Goku Black X Reader~The Ring

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Requested by: McKenzieWolfe

Note: Reader is slightly dumb.

[ Black and Y/N had an odd relationship. Y/N was the only human being that Black never harmed or killed, he just kept her around. The reason was unknown, no ifs, ands, or buts, Black stayed by Y/N side. As for Y/N, she would be her innocent self, getting on Black's nerves about everything. ]

      "Oi, Black! Why do you always have that ring on your finger?" Y/N questioned playing with a large set of fingers. "For the hundred time, Y/N, this ring is very important for my power. Do I have to explain myself to you everyday!?" Black grunted. Y/N cross her arms and smiled "Yep!" Black rolled his eyes but grinned "Well, this ring is pretty charming." "It's lovely, I want to keep it!" Y/N reply slowly sliding it off Black's hand.

      "WHAT!?" Black shouted "You can't wear it, it's too much power for you to handle and besides...yo-you'll get hurt." "Oh...Okay." Y/N reply lowering her head down. Black felt guilty. He didn't want to make her sad, that was the last thing he wanted to do. All he ever wanted was to make her happy. Black thought to himself and came up with a great solution. Get her a ring that she WILL love!

~The Next Morning~

      Y/N, who was still sleeping, felt a large hand stroke her cheek. She knew exactly who it was, Goku Black. "Mmmm, good morning Black." She hummed peacefully placing a hand on his face. Black blushed but slowly removed the small hand away "J-Just get up already. Besides, I got something to show you." Y/N's eyes lit up as she hopped out of bed "Really? You've got something for me!?" Black nodded as he led Y/N in a beautiful garden in the backyard. "Why are we here?" Y/N asked "Bear with me." Black answered. Y/N gasped "A-A bear, where!?" Black groan "Damn it woman just calm down and listen to me!" Y/N calmed down and listened to Black.

      Black exhale "Well, here I go." Y/N's heart pounded as she saw the Saiyan get down on one knee and took out a small box that reviled a beautiful ring. The ring looked just like Black's but it had stunning white diamonds around it. Black voiced cracked "Y/N, I-I I'd never showed you much emotion or gave you any sign about my true feelings towards you. Love is all I have for you so w-will you marry me?" Tears start to run down Y/N's face as she wrapped her arms around Black "Oh Black, YES YES YES I'll marry you!"

      Black blushed a deep red as he hugged her back tightly. Soon Black pulled away and locked his hand with Y/N's showing her that they have matching rings. Y/N giggled "Can we trade?" Black looked at his lady "What! After all this you still want MY ring?" "I'm kidding!" Y/N reply. Black smiled "Silly woman, just kiss me already!" The soon to be married couple shared a passionate kiss and lived happily after.


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