Frieza X Chubby Reader~"Really Really"

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Requested By: @Sketch2006

[Frieza struggles to live a new life since he became good. Nobody really cared for him since he wasn't much of a threat anymore and folks still don't trust him. What is there to do when you're working on a new life and nobody seems to care for you?]

       "Ah, Frieza. It's unusual to see you here." Bulma said puzzled "What do you mean!? I always come here to train, it's not like I'm here to actually visit anyway." Frieza replied. Bulma scratched her head "Yeah, sorry. I'm still not used to you yet. Go ahead and train in the Gravity Chamber but you'll have to ask Vegeta first, I think he's in there right now." Frieza rolled his eyes "Come on, why do I have to ask him every time!? Didn't you build this?" Bulma smiled nervously "Yes but Vegeta still has trust issues with you, pretty much everybody does. Please don't get offended and just ask for permission, okay?" At this point, Frieza's feelings were hurt. It's been almost a year and people still won't trust him, not even one bit. "It's fine, don't be extra about it." Frieza said, pretending to be nonchalant. Frieza stood outside the Gravity Chamber and saw a figure at the door. He walked close and knocked.

       The figure that opened the door was not the person he was expecting but a young female saiyan. It was none other than Vegeta's little sister. She looked like the female version of him, with her jet black wild sexy hair, thick arched eyebrows and curvy chubby frame. Frieza never saw Y/N up close like this before but he was enjoying the sight of her. Her energy was so soft and gentle that it made Frieza want to spill all his problems to her. Because she looked that innocent and genuine.

       Y/N's face quickly lit up "Frieza! What a surprise for meeting you like this for the first time. I heard so much about you!" Frieza frowned "Yeah yeah, I'm that evil guy around here." "Oh no, I heard only good things!" Y/N explained "Goku told me himself about how much of a help you are." "Wow, thank you for thinking highly of me, umm-" Frieza suddenly froze in a state of silence. He was having a warm feeling. Something that makes him think that this girl is the answer to all his problems.

       Y/N fundles her fingers "I know we just met but can we train? It would be an honor to get a chance to train with the handsome emperor of the universe." Frieza laughed "Of course, I wouldn't turn you down after you called me the emperor of the universe. Nobody hasn't called me that in so long." "Eh, why is that?" Y/N reply. A depressed expression came across Frieza's face as his memories came back to haunt him. People who still made a mockery out of him and flat out disrespecting him. Even though he gave up so much to save earth.

       Frieza turned away "This is silly, why would I expect you to give in your time to help me? When all I've done was destroy people's lives." Y/N placed a hand on Frieza's shoulder "You don't have to continue to be depressed like this. I'm willing to hear everything you have to say." Frieza turned back to Y/N "Really?" "Really really." Y/N replied positively "You are an amazing person and you should realize that!" After hearing those words Frieza soon found closer again. They both agree to chat more back at Frieza's ship.

       "Oh no, I'm too heavy to be picked up!" Y/N said shly. Frieza laughed "Please, I'm the emperor of the universe. I can carry you with ease until I teach you how to fly." With no trouble, Frieza picked Y/N up in bridal style and flew away into the cloud filled blue sky. "See I told ya!" Frieza smirked looking down at the beautiful girl he admired. "Still though.." Y/N mumbled. Frieza chuckled "And you told me to realize my worth. Weight should be the least of your worries. Having a woman your size is the type of woman I would love to have." Y/N couldn't help but blush.


"Really really."

__Meanwhile With Vegeta__

       "Did this fool just fly off with my baby sister! How come you didn't tell me Bulma?" Vegeta yelled. "Relax Vegeta, they seem cute together. They have been talking for hours before they even left. I'm pretty sure things will be alright!" Bulma stated. Vegeta facepalm "And while I'm too busy worrying about him turning evil again, he sweeped up my baby sister right from underneath my nose!.."

💎 End 💎

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