Whis Pov.{Whis X Reader-"MyStaff!"}

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~Whis Pov.

Today was a calm day now that Lord Beerus was asleep, I kept thinking about this certain human being,(Y/N). She's such a beautiful girl I come to love when I arrived to earth. I always seen her training with Krillin, her master. A matter of fact, she took lessons from me on the side but I hardly have time to train her due to Vegeta. (Y/N) is a great fighter, she can go a few rounds with a Super Saiyan with no problem at all! That's why I fell for her, her pride for training and don't mind having a relaxing day off like I do. I soon head out to the park deep in my thoughts and grab some ice cream, god I love earth food!

While I was enjoying my treat (Y/N) came and sit by me and leaned on me. Blood rushed through me as her skin touched mine. "Oh hi (Y/n)!" I said "Want some ice cream love?" She turn down my offer and told me that I was cute, I can't believe that this beautiful being was attracted to me. She was all over me that I have to put my staff down. Then (Y/N) confront me about my crush on her. "Did you know, that I'm interested in you too?, you handsome devil!" she said in a giggly voice. I can't help but smile and told her "I really do like you (Y/N) , your so beautiful." My ice cream fell to the ground and more touching took place. I told her that she was my cute goddess, her soft hands was on my cheek. Holding her close to me, I wanted to take her home with me and lock lips with her. But as soon as I start to invite the beautiful goddess over she left from my arms and flew off with Krillin. I figured that she had to go train but I looked behind me and notice my staff was gone. "My staff! Where is my Staff!?"

Somebody must have stolen it when I was cuddling with (Y/N). Lord Beerus soon land by me and said he heard my cry, I told him that my staff was stolen. As soon as I said that Beerus flew into action into the air and so did I but we split up. After five minutes I seen Lord Beerus going off on my (Y/N) and Krillin, I hurried and rushed down as I got in between (Y/N) and Beerus. (Y/N) can be feisty, even with Lord Beerus which makes me more attracted to her. I asked what was going on then Beerus said that my goddess and her master stole my staff. How could he said that about her! I asked her was it true but she looked at me and nod as she spoke.

"Whis, your staff was stolen, and Krillin and I had stopped the person who took it. We were about to find you and give it back but Beerus just came out of nowhere. We're sorry." I smiled at her. Then she said something that put everybody into shock, even me. "Besides, Whis is my boyfriend,I have a right to carry around my boyfriend's stuff!" She said in confidence. Oh my, I couldn't help myself. I had to steal a kiss from her infront of everybody. Her lips was so soft, softer than I thought. She kiss back and deepens it. This was the best day of my life. I finally have her now, a girl to stand by my side, a girl to be my goddess and someday..my wife.

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