Android 17 X Goofy Reader~Quarantine

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[   Narrator: Three years have passed since the Cell Games and the world was now at peace. Well, not really because of Covid19. Which means everybody must stay at home away from each other! But a certain someone couldn't handle being alone in an empty house so they set off into the sky to seek their significant other.   ]

Android 17's Pov:

      I sat in the living room of my single bedroom apartment reading a good book. The peace and quiet was so relaxing, being able to relax like this isn't so bad after all.

      Before I turned another page from the book, I heard a knock on the door. "Oh great, I knew this wasn't going to last long.." I signed. I went to the door and opened it. "Y-Y/N!" "Hey baby!" She said cheerfully. She had on her F/C t-shirt with white shorts and a face mask to match her outfit. I facepalm, "Y/N, you're supposed to be staying at home you idiot." "But I wanted to see you!" She pouted "I haven't seen you in two weeks and I'm going crazy!" I stared at her raising an eyebrow, "Oh really? Well sorry to break it down to you honey, but you'll have to go back home. I'll call you tonight."

      Y/N dropped down to her knees and began to beg "Nooooo, baby please let me in. Let me stay for awhile. Being at home alone will make me lose my mind. I'm an extrovert for crying out loud!" I laughed at her "Don't be such a goofball, you know that we have to practice social distancing. Besides, why do you need to be here with me so badly anyways?" Y/N smirked "I need your love, attention, cuddles, kisses, the amazing food that you cook, anddddd.. sex!" I blushed madly then looked away "You're such a needy perv!" "Only for you, you are my boyfriend after all." Y/N replied, winking at me. I crossed my arms in defeat "F-Fine, you can stay with me..BUT you'll have to keep your distance, okay!?" Y/N hopped up from the ground and jumped into me with a loving embrace "Ohh, thank you baby, I owe you one!" "Hey! I said keep your distance!" I yelled, making her release me. "Oh, sorry, sorry." She apologized with a giggle.

      I rolled my eyes and went back to sit on the couch to finish my book. Y/N sat on the couch as well, sitting on the opposite side of me. I looked at her to make sure that she was calm and quiet. She seemed to be entertained by her phone so I happily looked back into my book. It was getting juicy. Just as soon as I was about to read the plot twist, I heard a 'humph!' sound. I paused for a second, then ignored it. I kept reading. Then there was another 'humph!' sound. I shot my attention to Y/N, who had her arms folded with an unsatisfied look. "For heaven's sake, woman! What is it?" I asked, slamming the book down onto my lap. "I'm bored, 17!" She said. "Then read a book!" I answered, giving her the book. She eyed the book then me, "Are you serious? I want to cuddle with you!"

      I simply gave up, "Alright! Alright! If it makes you quiet, you can cuddle with me as I read my book then." Y/N's frown turned into a smile as she scooted close to me. I offered to read to her as she made herself comfortable under my arm. She nuzzled her head onto my chest, wrapping her arms around me. 

[   Narrator: When 17 finished reading his book, he looked out the window and saw that it was night out. He looked down at Y/N, who was fast asleep on his lap. She was lying there snoring, which 17 found really cute. He smiled, getting up from the couch with her in his arms as he took her to his bedroom. He laid her down in bed, tucking her in nicely so she can be cozy. 17 stroked his love's hair, leaning in to kiss her forehead "Goodnight, Y/N. I love you." Then, an idea popped into his head. He wanted to make sure, Y/N would feel more comfortable living with him.   ]

_____The Next Day_____

Y/N's Pov:

      The sun beamed through the window onto my face as my eyes peacefully opened. Come to find out, I woke up in 17's room, but 17 wasn't there. He must have slept on the couch trying to keep his 'social distance'. I got out of bed, expecting to see 17 sleeping on the couch, "Huh, he's not there either..?" I asked myself. I felt a little sad not seeing him, maybe he doesn't want me to live with him. I decided to go back home and forget about staying with 17. I put on my mask and flew off into the sky towards my house. After awhile, I saw a lot of boxes outside in my front yard. "Holy crap! I'm getting robbed..I forgot to lock the house again!" I said, freaking out. I soon landed on the ground to see what's going on. I saw that my front door was open so the robbers must be still inside. I rushed in, ready to fire my kai ball "Hey, who's in my house!? Better show yourself or I'll blast you into space!" "Wait, Y/N. It's me!" A familiar voice shouted.

      I stopped in my tracks, realizing who it was. "1-17!.. Why are you here in my house? And what's with the boxes?" I questioned. 17 chucked a bit "I was going to surprise you by moving all your stuff to my....well..our house." I gasp, holding my hand to my chest "Did you say...o-our house?" "Yes." 17 answered "I have to admit, I love having you around, Y/N. We might not know when this Covid19 situation will be over with. But as long as you're with me, I don't care how long this lasts." I looked at 17 with fireworks in my heart "Ohh, 17! I love you so much!" I threw myself into him, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his strong arms around me, hugging me back just as tight. "I love you more.." He whispered softly. We soon pulled apart smiling at each other. "So..what are we gonna do with the house since I won't be living there anymore?" I asked. "We'll sell it! And then we can save the money for something really special." 17 happily announced. "And what is that special thing?" I asked.

[ Narrator: 17 told her what that special something was but Y/N didn't hear him clearly. He laughed and told her not to worry about it. Little did she know, 17 wanted to marry her. He was going to save as much money as he can to get her a beautiful diamond ring along with a big wedding. ]

💕 END  💕

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