Modern Vegeta X Reader~CollegeBoy Pt2

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"Ugh, where did the weekend gooo!?" You complain to your friends during your 4th period class in the middle of the day. Things were slow and boring for you. Goku pouted as well "I'm so bored, that I would rather do work! The teacher is not even here.." "She's seem to be late." ChiChi sigh. "Might as well chill out for now." Raditz nod "Yep, so we can avoid doing this stupid test! Who gives out tests on Mondays?" You laughed "Should have studied knucklehead, trying to run after some girl." Raditz jumped up from his desk and pointed a finger at you "I know you ain't talking missy!" You looked at Raditz and gave him a cocky look. "Oh please, Raditz. What are you talking about?"

Raditz grin "Heh you know, the GUY from the LIBRARYYY." You bucked your eyes "C-curse you!" ChiChi looked confused as well as Goku "I'm lost." Raditz leaned back in his seat "Well your little sister was in the library flirting with Goku's roommate, Vegetaaa." You yelled "I was not! Not with...Ve..Vegeta." Goku lean in close to your ear "Ooooo (Y/N), how did you manage to talk to him!?" You shrug "Don't know but I did sit in front of him." You knew that you were developing feelings for that college boy and the gang was figuring it out.

Goku went on "I bet you did your thing and got him to fall for you!" You start to get nervous "W-well I-I.." "Please (Y/N), why sit by him in the first place? Trying to get that numberrr, huh?" Raditz teased cutting you off. ChiChi cut in "Stop teasing, Raditz. If (Y/N) likes Vegeta, let her be. My little princess sister is after her prince." You blushed dark red and was about to deny your crush but then the door opened. It was Vegeta himself and the gang turned to him and stared.

Vegeta stared back as he walk by, Goku spoke with that classic sweet smile. "Oh, hey Vegeta!" Vegeta stop by the circle of friends "Hey, Kakarot..Hi (Y/N)." Your heart skipped a beat. "Uhh..uhh hi..Vegeta." you smiled sweetly at your crush as he went to the back of the classroom. The gang giggled at you and was pleased that Vegeta said hi to you. You wanted to run out of the room so bad but you just sighed. ChiChi smiled "I think he likes you, (Y/N). You should sit by him." You looked at your big sister "WHAT! Are you out of it?" Raditz laughed "Come on princess, your prince awaits." You got up and pulled Raditz's hair as he yelp. "For that I should push you where Vegeta is!" he said growling. You looked at Raditz "I dare you!" "TOO LATE!!" Goku said as he push you slightly making you fly all the way to the back of the classroom. You grabbed onto the desk by Vegeta to keep you from hitting the wall. You brushed yourself off and smoothly sat in the desk.

Vegeta looked at you confused. "What makes you want to sit by me, girly?" You raised an eyebrow "Just to be nice." Vegeta grunt "Meh don't need your kindness." "Tough guy, huh? And too tough for glasses?" you blurted out. Vegeta went cold as a blush appear on his face, nobody knows that he wear glasses period. "N-NO! Just don't need em in class is all!!" You giggled at the cute college boy as he let out a slight chuckle. The two of you looked at each other with warmth, developing a good friendship. You bet the others was fanboying/fangirling over this moment.

To Be Continued...

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