Goku X Sister Reader~Thanksgiving Dinner

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{ A/N: Happy 'Late' Thanksgiving!❤️ }

You were Goku's sister-in-law but you felt more like his blood related sister than being a blood sister to ChiChi. You guys have a lot in common like going on wild adventures, fighting, and even eating large amounts of good quality food. That explains why Thanksgiving was Goku's favorite holiday, seeing his favorite sister-in-law and the food. Just about every friend of Goku beleied that you would had made a better wife for him than ChiChi.

This year's Thanksgiving was a little bit dramatic since ChiChi is being more bossy than usual. You truly loved your sister regardless of how different you both are from each other. Since now there are hungry Saiyans, a God, and an angel, waiting for dinner to be served, you decided to help your big sister out as much as you can in the kitchen. But things were not going too well at all. Things have gotten a lot worse.

"When will dinner be served!?" Beerus yelled at you. You yelled at him back "For the last time, I don't know! ChiChi kicked me out the kitchen for the 100th time today!" "Then get back in there and try for the 101th time then woman!!" Beerus yelled back but louder. Goku got up from his seat "Beerus, I advise you to cool off and lay off Y/N. She's trying the help ChiChi so all the food can be done by dinner." Whis nods "I agree with Goku, just be patient my lord." Vegeta rolled his eyes "I disagree! Aren't you woman professionals at cooking holiday dinners and not being slowpokes!? I want food now!" You stood there and rubbed your head. Goku sighed and went up to you, gaving you a tight hug "Don't worry, Y/N. They are just hungry. They didn't mean to be rude to you." You mumbled "No.. It's not them. It's just ChiChi. I want a more deep sibling bond with her but she just pushes me away..." Goku smiled "That's just ChiChi being ChiChi. She means well. Look, try telling her that you really wanted to help instead of walking into the kitchen toughing things." You smiled back at Goku "Maybe you're right. I'll try!" You walked into the kitchen to face your sister. You saw that she was having a hard time. " Um ChiChi, don't you think I should help you make dinner? Let me take the stress off you and make Thanksgiving dinner together!?" ChiChi rolled her eyes "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just start stuffing the turkey and put it in the oven while I make the last remainder of foods." You nod your head with excitement "Awesome!"

Time went by and everything seem to get better. You took out the Turkey from the oven. The turkey was perfectly golden brown and super juicy. You laid it down on the table as the strong sent of the food made it's way into the living room. Seconds later, Goku ran into the kitchen "Woah! Look at that turkey, it smells so good!" Goku said licking his lips. You smiled "Thank you, Goku!" Goten ran into the kitchen and saw the turkey "Wow! That looks amazing!!" He slobbled. ChiChi placed her hand on her hips "Don't touch that Goten, it's still hot!" Goku let out a giggle "Come on, ChiChi. Can we have a small piece? Maybe a leg?" "No, don't you dare touch that turkey!" ChiChi yelled. Goku didn't pay attention as he took the leg of the turkey and took one bite, taking all the meat off the bone. ChiChi let out a wild gasp "Goku you idiot!!!"

You paused, seeing that ChiChi went off the deep-end. ChiChi shoved you aside making her way to Goku. When she walked up to him, she slapped him as hard as she could across his face. You jumped back as Goten let out a yelp. Goku rubbed her cheek, the slap didn't hurt him physically but emotionally. "ChiChi... Wh-" ChiChi cut Goku off before he could say anything "You never act right on Thanksgiving, you ruined everything.. You ruined Thanksgiving.... Now get out of this kitchen now!!" Goku said nothing and left with teams streaming down his face. Goten looked traumatized, confused on what's going on "M-Mommy? Why did you hit daddy? You made him cry..." and with that, Goten ran off crying tol. You could feel steam coming out your ears. You grabbed ChiChi by the shoulder and turned her around to face you "What the heck is wrong with you ChiChi!? You hit Goku in front of your son, making both of them cry..." ChiChi huffed "That fool is fine! That slap didn't hurt him at all!! Besides, Goten have seen me hit him before." "You sorry little witch! How dare you call yourself a wife and a mother... That's your husband, you hit him in front of your son!! You're the one who ruined Thanksgiving! I'm over this!!" You snapped. Before ChiChi could reply, you went after Goku.

Goku was sitting on the bed him and ChiChi shared with Goten next to him. You sat in between them and wrapped your arms around them for a hug. "Hey, why the long faces!? We could always go back to my place and have Thanksgiving there!" You said cheerfully, trying to make the best of things. Goten smiled brightly "Really!?" You giggled "Of course! We need to let mommy relax. She's under a lot of stress and it's best to keep our distance." Goku began to brighten up too. It wasn't the only time him and ChiChi had a fight like this. Everytime, you was there to comfort Goku like a sister would. "That sounds great Y/N!" Goku said, "Let's go!"


You, Goku, and Goten spend the rest of Thanksgiving together back at your house. Of course you have to remake dinner but it was worth it! "Happy Thanksgiving Y/N!" Goku cheered, raising his cup up in the air. You raised your cup up to touch Goku's cup "Happy Thanksgiving Goku!"

{{ Yes, ChiChi had to deal with everyone else by herself lol. But don't worry, she learned her lesson! }}


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