Beerus X ChildReader~Friends<3

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     "C'mon Whis, we don't have all day!" Beerus yelled "There won't be any more pudding left if you keep playing around." Whis took his time as usual "Comingggg!" Beerus was eager to get to the pudding stand which had a long line of people. He rushed through the crowd till he got to the counter "GIVE ME PUDDING NOW!" Beerus demand pointing at the lady who was standing behind the counter. The lady smiled a weak smile, "Uhhh sorry, sir. A little girl/boy just bought the last three cups." "Where is she/he?" Beerus grumbled. The lady pointed West at the girl/boy who was about to enjoy the three cups of vanilla pudding. She/He looked the same age as Trunks and Goten with her/his (F/C) shirt with matching boots and cap. Beerus looked at her/him grinding his teeth "So selfish!!" Whis got in front of Beerus "My lord she's/he's just a child, she/he doesn't know any better so don-" Lord Beerus rudely cut off Whis as he stormed to the table where the little girl/boy is.

     Whis ran behind scared on what he might do to the child. With rage, The God of Destruction yelled at the poor girl/boy. "Who do you think you are, brat?! You bought all the freaking pudding!" Whis let out a gasp placing a hand on his chest "Oh dear." The girl/boy just stared at him but start to eat which made Beerus more enraged than he ever was. "That's it!!" He grabbed the cup of pudding but the child instantly gripped his hand tightly. Both Whis and Beerus sensed stunning power as they flinch. Whis spoke "My lord..this little girl/boy can't be a human." Beerus smirked "I see, well their power is nowhere near as powerful as ours though." The little girl/boy yelled, "Stop!" Beerus snapped back "You stop, haven't you heard of sharing girl/boy!?" The little being smirked "Yes but if you ask nicely I will share with you." "Ya ya ya, sure sure ,please please ,give me give meee" Beerus snatched the pudding from the pair of tiny hands but with speed the child snatched it back. "What the heck!!?" Beerus said "I said please!!!" he stumped his feet like a child himself. The girl/boy smiled "You have to sit here and play with me for the rest of the afternoon or you won't get your pudding." Beerus eyes twitched as Whis smiled "We'll be more than happy to!" The girl/boy gave the purple cat which she/he seem to love a big bear hug "Hehe, you are my new best friend!!" Beerus just let out a sigh and pat her/his head. He have to admit, the kid was adorable! "By the way," Beerus said as he took a seat snacking on his pudding "What's your name, where are your parents?"

     The girl/boy looked up "I'm (Y/N), and I don't have any parents..I'm an orphan. I just happened to run away from that bad foster home to get some food with the little money I had left." Beerus looked at (Y/N) in shock, the bad news made him stop eating. Whis hold the child's hand "Oh you poor, poor thing." (Y/N) went silent for a second but then changed the subject "What is your name?" In tension, Whis  try to sound happy. "Um I'm Whis and this is Lord Beerus!" (Y/N) grinned, she/he was such a bright rise of sunshine. "Sweet, I'm glad that I met you guys, Mr Beer-" "LORD BEERUS" the God corrected. "Oh, ya hehe, LORD BEERUS and Mr.Whis!"

     Time went by as the three laughed together, Beerus was actually enjoying himself but was holding back. The sun was going down and it was getting late. Whis got up from his chair "Oh my, it's late. Lord Beerus it's time to go." Beerus nod and was about to fly off till (Y/N) grabbed his hand "Please...don't go! I want to go with you. Can I go, pleaseeee." Beerus looked at her/him then looked away "I'm sorry...but no." "My Lord please," Whis said "The child has nowhere to go!" Beerus mumble as he looked at (Y/N), he seen her/his eyes glowing as tears roll down her/his beautiful, chubby face.

     Lord Beerus smiled a bit and closed his eyes "Fine, you can stay with us. Just don't be a hand full" "YAYYY, you're my best friend in the whole wide world!" said (Y/N) as she/he flew into his arms making Beerus spin, he looked at her/him holding the small body in his arms bridal style blushing. "Thank you Mr.Beerus and Mr.Whis," (Y/N) said "I promise I won't be any trouble." The child let out a big yawn "The three of us will be best friends..forevvv-" the voice lowered as (Y/N) fell asleep. Whis smiled "Awww isn't that adorable, she's/he's soooo cuteee!!!" "Ya..I guess she/he is." Beerus smirked and with that they both flew off into the sunset.

     Whis turned to look at Beerus "You know my lord, what you did today made me wonder about you." Beerus looked back "AW Whis don't go there." The wind was blowing as (Y/N) shirt flew up and revealed something that Whis spotted. "OMG BEERUS!" Whis screamed as they both stop. "Wha-what's wrong!" Beerus asked. Whis pointed "Look..a tail! SHE'S/HE'S A SAIYAN!!" Beerus eyes bucked "WOAH,SHE/HE IS A SAIYAN! No wonder she's/he's crazy strong." Whis smiled as Beerus hold (Y/N) close "We will take good care of her/him, Whis. Someday she'll/he'll become a great warrior that will make us proud!"


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