|Orange?| Fugo & Narancia

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Shall we start with these two cuties? I think so. Hope you enjoy lovelies!


"NARANCIA YOU IDIOT!" Fugo screams at the dark haired boy beside him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE COLOUR OR THE FRUIT?"

"Oi oi oi oi!" he yells flinching. "Which one do you want me to spell? They're different words."

Fugo looks at the girl beside him, eyes wide. She can see how much he's trying to surppress that temper of his.

"Narancia, they're literally spelled the same way," she says.


She tries with all her might to refrain from laughing but fails and breaks down hysterically. Fugo glares at her. 

"What? That doesn't make sense. They mean different things though!" Narancia protests.

Fugo grips his hair and starts pulling strands out. She notices immediately and pulls his hands away from him. She holds on to them.

"Hey, Fugo," she says softly. He looks into her eyes. "Inhale, exhale." So he does just that. "Remember you're the one who offered to teach the mans, so be patient."


"Okay, that's enough lessons for today. Let's get something to eat," she says.

The three walk towards their restaurant together, meeting Abbacchio and Mista.

"Where's Buccarati?" she asks.

"Some mission about some guy. I don't know, wasn't paying attention but he said he'd be back by dinner so we're putting lunch on his tab," Mista says.

"Sounds good to me," Narancia says.

"Nuh uh. You're not getting food unless you get these questions right," Fugo says.

"I thought lessons were over today," Narancia replies.

"Yeah I thought so too," she says eyeing Fugo.

"NOPE! We're gonna have a good lesson and you only get to eat if you learn. SO LEARN. You too," he says pointing at the girl.

She scoffs. "Me?? Why me?"

"Because you dropped out of school at 13."

"Fair point. But I don't need school. I'm street smart," she retorts. The girl was now 16, same age as Fugo.

Everyone at the table laughs, even Abbacchio. "What?" she asks offended.

"Street smarts it not all you need in this gang. You've gotta be witty and keep your mind sharp," Abbacchio says.

"Yeah plus, we all like learning. You and Narancia would rather play with Lil' Bomber and mess with people with Vanisher," Mista inputs. It was true. Narancia and the girl were the closest friends of the group, mainly because of their childlike behaviour. Her stand, Vanisher, allowed anything she desired to become invisible, including people. The two loved to fool around.

"Oh come on Mista. You always say you're simple minded," she spits back. Mista shrugs and nods, agreeing with her.

"True, but eh."

"Fine. You'll see I actually know my stuff," she says.

"Okay. Every answer you get right, you can order a small dish," Fugo says.

"This oddly reminds me of a show I watched where this girl was obsessed with a boy and wanted to smarten him up so she put three boxes, A B C and he had to pick out of the three and whichever he picked, he had to eat what was behind the box. The right answer had good, normal food while the wrong answers had like soap or asparagus covered in glue," she said.

They all look at her in pure horror. "What kind of psychopath would do that?" Mista screams.

Fugo laughs. "Don't give me ideas," he says. "Okay first question..."

Time went on and the questions kept rolling and Fugo's anger kept growing. Narancia had a total of two dishes and the girl had a full course meal. They underestimated her.

"What was Newton's three laws of motion?" Fugo asks.

The girl was about to answer when Narancia blurted, "who's Newton?"

This did it for Fugo and he threw his plate of food right in Narancia's face. Sauce and spaghetti, dripping from his face.

"Oi oi oi that was low Fugo!" Narancia yells.

"What's going on here?" Bucciarati asks, coming inside the restaurant.

"Oi Bucciarati I thought you were on some mission," Mista says.

"We caught the guy early. Why is Narancia's face covered in sauce?" he asks.

And so Narancia tattles on Fugo and a full blow argument emerges.

"Quiet! You're disrupting other customers," Bucciarati chivalrously considers the others. Fugo storms out while Narancia heads to the washroom to clean himself up.

"I'll talk to him," she says and follows Fugo outside. "Are you okay?" She asks.

He looks at her, eyes sad and tears welling up. "I hate that I get like this. I HATE IT SO MUCH!" he shouts. She isn't taken aback. She's used to his temper and has found ways to help him manage it. But still, nothing's perfect.

"I know. But it's apart of you."

"I hate that my stand is a manifestation of my anger and hate. I can't use it to help people. I can probably end the world with it!" He screams. She puts a hand on his shoulder and he looks back into her eyes. "Look what you're doing, you're helping us, despite your impatience. You care. Even if you have a temper. We know about your past and we empathize. We know you. You are good."

A single tear escapes his eye and she wipes it away. He hugs her small body, hunching over and she embraces him back. Tension leaving completely.

He pulls away. "I'm okay now," he says.

"Good," she responds. "We'll both teach Narancia, okay? I'll be there every step of the way."

"I'd like that," he says. They both return into the restaurant where the rest of the gang are conversing and calmly eating their food. Narancia sits without food, honouring Fugo's learning technique. He still wants to really learn these things.

"We'll start again tomorrow Narancia, get whatever you'd like," Fugo says. Narancia looks confused and then moves his gaze to the girl. She can read him like a book. She beckons him over with the motion of her head.

"Thank you, Fugo!" Narancia says getting up to give his younger mentor a hug. Fugo is stunned at first but returns the gesture, an adorable gesture from the both of them. But as he pulls away, Narancia had disappeared.

"Where did he-" Fugo starts, and realizes instantly what had occurred. The girl is gone too.

"They better not cause any trouble," Fugo says.

"Those two are the definition of trouble," Bucciarati says massaging his temples. "They're going to give me grey hairs."

Meanwhile, outside the restaurant the two young Passione member run towards their favourite pizza restaurant. So they don't wait, she uses her ability to make them invisible, snagging an already made pizza from the platter and turning that invisible too. They leave a few lire to replace some of the cost and run down to the marina to enjoy their carb full meal.

"Okay but I do have one question though," Narancia says.

"What is it?" she asks.

"What are the different spellings for the colour orange and the fruit? And my name?"

She grabs a slice of pizza and throws it at his face. "THEY'RE SPELLED THE SAME WAY!"

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