|Lucid|Pannacotta Fugo

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I was feeling kinda down, and well my therapy is writing about Fugo. This one's pretty angsty. 


She woke up still drowsy. She didn't remember falling asleep. The boy with hole ridden clothes slow rose beside her. "Fugo, are you alright?" she asked. He nodded in response. 
"Are you?" She also nodded. "Where is she? Where did the enemy go?" She rubs her head in confusion. 
"I don't know. Why were we asleep? It must have been her Stand ability." Fugo looked around. 
"Say, where did Bucciarati go. Daiya?" He called to the girl. "Bucciarati's gone."
"Maybe the battle moved somewhere else while we were asleep. Come on." 

The two get up and run through the streets of Naples which were surprisingly abandoned. "You don't think the enemy. . .you don't think she won right?" Daiya asked. Fugo doesn't respond and continues to tread forward. She follows, but as they keep going, a heavy , blinding fog engulfs her. She starts coughing, something in the air irritating her lungs. "Fugo?" she calls. No answer. "Fugo! Fugo where are you?" She sees a figure in the distance and walks toward it. "Fugo?"
"Stay still," he commands so she does. 
"What's wrong? What's with this fog?" she says between coughs. 
"Daiya, you can't escape it. You've been infected."
"What?" She notices a second figure beside Fugo. She squints to get a better look and recognizes the shape immediately. Its drool dripping from its mouth. Purple Haze. "Fugo, what are you doing?"
"You were a fool, Daiya. You're surrounded by Purple Haze's virus."
"Is the enemy here? Did you get her?" The coughing intensifies. Fugo shakes his head. 
"No, I punched the ground and got out of range."
"What? Why? Fugo. . .snap out of it! What-what's gotten into you?" Fugo's anger burns in his heart and he smiles. Daiya's skin starts blistering all over as her body, cell by cell slowly becomes destroyed. And then her soft voice fills the air.

Get a load of this monster

He doesn't know how to communicate

His mind is in a different place, will everybody please give him a little bit of space?

Get a load of this train wreck,

His hairs a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet

But little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms

As she sings those words, Fugo escapes from his trance. That song is embedded in both their hearts, the song they can both relate to. They're a mess, but welcome each other in open arms. She's his star. He watches in horror at the girl being destroyed from his Stand. "Purple Haze! Stop this!" The Stand looks at him but does nothing. There's nothing it can do. No one can stop the virus from spreading. "Daiya!" he calls as she looks at him in reassurance. He's back. Fugo looks around, but there's nothing or no one that could help, so he runs into the thick fog. 
"Fugo, what are you doing?" she asks, falling onto her knees. He grabs her and wraps his arms around the girls body.
"No, no, no."
"You're going to get infected too. Fugo, get out of here."
"No. I'm not leaving you."
"Please, you can't stay-" She stops talking as he coughs into her shoulder. She pushes him away and looks at his blistering face. She picks up his hands. 
"It's too late now," he says. They hold each other and look into each others eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I did this. I killed us." Fugo couldn't stop the feelings of guilt wash over him. He had destroyed himself and his love. He had destroyed the person he cared for the most. That's what he did. He destroyed.


He woke up still drowsy. When did he fall asleep? He looked beside him at the girl. She had just opened her eyes and slowly rose. "Fugo? Are you alright?" she asked. He nodded in response. "Are you?" he asked. She nodded. 
"I don't remember falling asleep. What happened to the enemy? And Bucciarati?"
"I don't know. They must have taken the battle somewhere else. We have to find them!" The girl agrees. They both stand up and run through the streets of Naples, but strangely, everything seems abandoned. 
"Daiya, do you think the enemy won?" Fugo asks wearily. She says nothing. She continues to tread forward, Fugo follows. Suddenly a strong gust of wind spirals around Fugo. He realizes the wind is full of dirt. He looks around for Daiya but cannot find her anywhere. "Daiya," he calls. "Daiya! Where are you?" He sees a figure in between the strong winds. It comes closer and enters the eye of the tornado. "Daiya? What are you-?"
"Oh Fugo, you poor fool. You got caught in my storm."
"Is the enemy near? Is that why you activated your Stand?" He looks around the area, but sees no one else. She shakes her head. 
"No, no, I don't know where she is."
"Then. . .what are you doing?" She smirks, the anger in her heart burning. 
"Don't Fear the Reaper!" she calls out her Stand. A black shadowed Stand emerges with a hood over its head. Its face shines gold with piercing red eyes, a truly frightening sight. Fugo's eyes widen. Her Stand is dangerous just like his. Its rare for her to bring it out. "Do it," she says. The Stand takes its ruby red scythe and swings it at Fugo. He jumps back, but doesn't dodge the attack. The scythe hit him, a small scratch in his torso. The scratch begins to crack, the crack slowly spreads through his entire body. He falls to his knees as his body weakens. 
"Daiya. . .why? What?" The cracks reach his face, completely overtaking him. She looks down on him and smiles. Then his voice echoes inside the twister.

Get a load of this monster

She doesn't know how to communicate

Her mind is in a different place, will everybody please give her a little bit of space

Get a load of this train wreck,

Her hairs a mess and she doesn't know who she is yet

But little do we know the stars welcome her with open arms

As he sings those words, Daiya escapes her trance. The song her and Fugo both keep in their hearts. Even though they both feel like an utter monstery mess, they welcome each other with open arms. They are each others stars. She looks at Fugo in horror and realizes what she has done. "Fugo? Fugo. Oh my God, what have I done?" She gets on her knees and cups his face in her hands. 

"Daiya. . ." he says weakly. 
"Fugo, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-I don't know. Fugo, please don't go." He smiles at her, knowing she's back to herself. She wraps her arms around him, releasing tears into his shoulder. How could she? He embraces her back. The cracks have completely taken his body and he slowly turns to dust, slipping away from her grasp and merging with the cycling wind around her. Guilt washes over her heart. She feels a sharp pain in her back and turns around. Don't Fear the Reaper's scythe dug into her shoulder. She looks at the cracks going down her arms and onto her hands. She had destroyed herself and her love. She had destroyed the person she cared for the most. That's what she did. She destroyed. 


"Daiya!" someones voice called. Bucciarati. Daiya gets up, tears down her face. She looks around in confusion. 
"Bucciarati?" she asks. 
"Are you alright?" he asks. 
"Bucciarati, oh my God!" She runs up to him and jumps into his arms. "I killed him. I killed Fugo. And now it's my turn. I deserve it. I killed him, with my Stand. And then my Stand stabbed me. Bucciarati I- I'm sorry." Bruno looks at the girl. 
"Daiya, you didn't do anything. That was a nightmare."
"The enemies Stand. . .if you were in range you passed out and she would inflict horrible scenarios as you slumbered. Nighmares. Abbacchio told me. He was able to get out of his with Moody Blues. But don't worry, the enemy has been defeated."
"So, you're telling me. . .Fugo's alright?"
"Yes, he's over there." He points just down the street. 
"Oh my God, Fugo!" She sprints towards him as he slowly rises. He has the same tear stained cheeks as her. When he sees her, he gets up to his feet sprinting as well. They catch each other midway, embracing. 
"Daiya, how are you. . . ?how are we. . . alive. . .the virus. . ." 
She shakes her head. "It was all a nightmare. A lucid one. It was the enemies ability."
"It was too real," he said. 
"I know. My Stand it. . ."
"It destroyed. . ."
"Yeah. It destroyed us," she says. 
"Mine too."
"But it was just a dream. . ."
"Daiya, I would never hurt you, but I'm scared that I. . ."
"Me too. Our Stands are dangerous." They sigh in unison, and place their foreheads against each other. Bucciarati watches from a few meters away and smiles warmly. They have each other. They understand each other. They'll get through it, together. 


(Don't Fear) the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult is a really good song. It's an calming yet eerie song. Definitely recommend. 

Also, the song they sing is called Home by Cavetown. Definitely recommend that one too. It's honestly relatable, personally, especially the lyrics I specifically incorporated in this piece. I hope you lovelies enjoyed! 

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