Whis X Reader~"My Staff!"

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[ You and your best friend, who was your trainer was bored on a sunny day with no new training techniques. So you both decide to mess around with Whis by stealing his staff and finding yourself in a sticky situation.]

"Ugh! so bored!" you complained as you fell on the soft grass beside Krillin. "I know, right?" Krillin said with a slight groan, "I'm tired of teaching you the same move over and over again. You rolled on your side, "we should try something new. Like try to get stronger, even as close to being as strong as Future Trunks, at least!" Krillin nods as he rolled over to face you. "Very true, (Y/N). But we should relax and have some fun today." Krillin gave you a hint on the idea of a prank and you caught his drift. "Yeah? But who should we pull a prank on?". You and your best friend sat up to think, you hummed. "Vegeta. No, not him, his reaction will be funny but will kill us dead". You and your bff laughed on the thought of Vegeta for a second. "This is tough!" Krillin said then was soon thrown off by Whis as he flew by heading to the park. "Oh, I know who to prank now, (Y/N)" You turn to krillin quickly. "Tell me sensei, who!?" Krillin chuckled "Whis." "Whis..?" you said shocked, "Awesome!"

Krillin nods "Yeah, we are going to take his staff and see what power he has in it." You liked the idea as you listen more on how Krillin plan was.

"Okay here's the plan" Krillin said. "See you distract Whis with your charm, saying sweet nothings in his ear and while this guy is caught up into you I'll get the staff and give you the signal." You shout in your friend's ear "What!, why? How you know that he'll fall for me?" Krillin rubbed the back of his head "Hm. How can I explain this,Goku claims that Whis really likes you." You raised an eyebrow, "ohh?" you had no idea that Whis will like you in that way, you being an earthling an all. Time skipped some as Whis was alone sitting on the bench eating ice cream, you soon sat by Whis, as krillin gave you a thumbs up in the flower bush. You leaned on Whis. "Hey, you!" you made a flirty expression as Whis welcomed you with a smile."Oh hi (Y/n)! Want some ice cream love?" You turn down his offer nicely "No thank you, honey bun!, I just want to tell you how cute you are!" Whis blushed brightly as he sat his staff behind the bench. "You think I'm cute!?" Whis asked in a shocking voice. "Yes" you said giggling, "I heard that you are really interested in me." You locked your arm around his, getting closer. You actually like the faces Whis was making for you that you felt something sparkle inside your heart.

Krillin was very close to the staff as you looked over the angel's shoulder. You continue to charm Whis. "Did you know, that I'm interested in you too?, you handsome devil!" Whis smile glowed. "I really do like you (Y/N), your so beautiful." Whis dropped his ice cream as it landed it on Krillin's head, causing him to draw back. You got a little nervous as Whis made a move on you putting his index finger and thumb on your chin, holding your head up to his so he can look into your eyes. He soon connected his other hand to yours. You start to move a bit as he hold you tight that you couldn't even move. "My cute goddess..." Whis said softly.

You wished that Krillin will hurry up before Whis goes any further, but you thought Whis was cute on how he was acting over you. You actually thought Whis was charming when he first came to earth with Lord Beerus at Bulma's birthday party. As soon as you got out of your thoughts krillin flew off with the staff waving his hand at you. You turn and seen Whis with his lips puckered. "Um, I got to go, Whis" You quickly got out of his grip and flew off fast as you could. "Wait!" Whis cried out then notice that his staff was gone. "My staff! Where is my Staff!?"

You later caught up with Krillin and you both sat by a tree giggling. "Wow, It's so shiny!" Krillin said as he caress it gently. "Oh let me hold it, Senpai" you pout reaching out for the strange object. When Krillin gave you the staff, you stared at it and start to think of Whis and how cute he acted, you really liked him back. Soon you felt guilty. "Krillin, we should-" you was cut off by the great energy you and Krillin sensed. "Crap! It's Lord Beerus!" Krillin screamed, you both panicked as you hold on to the staff tightly. Then the next thing you knew Beerus was right in front of you and notice the familiar object in your hands. "Hey,you thiefs!" He yelled. "Isn't that Whis's staff!?" Krillin was in fear but you wasn't. You was one of the very few that didn't fear Lord Beerus at all. You stand up to him.

"We are not thiefs!" you yelled. "Leave us alone you big fur ball!" Just before Beerus was about to snap, Whis dropped in standing in between you and the mad cat. Beerus growled. "Dang it, Whis Why you'd stopped me!? These mortals took your staff!" Whis eyes widen as he turn to look at you with a sad expression. "(Y/n), What happened?" Whis said softly. You had to think fast to save your bff Krillin and Whis feelings. You sighed. "Whis, your staff was stolen, and Krillin and I had stopped the person who took it. We were about to find you and give it back but Beerus just came out of nowhere. We're sorry." Krillin let out air of relief and smiled at you. Then you said something that put everybody into shock. "Besides, Whis is my boyfriend,I have a right to carry around my boyfriend's stuff!" Krillin, Beerus, and even Whis gasp. You smiled at Whis as you give his staff back. Whis smiled big and gave you a romantic kiss in front of everyone. "Did I miss something here!?" Beerus yelled. "Don't worry, Beerus, I missed something too." Krillin said as him and Lord Beerus looked at each other. After the kiss you looked at Whis and put your hand on his warm cheek. "I love you, my Whissy Boo!" Whis looked back at you making a cute, funny face "I love you too, my cute little goddess!"


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