Saiyaman X VillainReader~Secrets~Pt1

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[ Note:

You, Gohan, and Videl are all best freinds in highschool. You have no idea about Gohan & Videl being Saiyaman 1 & Saiyaman 2. But they also don't know that you are a villain that steals money, fine jewelry, & other valuable things.

The reason why you do the things you do is because you are very poor. You live in a household with your single dad and three younger siblings so you had to do a lot of crazy things to help your dad pay the bills as well as having food to eat and clothes to wear. ]



The alarm of a jewelry shop went off as you busted through a glass container to get your hands on a big shiny diamond ring that you wanted. You quickly shoved it into your pocket and dashed out the back door. You were wearing an all black jumpsuit with boots and a mask to cover your face. As you were running down the street, Saiyaman hopped in front of you causing you to stop in your tracks. "Stop right there you thief!" He shouted. You stepped back a few times and ran the other way but Saiyaman 2 blocked the other way as well. You turned back to Saiyaman with a giggle "Ohh, so you wanna play games with me huh don't you Saiyaman?" You said seductively. Saiyaman blushed a bit but quickly brushed it off "Saiyaman has no time to play games with evil! Not in the name of justice!" "That's right!" Saiyaman 2 added. You let out an evil laugh "I have a better idea, how about you ditch your little girlfriend here and have some fun with me eh?" Saiyaman 2 growled "I'll make you regret saying that! You'll pay, right Saiyaman!?" Saiyman laughed "That's right and we will make sure you pay!"

You roll your eyes "I guess I'll take my leave now since you don't want to play with me today." You then took out a smoke bomb and set it off to help you excape from the heroes. Saiyaman 1 and 2 were both coughing their guts out. "Damn it Gohan, you let her get away!!" Videl yelled in between chokes. "I didn't see that coming, Videl. She threw me off!" Gohan replied. Videl placed her hands on her hips "Oh, so you do like her don't you!?" "NO. It's not that!" Gohan pleaded "It's just her voice, it's too familiar. It reminds me of someone I know." Videl let out a sigh "Gohan please, you just need to focus more that's all. Maybe you need to put in some more time training and hopefully we could catch this witch before she steals something else again!" Gohan nods a bit "Yeah, I guess..."

Time went by as you quickly changed your clothes and took off to the pawn shop at the end of town. You quickly traded in the diamond ring for some cash. Moments after, you ran home and try to sneak into the house but was greeted by your siblings. They covered you with plenty of hugs and kisses "Big sis is home! Big sis is home!" Your siblings cried out for joy. They were the age of 4, 5, and 6. You smiled down gently at them as your dad walked into the room looking quite upset. "Y/N! Where have you've been!? It's 11:45pm, this makes the hundred time you snuck out of the house!" You hung your head low walking up to him with your hands behind your back "I'm sorry papa but you needed rent money so I got you this.." You took your hands from around your back and placed the load of money into his hands. Your father couldn't help but tear up. "Y-Y/N... Where did you get this?..." He asked. You looked up at him "Don't worry about it, nobody was hurt or anything like that so it shouldn't matter. The rent needed to be paid and we were getting low on food too so I did a little job to get it. That's all." Your father smiled "Okay, as along as you're safe. But never sneak out the house again you hear me? When you go do your little jobs again, let me know before you go. Only in the day time too, no more night jobs!" You bit your lip, you were now in a pickle since your dad won't allow you to go out at night. How will you pull this off now?


You ate your lunch at the lunch table at school thinking about how you're going to pull off your next robbery in broad daylight. You pick at your food "I must do it right after school!" You said. "What's on your mind, Y/N?" Gohan asked, sitting across from you. You jumped in reaction "O-Oh! Nothing. I was just... I was just thinking about Saiyaman. Yeah!" "Oh? What about him?" Gohan asked with a slight grin. You smiled thinking about all the times you came across the hero "He's just so cute and charming, when I see him I get butterflies in my stomach." Gohan who started sipping his water, got chocked up. "What!? You have a crush on me- um I mean, Saiyaman?" You blushed a little "I think I do but enough about my crushes, what's up with you and Videl?" Gohan rubbed his chin "Well, it's obvious that we like each other but things aren't going anywhere you know?" "Awe, sorry to hear that. Maybe things aren't going anywhere is because you two were meant to be just good friends." You said with a cheerful smile, "Videl might be grouchy but she's a wonderful friend." Gohan went silent for a bit and thought about the villain that got away last night. He noticed how you two sound the same with the same eyes. Gohan started at you "Y/N... I have a question. Where were you last night?"

To Be Continued...

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