Future Trunks X Reader~The Truth

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     You ran to your room in a panic thinking about what was going to happen to the new planet Vegeta, you couldn't take it anymore. "Damn it" you swear grinding your teeth. "I have to do something, father doesn't has enough sense to stop this madness before Broly loses it!" Things were about to get ugly for Goku and you hate the fact that Paragus, your father, made this huge stupid plain to kill Vegeta over something his father did a long time ago. Broly understands,of course you don't understand you wasn't born at that time and only 17 years old.

     The door flew open revealing the tall lavender haired boy. He rushed in and grabbed your arms shaking you. "(Y/N)! Why did you run away from me back there?" You only looked away harshly "Trunks I can't!.." Trunks turned your face to look at his. "Don't you trust me, (Y/N)? You know we have something between us and I need you to calm down and tell me what is going on here. Please tell the truth..for me.." A tear dropped from your face "Trunks, it's my father.." Trunks listened to the whole story carefully as you rushed with words trying to keep your tears back. "This is why you all are in danger, over King Vegeta's doing and Goku's innocents as an infant." You closed your eyes "I don't want to live this evil life anymore." Sobbing noises came out "as the saiyan as I am I want to leave with you." Trunks smiled sliding his hands down to your palms "hope is on our side, (Y/N). Now let's hurry!"

[Meanwhile With The Others]

     Paragus was doing a good job on making 'The Prince of all Saiyans' believe his evil lies. Vegeta smirked in satisfaction but as soon as he was about to say anything he sensed energy flying fast. Trunks grabbed your hand tight landing on the ground in front of Goku and Broly. Trunks shouted "father, it's all a lie, (Y/N) told me everything!" Vegeta rolled his eyes "what are you talking about boy!?" You explained to everyone about the evil plains as much as you can ,the others gasp and left an angry face on Pariagus. "You little brat," your father yelled at you "how dare you betrayed your own family!" you yelled back."What's wrong is wrong, father, you and Broly won't force me to be somebody that I'm not anymore! I want to choose my own path!." "That's right," Trunks added "when all this is over we are going back to earth to get married."

     After the harsh battle and the demise of your blood kin, you and Trunks came back to earth with the others in once piece. Earth was amazing to the soul when you look out from the ship's window. As the ship landed you ran out to the earth's surface admiring everything around in sight. You stood still in the moment as Trunks came behind you putting a hand on your shoulder. You grin "I'm glad that I told the truth, Trunks. Now I have a new future life here." "And have a new future husband," Trunks added smiling.

~The End~

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