Zamasu X Reader~Treat You Better~Part2

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Zamasu Pov: Something in my head told me to check up on (Y/N), I must apologize for earlier. Black really gave her a hard time today and he's been lying eyes on her too, it worries me. When I was heading to her room I saw two shadows beaming from around the corner. Without hesitation I rushed into the main hallway and stopped in my tracks, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing! "Black, what are you doing to her?!" I shouted.

"What does it look like?" Black said as he kept the girl close to him. (Y/N) violently pushed away from him and ran to me with opened arms. I looked down and hold her gently. She was crying an endless river, I cupped her cheeks so she can look up at me but when I saw her face my eyes burned with anger. She had slap marks all over her face "(Y/N), why didn't you tell me that Black was abusing you like this!?"

3rd Person Pov: "Get over it loverboy," Black spat "She's just a stupid maid of ours, you're putting on a huge front." "You shut your filthy sick mouth!" Zamasu spat back building up his power. Black growled "Why do you care about her so much? You don't even deserve her, if you did you wouldn't force her to become a servant in the first place!!" (Y/N) gasped, "H-How dare you say that y-you hypocrite. Zamasu had been kind to me ever since I've been here and all you've ever done was abuse me!"

Black charged up a kai ball "Oooo look who's trying to speak up, I should've hit you in your mouth instead of your eye."

(Y/N) screamed as the powerful attack dashed her way. "Enough," the green man cried as he jump in front of (Y/N) slapping the kai ball away "I told you not to hurt her!!" He flew towards the saiyan kicking him straight into the brick wall which was now a giant hole. "Get up!" Zamasu hissed grabbing Black by the throat "S-Screw you," Black choked "You're n-nothing without m-me." The choking sounds became graphic to (Y/N)'s ears as Black was out of breath, she couldn't take the madness anymore. "Stop!" (Y/N) pleaded "Let him go!" Zamasu growled and toss the saiyan on the floor. Black got up holding his neck "T-That girl has brainwashed you, Zamasu! One day you'll realize that she's bad news because at the end of the day you are a monster, a monster that only knows evil!" Everything became silent as the black saiyan casually walked out the mansion and flew off into the rain.

The moment Black left (Y/N) took the opportunity to run. Before she got to the door Zamasu grabbed her arm "(Y/N) don't go, you don't have to suffer anymore. From now on I'll treat you better. I have the power in my hands to serve you, so please don't go." The girl snatched her arm away "Did you just hear what Black said? You can't pretend on what we have is going to work out!" "W-What are you saying?" Zamasu asked, (Y/N) pointed her finger at him "What I'm saying is Black told the truth about you being a monster, you're the reason why this world is messed up. You made me be your stupid maid to keep my family alive and just by doing that I almost got killed!"

(Y/N) Pov: Zamasu turned away from me as my body start to shake, is he going to hurt me for going off like this? I let out yelp as Zamasu's deep voice mumble "Go, I'm setting you free. And when you leave don't look back or think about me!" Without any judgment I left running. All I thought about was my family, they need to know that I'm still alive, they must know! Today is their lucky day because I'm coming home for good, alive and well!

Zamasu Pov: My heart broke into a million pieces as I watched her go, I was so stupid to think that I could make this girl happy after all the hell I put her through. She's the only being that I would ever love, even though I am a monster, a monster that only knows evil.

~The End~

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