Jealous Jiren X Reader~"Why Thank Him?"

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          Requested By: @yamixpatriciaxyugi

     Time went by slow as three fighters remain in The Tournament of Power. Universe 11, (Y/N) and Jiren. Universe 7, Son Goku. Lucky for (Y/N) that Jiren was handling Goku all by himself because she was in bad shape, every energy drained from her as blood ran down her face and body. "T-This is bad" the fragile being mumbled "I'm..I'm going to die".

     Sadly Jiren was too busy protecting his universe to see his own wife at the edge of her limit ,otherwise, Goku notice. The fight between the two great warriors turned into a pause as Goku face all his attention towards the young woman. "Are you okay?" the Saiyan asked with concern. (Y/N) silently collapsed right into his arms just in time. All eyes was on the pair which made Jiren mad. "Hey you, what are you doing to her?!" Jiren growled snatching his wife out of the other man's touch. Goku frown "she's hurt you know, you need to take care of your wife". Everybody gasped at Goku's words, he just don't know who he's dealing with. Jiren made no expression, he took (Y/N) into the care of Toppo then glanced at Goku.Within a flash Jiren teleported in front of Goku and jabbed him in the gut with his mighty fist.

     Time skip as the fight went on. (Y/N) was healed and well, even though she was out of the tournament she got into the battlefield to thank a certain someone for his kindness. Again the battle stopped when the lady walked up to Goku placing a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for your kindness, Son Goku" she said with a smile. Goku giggled "my pleasure". "That's it!" Jiren yelled at his wife "we are fighting for our existence, why thank him!?" (Y/N) laughed "Jiren, I didn't know you were the jealous type". Jiren blushed deeply "ugh, it's not that, it's just-" (Y/N) cut her husband off with a kiss on the forehead "I know, do your best to protect our world". Jiren had no choice but to smile, he turn slowly to Goku so they can finish the last fight of The Tournament of Power.

~The End~

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