Yamcha X Reader~Hero Enough 4 Me

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"Come on, Yamcha. We have to train some more for the cell games!" You nagged as you did some push ups and sit ups. Two days remain for the big day to go face to face with Perfect Cell and Yamcha has been walking on eggshells. You begin to worry since you both were stuck in the time chamber for a whole year. "Yamcha!" you called standing up to your feet, he mumbled "(YN)...I can't." "Can't what?" you ask as you walked up to him. He was sitting on the ground with his head low in silence. You try to criticize him "Yamcha, you can only get better by training, we came to this place for a reason."

Yamcha got up from the ground and screamed out "Don't you get it, "(Y/N)!? I am NO Saiyan or half Saiyan, I'm not even a Namekian." You sigh "Look, I'm no Saiyan either. Even though I'm human just like you I still try my best." "That's easy for you to say!" Yamcha reply "You are Hercule's niece, the niece of the world's greatest champion." You laughed loudly to that statement "Please, he's not all what you think. Fame is not everything, same goes for power. I love you and love is all what should matter, am I right!?" Yamcha blushed "Y-Yeah you're right and I love you too. I just want to be the hero you always dreamed of. I want to protect you and make sure you're safe. I'm sorry that I can't be the perfect hero like Goku.."

"Awww, Yamcha." You said hugging your boyfriend "Don't ever think that you're not good enough for me!" Yamcha hugged you back looking into your eyes "Really?" "YES really? You're hero enough for me!" you giggled placing a big kiss on Yamcha's cheek. He laughed lifting you up in the air "I feel so much better now! Thank you, babe. Now let's go finish our training!" You winked "Right and maybe you can teach me the 'Wolf Fang Fist'!" Yamcha blushed "S-Sure, haha."

After training you dropped to the ground in fatigue, your clothes were ripped and your skin was bruised in some areas. Yamcha was in the same shape, you'd never seen him worked so hard before. That made you so proud of him, you knew he had potential. You looked up at Yamcha as he stood over you "Hey babe, you alright?" he asked. You smiled "I'm feeling a little sore but a nice hot bath will do." "Oh yeah?" Yamcha grin picking you up bridal style "Then let's go take a nice hot bath together!" A deep blush appeared on your face in excitement "Yay, bath time!"

~The End~

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