Broly(New) X Reader~A Trip 2 Broly's Planet

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{ Picture edit by me :) }

       Y/N's Pov: I'm super excited that Goku is taking me to Broly's planet. For me being a professional chemist at Capsule Corp, I can figure out the mysteries of Broly's home while visiting. Even help out Cheelai and Lemo become more aware of their surroundings. As I pack my belongings for the trip, Goku told me how him and Vegeta had to fuse together to fight Broly. The story was amazing to listen to but I began to worry. What if Broly snaps again? What if I'm making a mistake for going to his planet? Goku placed a hand on my shoulder "Ready, Y/N?" I turned to my friend "Um..s-sure!" Goku nod and placed two fingers on his forehead. Within seconds we teleported from Earth to Broly's planet. Honestly the planet looked quite decent, flowers were blooming and grass was growing. There is still hope to make this planet a home. Goku grabbed my bags as we walked up to a large house that looked like the Capsule Corp headquarters. "Wow, so they all live here?" I asked "Yep!" Goku smiled putting my bags down "There's a ton of space, even for you and your studies so you don't have to live by yourself." I sigh "You think so? I don't want to get in the way. Living with Broly makes me nervous....Goku.....Goku! Are you listening?" I turn around to see if Goku was paying attention but that fool was gone! I kicked my luggage swearing to kami that I'll get that big oaf back for leaving so quickly.

~Three Days Later~

      Broly's Pov: Water dripped from my hair to my bare bronze-skin as I wrapped a dry towel around my torso. I walked from the bathroom to the darken hallway and notice that the light was on in the science lab. I made my way to the door and peaked in. It was Y/N. My body leaned on the wall as my eyes carefully watch her do paperwork. I placed my hand on my chest, my heart is beating so fast. What is this warm, fuzzy feeling she's giving me? When I met her that feeling struck me like lighting but sadly...she doesn't feel the same. It was clear that she saw me as a monster, her eyes was full of fear. It makes me feel bad about her being scared of me. Hopefully, this beautiful woman warms up to me soon..but for now I have to keep my distance from her. Quietly, I tiptoed by the room trying not to slip on the tile floor. Then suddenly my feet went up in the air as I fell backwards. Damn it, why do I have to be so big and clumsy!? "Broly!...Are you o-okay?" Y/N spoke softly placing a hand on my shoulder. "No.." I said looking at her. Y/N stepped back in response, I got up from the floor and hovered over her, desperately seeking her full attention. "Y/N, please don't freak out. Just listen to me...I have these weird feelings towards you. Something that draws me to you, I don't know about emotions much but please explain to me why I'm feeling this way!" Y/N gasped as she paused "Wow, ummm this is a lot to take in..." "What?" I asked her. Y/N chucked "Well, basicity you have fallen in love with me." I blinked for a moment "Love? Oh yeah! Goku told me love is something you feel towards someone you're married too and have children with. Umm does that mean I have to marry you and have children with you?"

       Y/N's Pov: Oh kami, this man really have fallen for me. It's so cute the way Broly is struggleing with his emotions. Now that I realised that he truly have a heart. It makes me feel warm and happy. I laughed "Goku is right but maybe one day we can get married and have children but that takes time. Broly smirked "Well I have time to-...Wait so you do have these feelings for me too!?" "Well y-yeah, that's one of the reasons why I came to visit was to" I confessed. Broly blushed "I'm so happy you'd said that , Y/N. Because I wanted you to stay and have a life with me here." I smiled big "Then I'll stay with you here, forever!" Broly nodded in agreement as he picked me up and carry me to his room. This trip had turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me!

~The End~

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