Modern Vegeta X Reader~CollegeBoy Pt3

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You and Vegeta became very close since the day you sit by him in class. He was even part of the gang now and that made you very happy. Two months went by slow and today SuprimeKai University gave students a week off. "Finally a break!" Goku said stretching. It was just you, him, and ChiChi because Radits and Vegeta went to go buy food. You hum a beautiful tune as you laid back on the soft couch daydreaming about Vegeta. ChiChi grin "Thinking about Vegeta again, (Y/N)?" You smile with your eyes closed "Mmm maybe." You recently start to confess your crush on Vegeta since Radits threaten you that he'll tell Vegeta himself that you liked him, but you'll get him back one day.

"(Y/N)." ChiChi spoke approaching you. "Everybody is going out to party tonight but you..." You open your eyes "And?" ChiChi crossed her arms "I don't want a young lady like you to be all by yourself, something bad can happen to you." You sat up "What are you saying, sis?" "While we are gone you should stay at Goku's dorm with Vegeta since he's not going." ChiChi demand. The moment you heard that sentence you got excited and blushed deep "Oh..I don't mind heh." ChiChi gave you 'that look' "Don't get any ideas either, now that you know your going to be alone with him." Goku laughed "Honey don't worry, (Y/N) won't do anything." Goku was right, you was too scared to even do anything with Vegeta. You just want to be alone with him without the teasing from Goku and Radtiz.

Later around nine'o'clock Goku and ChiChi dropped you off at the dorm, Vegeta was standing outside waiting for you. Goku popped his head out the car "You two have funnnn!" ChiChi popped her head out too pushing Goku aside "And be extra careful (Y/N)!" You rolled your eyes as Goku finally drove off with ChiChi still running her mouth on you being safe. After an awkward silence Vegeta turn to you "Soooo..wanna watch a movie and eat food? I got tons in the fridge." You grin "Hell ya!"

Vegeta put on a line of movies for you guys to watch, there were all kinds from action and adventure to horror. Over time Vegeta scooted closer to you and you scooted closer to him ,watching that scary movie makes you want to hold on to him so you grabbed a pillow instead. "This movie is creepier than I thought" you said in shiver hugging the life out the pillow "I'm scareddd!" Vegeta got annoyed by your whimpering but never said anything. He wrapped his arms around you holding you close to his chest that you felt his hard muscles. Your eyes bucked "Why you holding me??" Vegeta looked down at you and chuckled "You are being a scardy cat that keep whimpering so I'm holding you so you can be quiet." You gasp and replied "I'm not all that scared, hump."

Soon you two was in different positions , somehow Vegeta end up laying on his back and you on his stomach relaxed as your body pressed closer to him. He moved a bit making you groan due to your sleepy mood. Vegeta shook your back "Don't go to sleep yet, wake up girly." You open your eyes looking at him fussing "God, I'm sleepy though." you said as you hugged Vegeta like a pillow but this time your eyes were closed and by mistake your lips slammed into his. You pulled away fast causing a pause. Without thinking, Vegeta  grabbed your shirt pulling you close and kissed you deeply. It was a good kiss too, too good!

After the kiss you breath in deep. "(Y/N), before you say anything," Vegeta spoke "I just want to confess to you that I really like you, since that day at the library." You looked at your crush with a smile "Heh, I feel the same." You had no words left to say but two. "Kiss me." Vegeta slowly kissed you and you guys made out and was so into the kiss that you didn't notice that Goku and the others came in. "See Goku, I told you!!!" ChiChi screamed shaking Goku's arm. You were in for it now, your big sister grabbed your ear and nagged. "No more alone time with him anymore, (YN)!" You cringed "Stop, ChiChi. I'm not a little girl anymore!" Goku and Radits puffed up their cheeks making kissing sounds.Vegeta just sighed due to everybody being over dramatic but that didn't bother you for once, you were glad that Vegeta was now yours.


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