Bardock X Human Reader~The Masked Saiyan

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Requested By: @kittenthesupersaiyan


"Take off that mask you coward!" I yelled at the saiyan grabbing at his mask. He shoved me away "You'll have to defeat me first!" I couldn't help but sense good energy from him. It could be somebody crying out for help since they were working for Towa. She must have mind controlled him, despite the weird purple orb around their body. I charged up my (favorite attack) and shot it at him. He turned super saiyan and kicked the (favorite attack) wave away. "Oh, so you want to transform huh?" I asked. I charged into my super human form and flew into him at full speed. I managed to land a punch in his face as the masked cracked at the eye area. I saw his eye and it looked so familiar, it looked like it could be Goku but I might be wrong. "Be careful, Y/N!" Trunks shouted into the scouter that's attached to my ear. Sadly Trunks couldn't detect where I was due to the masked saiyan who randomly attacked me while I was on a mission and took me through an unknown time portal. So now I'm fighting this punk in the middle of nowhere with Towa watching from a distance.

"Go ahead and finish her off you idiot!" Towa shouted. "Getting nervous so soon!?" I laughed, wiping the blood from my mouth. "Gah!" She shouted again, now boosting the saiyan's power to the max. I gasped. I guess Towa isn't playing any games this time. I'm going all out too! I turned into my highest form, feeling every fiber in my body. The fight continues, punch after punch, blast after blast. Then finally, I got an idea on how to fully break that mask. I jumped up high into the air and prepared the heel of my shoe to thrust down. I landed right into the stranger's face, breaking the mask into millions of pieces. "No! Impossible!!" Towa screamed, flying away in a panic before I could get to her. The man fell onto the ground as I hopped on top of him "Finally! Let's see who's behind this mask." I said with excitement, looking closely at the face. I gasped in awe as that face was gorgeous to me. "Woah, he's kinda… Cute!"

The man soon sat up, like he just woken up from a deep sleep "Huh, where am I?..." He mumbled. "You were mind controlled by a time witch named Towa. And most likely, you're in the wrong timeline my friend." I answered. He rubbed his head and looked at me "Really?" I nod "Yep, by the way. Do you happen to know Son Goku? His real name is Kakarot. You look just like him." The man nodded "Kakarot...That's my son's name." I jumped up in fright "Omg! You're Goku's father!? You're supposed to be dead...Frieza killed you...And Planet Vegeta is destroyed!" The man got up from the ground "Hey, ma'am, calm down! It's alright, I mean...there's nothing left for me in my timeline anyway. So I wish not to go back." I stopped panicking as he suddenly embraced me. "Thank you for saving me." He said. I blushed "Y-Your welcome." We held each other for a moment until the scouter went off.

"Hey, Y/N! Is everything alright!?" Trunks beeped in. I told him everything was alright and that the masked saiyan is Goku's father. Trunks said that his name is Bardock. I blushed when I heard that name. "Um, hey..Trunks? Is it okay if Bardock can live in Conton City with us? He said that he doesn't want to go back to his timeline since there's nothing left for him." Trunks signed "I don't know. He needs to be where he belongs." I raised my voice "Trunks! You'd never went back to your timeline when there was nothing left for you. I thought you would understand that. You found happiness in Conton City, why can't he?" Trunks went silent for a moment then chucked "You'd got me there, this is why I like you, Y/N. You have a big heart!" "I knew you would come through for me, Trunks." I said with delight. Trunks also informed me that Bordock has to live with me for a few weeks until he gets used to the city. I didn't mind at all, having him to stay with me will be fun.

A month went by and Bardock was happier than ever, he met his son and his family. I was happy for him but for some reason, that made me feel sad. I want a family of my own. A husband. Maybe some kids. I found myself caught up in thought as I laid in the soft grass of the tallest hill of the city. Star gazing always helped me clear my mind. I began to slowly doze off until I heard a husky voice. "Oi, Y/N!" Bardock said, flopping down next to me "You've been distant all day. What's the matter?" I looked at him and signed "I got a lot on my mind. I'm thinking about having a family, but where and when will I have one? Even though I'm the famous hero of Conton City, that fame doesn't gain me the family that I've dreamed of having." Bardock looked disappointed "But I thought that I was your family, Y/N." I looked at him in shock "B-Bardock." Bardock placed a hand on my cheek "Y/N, we live together, train, share our feelings, and laugh together. With that, I see us as family and I want to stay with you forever. I'll give you everything you want or needed." I smiled "I'm glad. I'd never thought you would see me in that way." Bardock laughed "Are you kidding me!? You're a hell of a woman." I blushed as I laughed back. Bardock grinned at me "Now, come here and let me give you some family affection." I gently smiled as Bardock pulled me in for a tight embrace. I hold onto him close, rubbing my face onto his chest. "You are forever my family." He whispered. "And you are mine." I replied.

💓 END 💓

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