Zamasu X Reader~Treat You Better~Part1

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Warning: This Story Contains Harassment

3rd Person Pov: (Y/N) lived in a horrible world, a world that was on the edge of destruction. Zamasu and Black had took over everything, even took over (Y/N)'s life. They forced her to be their servant in order to keep her family alive. Plenty of people would say that (Y/N) is lucky, but sadly she's not. There was no freedom for her at all, waiting on two criminals hand and foot was vile!

As usual a familiar voice ringed in (Y/N)'s ear "(Y/NNNN) where's my tea!? Make sure you fix it exactly how I like it!" Zamasu hollered. (Y/N) huffed making her way down the long candle lit hallway with a tray of hot tea "Picky ass Zamasu, he's never satisfied!" As (Y/N) walked in the throne room her eyes met with Black's cold ones. Those eyes made her shiver causing the tray to rumble. She stepped up to her masters "Here you go Mr.Zamasu, just the way you like it!" (Y/N) said nervously holding the tray out. Zamasu took the cup and sipped "Hope on your life that it's not poisoned." (Y/N) tilted her head "W-What?" "I'm joking ,kid. You did a good job." Zamasu chucked. "Finally that jerk appreciates me for what I do around here!" The teen said to herself, she couldn't help but giggle.

"It's not that damn funny, girl." Goku Black hissed crossing his legs, the gold pieces of his throne reflected light on his evil stare making his servant flinch."Don't be so rude." Zamasu replied holding (Y/N)'s hand up to his lips. "Besides, she's a lady. I might be a blood thirsty sinner but I respect women." (Y/N) looked away sheepish as the sinner kissed her hand. "I don't care what she is, and for my sake stop kissing that nasty hand!" Black snapped, Zamasu gave Black a dark look "Don't over do yourself with that attitude.." "Whatever" Black chucked. Zamasu brought attention back to his servant and kissed her smooth hand once more "(Y/N), you are dismissed."

~Later That Night~

(Y/N) Pov: I paced back and forth in the kitchen, I couldn't get over what happened today. Never in my wildest dreams that Zamasu would kiss my hand! Does he got a thing for me now? Why did Black get so upset about Zamasu kissing my hand? Trying to over dominate 'Zamasu' is like putting Goku on a diet, which frightens me! Ugh, maybe I'm just overacting. I fixed myself a cup of tea and headed back to my room, as I was halfway there Goku Black himself appeared in front of me. "M-Mater Black!" I flinched dropping my cup. What should I do, he's giving me that look!

3rd Person Pov: The glass shatter everywhere on the floor while (Y/N) backed up against the wall. Black closed in on her resting his hands on her shoulders "What are you doing at this time of night?" "N-Nothing" the servant sobbed. Black huffed "You were sneaking to Zamasu's room, weren't you?" (Y/N) gasped "No! I wasn-" "Liar!!" Black shouted wrapping his arms tightly around her torso "I see the way he looks at you, the way he kissed your hand, I'm no damn fool! Don't ever let him touch you again or I'll kill you both, understand!?" (Y/N) sucked up her tears "Okay, whatever you say, just let me go to my room please.." Black laughed "No my dear, your coming with me tonight and when I'm done with you, you will be mine!"

To Be Continued

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