Modern Vegeta X Reader~CollegeBoy Pt1

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[[ Note: Hey Loves! This Is An Old Story That I Want To Add To This Collection! Why? Well, It Belongs Here Obviously Lol, Enjoy. <3 ]]

Finally, you and your buddies were freshman's living the college life at SupremeKai University. Your sister,ChiChi, was your roommate and your best friend, Goku, was the roommate to a random guy. Lucky for your other friend, Raditz, has a room to himself. You and ChiChi came here to become well educated women. Goku and Raditz, just here for the parties. 

The first day went smooth, your teachers were nice but at the same time serious and mean when it came down to hard work. You handle them pretty well though. By the end of the day the gang settled into their dorms. It was only Monday but still you were up late with ChiChi gossiping. Suddenly Goku came through the window "Hey guys! Man college is tough already." Your sister yelled. "Why did you come through the window, idiot?" Goku laughed, "Heh sorry, ChiChi." ChiChi soon grin and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "Anyway, how's the roommate?" she asked. Goku took a seat on the couch between you and ChiChi "Um this guy is quite a grouch, when I try to cheer him up he start yelling at me and became bossy about where my stuff should and shouldn't be." "Oh, my" you said. ChiChi think to herself "Hmm, isn't that the guy that sit in the back of the class with his arm crossed?" "Ya, him," Goku said "His name is Vegeta." You looked at Goku "Damn, I feel bad for you, he'll adjust to you sooner or later." Goku nod "Ya, I hope so.." Goku's phone rang, It was his big brother. Goku got up in a hurry "Bye (Y/N!), bye ChiChi!" "Where are you going?" You asked. Goku opened the door "To a wild party that I can't miss, Raditz won't wait!" Seconds later Goku was gone and ChiChi growled with anger. You laughed at your big sister, Goku is a mess.

Friday came and you just had finished your last class. You head on to the library to do some research wearing your (Favorite Outfit). As soon as you came to the door peeping through you yelp. "Omg there's Vegeta..studying???" He had on a navy blue hoodie with two white lace strings, ripped baby blue jeans, white shoes, and with glasses. "Glasses!?" You said out loud that Vegeta looked up, you quickly move away from the door with your back against the wall blushing. Vegeta never wear glasses in class. You thought, but he looked kinda cute with them big glasses on. Later you sucked it up and walked in like a boss and actually sat in front of him. Vegeta looked at you confused as he raised one eyebrow, pushing his glasses to his face. "Um this is my table, now get lost." You had a temper like your older sister, ChiChi (Oh No!). You frown "Well excuuuse me your highnesss!" The librarian told you to be quiet but in response you mumble to Vegeta the same words. Vegeta grind his teeth and was mumbling words too. You guys was going back and forth till Raditz came in walking up to you with his long flowing hair and usual outfit. A black muscle shirt to show off his guns, and grey sweatpants. "(Y/N), there you are. Everybody's at the mall, It's not the same without you." You turned to Raditz "Oh, heyyy and hold on please. I'm about to tell this guy here off!" You looked at Vegeta grinding your teeth as he turned his head. Raditz chuckle and gently grab your arm "There's no time, you guys can flirt later." "Flirt!??" you said as Raditz drug you away from Vegeta. All Vegeta did was looked away. You were slightly embarrassed, thinking on what went through his head about Raditz saying about you guys flirting.

To Be Continued...

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