Piccolo X Pregnant Reader~Perfect Mom

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"Are you sure you want 'them' to come over? You're expecting soon." "Don't worry so much honey, what could go wrong?"
     Piccolo had a bad feeling about letting Bulma, ChiChi and Videl come over to see you. Every time those three get together something goes wrong but you loved them. Videl herself is your older sister, ChiChi taught you how to be a wife and Bulma threw you the biggest baby shower ever last week so you felt like you owe them a favor.
     Piccolo helped you to the living room and sat you on the couch. He lean down to you stomach and gave the unborn child a smooch. "I love you so much baby (boy/girl)" he said softly rubbing your stomach. You smiled looking down at your husband. So emotional about how cute Piccolo was acting till the doorbell rang. "Ohh, there here!" You spat with joy. Piccolo frown as he made his way to the door and opened it. "Y/NNNN! It's been awhile since I'd seen you!" Bulma cheered. She made her way to you bumping Piccolo out the way. "It's only been a week, Bulma!" You laughed. Piccolo eyes rolled as the rest of the crew came in to greet you. He saw that everybody had you in a group hug and freaked. "Hey, don't hug her so tight. You'll hurt the baby!"
     All three women turn to cut their eyes at the green man. "Please, don't be so dramatic." ChiChi reply. You smiled nervously "It's okay, ChiChi. He's just on edge due to him becoming a first time father. It's natural." "You're right sis, Gohan was like that too." Videl added. "But Vegeta was totally fine through my pregnancies, it's a bad thing for the father to stress. It cause the baby to be stressed too. It's not healthy!" Bulma fussed. "God, can you NOT do this right now!?" Piccolo yelled. ChiChi grunted "Humph, I am the best wife and mother. Which means I know what's best for Y/N, Piccolo, and the baby." Bulma laughed "Well, at least Vegeta was there for both of my kids unlike Goku. He wasn't even there when Goten was born!" You gasped, you knew for sure there will be conflict now. "You take that back you filthy rich girl!" ChiChi snapped getting in Bulma's face.
     Things got heated between Bulma, ChiChi, and Videl. They argued about who can do what better for your life. You sigh looking over to Piccolo. He looked back in frustration. As much as you hate to admit it, he told you so. Seeing your loved ones argue, being petty, and try to take over made you sad and angry at the same time. You know they meant well but enough is enough. You wanted to say something but can't. All you could do was cry. You broke down in tears as the room went silent.
     Piccolo got pissed. Him seeing the love of his life like this triggered something in him that he could rage to a higher power level. "Look what you people done! So selfish and caught up in yourselves that you've made my beloved pregnant wife cry! As family, you all should be ashamed. Now get the hell out of my house!! And don't come back untill you all learn how to be mature adults." Without any backtalk, everyone left feeling sad. Piccolo hold you close to him and kissed your forehead. "It's alright ,Y/N. Don't cry anymore. I know they can be so crazy sometimes but they got the memo."
     You looked up at your Numekian "S-Sorry that I didn't listen to you. I just thought they'll be on their best behavior. Plus I kinda wanted them here to give me advice because I feel like I'm not capable of being the perfect mom for our baby (boy/girl)." Piccolo nod "No, no, no, don't even think like that! You are the perfect mom. Matter of fact, you are the most perfect women in the universe. That's why I love you. Believe me, you don't need 'them' for help." You smiled, holding on to Piccolo tighter to the embrace. You both stayed in that position for a long time then something unexpected happened.

"What is it!??"
"My water just broke!"

~The End~

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