things were pretty cool. Can I ride it?" Just before you could invite Trunks for a flying nimbus ride, Mai interrupted the conversation "Nobody actually care to teach you how to fly? Trunks taught me how to fly, it was an amazing experience." You let out a fake smile "O-Oh... It's fine. I mean... I never asked anybody to teach me how to fly anyways..." "I'll teach you how to fly if you want." Trunks offered. Mai rolled her eyes "You don't have much time here remember?" Trunks scratched his head "Oh... Yeah, I don't have much time to teach you how to fly, Y/N. But I would love it if you took me on a flying nimbus ride. You perked up "Really? I would love to give you a ride. Just hop on!" Mia huffed "Oh please, there's nothing special about riding one of those things!" Trunks completely ignored Mai as he was observing the puffy material. "Are you sure I can ride this?" "Yes, of course. As long as you have a pure heart and there's no doubt about it that you have a pure heart, Trunks." You said with a blush on your face. Trunks blushed as well "Y-You think so?" Mia laughed out a arrogance "Ha, pure heart!? Anybody can ride that pile of dust, let me get on it and show you two how it's done!" Mia took herself a seat on the nimbus and fell right through it, hitting her butt on the hard  cold ground. "Hey! What's the big idea!??" Mia hissed, getting up from the ground, "Everyone knows that I have a pure heart!" "But the nimbus thinks otherwise!" Trunks joked with an innocent laugh. Mai wiped herself off "Anyways, I suggest that you don't ride with her Trunks, we should-" She then paused, noticing that you and Trunks flew off into the blue sky. She yelled out of pure rage and jealousy "That darn Y/N!!"


Trunks wiped the sweat form his forehead "Man, I'm so glad to get away! No offense to Mai." "Don't need to explain, it's been stressful for you." You replied. Trunks went silent as you felt his muscular arms wrap around you tightly. His warm body pressed
against your back and his chin resting on your shoulder. You blushed a rosy red as you looked at your handsome friend. He had a bright smile on his face as he was enjoying every moment with you. You smiled softly and turn to look ahead, watching over the beautiful city. You then controlled the nimbus with your body and flew over the ocean as the water sprkeled like magic.

The nimbus was so close to the ocean surface that Trunks reached his hand out and splashed a huge glob of cold water in your face

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The nimbus was so close to the ocean surface that Trunks reached his hand out and splashed a huge glob of cold water in your face. "Haha, gotcha!" He chucked. Your hair was soaked so you reached your hand in the water and splashed him back. Now Trunks was fully wet but this time he gave you an evil grin. You looked at him fearing that he was mad at you "Trunks?..."

He still didn't say anything and his face was covered in his wet soggy hair. You decided to move the strings of hair from his face but you was greeted with a quick smooch on the lips. "Haha, gotcha again, Y/N!" He smirked. You cover your lips as you couldn't believe what just happened. "Trunks, why did you kiss me?" You asked. "Because I like you, Y/N. You're so much fun to be around and when I'm with you, I can finally be myself! Just something about being with you on this nimbus made me fell more for you." He confessed. You were lost for words, all you wanted to do was kiss him again so you closed your eyes and did so. He kissed back but then you felt his lips snatched away from yours. You opened your eyes "What's wrong?" You asked. Trunks grabbed a tight hold of you "Y/N! The nimbus is turning over!!" You wrapped your arms around Trunks "Oh no!" The nimbus turned you both into the water.

By the end of it all, it was a moment to remember.


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