Saiyaman X VillainReader~Secrets~Pt2

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A/N: I know I'm superrrr late on this one lol. Sorry about that loves! I hope you guys enjoy! <33 ( Half edited... Sorry sorry.. )

[ Gohan started at you "Y/N... I have a question. Where were you last night?"...]

You were too shocked to say anything. "Y/N, is there something going on that I must know about?" Gohan asked, grabbing your hand. "Why are you asking me this!? Don't you think since you're my best friend you should know by now what my situation is!?" You replied, moving your hand away. Gohan went silent. You thought Gohan would ask you about your situation. He's highly aware that your dad is struggling to take care of you and your siblings while working at a dead-end job. "I-I gotta go..." You said, getting up from your seat. "Y/N, please wait!" Gohan begged but you didn't listen. You ran out the cafe, trying your best to hold back your tears but you couldn't.

You ran into the bathroom and glared at yourself in the mirror. "Why is my life so hard? Why can't he understand?..." You then went into the stall to reach into your backpack for your jumpsuit. You placed it up and frown at it "This is the only thing that keeps me strong. Nobody must know..." You then checked the time on your smartphone and saw that you had a full hour before your next class. You grin "Well, at least time is on my side. Now I have to sneak out of here so I can go by the nearest bank to get some quick cash!" You slipped into your jumpsuit and hopped out the window.


"Hey, where is Y/N?" Videl asked. I lay my head down low "It's my fault... I knew this from the beginning.. I should of did something!" "Knew what!? What's going on with Y/N!??" Videl asked. I raised my head up to look at Videl "I believe that Y/N is that villian that we couldn't catch last night! I sorta had a feeling that it was her due to her home issues with money. I should of did better as a friend and simply got her dad a job at Caplse Corp. And now Y/N is going around stealing money or whatever she needs to help her family.... It's all my fault!" I began to tear up as Videl patted my back. "I feel just as bad as you are, Gohan. I knew about her situation too and didn't even bother to offer any support.. But we have to find her and make this right or else she'll end up being caught just to spend the rest of her life in jail!" I then balled up my first "Right! We have to save our friend!"


"Alright everyone, get down or I'll shoot!" I yelled out as people quickly dropped down to the floor. I then nugged the gun in the bank manager's back, forcing him to get me the money. He wimpered as he unlocked the money vault. "The police has been called already you know!" He yelled. "Shut up old man, I'm unstoppable!" I yelled back, slapping the man across the face with my pistol. The manager fell onto the floor by a man who held his wallet close to him. I've noticed the tons of money in it and I decided that I want that too. I bend down to the man's level, playfully waving the gun in his face. "Hey you, rich guy! Give me that wallet!" The man quickly slid the wallet into his pocket "Never! I need that money for my family. I'm a single father of four you know!? Don't you have a heart!?" I froze for a moment as I noticed that this man was actually my damn father. He had barrowed all that money from the bank!

Before I could react, a familiar voice called out my name. "Where do you think you're going!" A voice called out. I turn around only to see Great Saiyaman one and Great Saiyaman two, the last two people I wanted to see. I was overwhelmed. Mentality exhausted. Emotionally broken. "I am NOT playing games anymore!" I growled. "Me either." Saiyaman spoked softly to me. "I'm here to help." He said as he began walking towards me. I backed up a bit as I held up the gun. "Stop or I'll shoot." I said nervously. I was shaken up to even pull the trigger so I stood there shaking. "We know it's you. And we just wanted to say sorry for not being there for you.." Saiyaman two started, walking towards me as well. I slowly lowered my guy as I gasped. "...How can this be!? You two are great Saiyaman one and great Saiyaman two?.." Gohan pulled me in for a tight hug and Videl joined in on the hug too. I dropped my gun and burst out into tears. "P-Please don't take me to jail..."

Gohan smiled "You won't go to jail, Y/N but you'll have to still pay the price." You looked at him a bit worried "Pay the price?" "Community service!" Gohan yelled, acting out his character, "You shall pay for all your crimes, giving back to the community you foel villian!" Everyone in the bank cheered for Saiyaman. You caught on what he was doing as you joined in to play your role. "Noooo, community service!??" you screamed, getting in your knees. "I'm doomed forever!" You gave Gohan a soft smile and Gohan smiled back.

~Weeks Later~

You smiled at your dad "I'll see you later papa!" You dad raised an eyebrow "Honey, you still never told me your job. I want to know!" You smiled "Let's just say, Gohan gave me a wonderful job!" Your dad smiled "Oh! So you work with son Gohan I see. Well, I trust him so I won't ask you anymore about it." You smiled and ran up to kiss your loving father on the cheek "I'll see you later!" With that you took off into the sky. You were now living your life as a hero.

~Bonus Ending~

After a long day of saving the world, you found yourself alone with Gohan after dropping Videl off. You two walked slowly in silence as Gohan asked you a shocking question. "Y/N.. Do you like great saoyaman or me?" You laughed "What kind of question is that!?" Gohan smirked "You know what I mean! Before you knew I was him." You playfully rolled your eyes "Well... I did like 'Great Saiyanman' but he didn't mean as much to me as you did, Gohan. Because you are such a great person and you're that type of guy I would fall for.." Gohan stopped in his tracks as he stood still with a blush on his face "...."


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