|Spellbound Orb| Fugo

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Hey loves! Tell me if these are too long. The words just keep coming and coming, and more ideas roll off my fingers. These are super fun to write. I know there's been quite a few chapters about Fugo, but I'm in a Fugo phase right now. I just finished Purple Haze Feedback, and my goodness. . .one of the best spinoffs ever. I've gotta read more Jojo spinoffs. Anyways, if you haven't read that, this may be kind of a spoiler so BEWARE. I'll start writing others, and keep the requests coming!


"Alright (f/n), remember that boy I told you about that be joining us?" Giorno asks the girl.

"Yeah, of course," (f/n) replies. "What about him?"

"Well, he's coming into headquarters today. He's going to be initiated, but he's already sworn his loyalty to me." She nods in response, a knot forming in her stomach. She didn't know how she felt about this boy. He, apparently, had a very dangerous stand. One that could produce a killer virus and brutally kill an opponent. On top of that, the blonde haired boy and his number three, Guido Mista already knew the boy. His name is Pannacotta Fugo. Apparently they had been a team before. And then he abandoned them. 

"How's Mista going to react to this?" she asks. "You guys haven't seen each other in months."

"Technically, we both have seen him. Mista's angry, and he has the right to be, but also he doesn't. Fugo made his own choice from his own logic. He didn't betray the gang nor did he betray the team. He merely made his own decision. But you know Mista; always worked up about something he holds dearly."

The girl trusted Giorno with her life. What he decided to do was good enough for her, but Mista sometimes had his doubts. Not about his boss, but about some decisions he may not agree with. But this time, this Fugo guy, seems to be a real problem for Mista. Regardless, she couldn't dwell on the topic, she would have to wait and see what's to come. 


"Pannacotta Fugo," the blonde haired boy welcomed the taller, hole ridden boy. Fugo bowed in response and allowed himself to be ushered into Giorno's private room. Polnareff was sitting on the table, one of Giorno's most trusted advisors. The girl just inches away from Giorno. And Mista, leaning against the wall beside the window. He had just opened it in case his boss needed to get away. In case that virus came loose. Fugo felt a tenseness in the room. He was not welcomed here. He would have to earn their respect, no. He didn't need their respect. He needed their trust. 

Fugo could feel the cold stares coming from the two other people in the room, not knowing that a French man was also in the room, just inside a turtle. He wanted to put his head down and shrivel into a ball but he remained upright, faking confidence. He made eye contact with Mista and gave him a slight nod. Mista stared coldly back. He made eye contact with the girl who gave him a small smile, on Giorno's orders. The boss, or Giogio as everyone now calls him, except for everyone in that room, tells Fugo to take a seat in front of his desk. He does as he was told. 

"The reason I called you all in here is because I have an announcement," Giorno starts. "Fugo, right here is going to be our number four, sorry five. There will be no number four, for Mista's sake." Even with the consideration, Mista's jaw was dropped in obvious shock. Fugo was taken aback too, not expecting such a high position.

"Giorno, you can't be serious!" Mista exclaims. "He's a traitor." Fugo flinches at the word. He knows what he did and he regrets his decision, but he can't reminisce in the past anymore. Now, it's time to focus on Giorno's dream. 

"Don't say that, Mista," Giorno shoots back. "He's proven loyal after the mission I sent him on. Massimo Volpe is no longer alive, nor is his team. Fugo did that, along with Sheila E and Marulo." Mista leans back on the wall, knowing well that Giorno ordered Fugo on this mission to test his loyalty. Would he betray Passione and join the narcotics group because they appeared stronger? Giorno needed to see who Fugo really was; they'd only known each other for three days. 

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