|Everyone Deserves Love|Fugo

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Another Fugo chapter y'all! Can you tell I love Fugo? Is it that obvious? No? Okay, good. I'm not even gonna apologize. Fugo just kinda reminds me of, well me. . .like a lot. Honestly, I'm attached to strawberry boy. Now without a further a do, Pannacotta Fugo!


Ever since you've joined Passione, the group you were paired with, Team Bucciarati have always seen you as some sort of older sister, caring, loving figure. You've always been sweet to them. Narancia would come to you with a pouty face and sad expression, and you would give him lots of cuddles. He felt so much better in your arms. When Mista was upset, he'd put on a tough guy facade but you could see through that. He wasn't very affectionate, so you would just go for a walk with him and go sit at the pier. The water always seemed to calm the boy down. He would talk about what was bothering him and you would listen. And occasionally, he would want an embrace. Abbacchio was a little different. He just liked you for your company. He appreciated that you kept pretty calm around him and liked to share his wine with you and have a light conversation. Even Bucciarati, the leader who always held strong for his group, would be vulnerable around you. When he was stressed, he liked to sit with you and lean onto your shoulder while sipping on some tea. And of course, they all were there for you too if you needed them. And it wasn't only when you all were feeling blue. You were all just a small close family. But the caring and gentle touch of a woman was something most of them never had, and they loved that you were with them.

And there was also Fugo. Your heart skipped a beat every time you were with him, but you held your feelings calmly. He was so smart, caring, grounded and yes, he had a temper, but it didn't bother you. You knew he had a heart of gold.

Fugo also came to you in his own way. You both loved to use his free time in the small library of the groups home. You would both read books of interest. Most of the time you and Fugo would sit on opposing sofas. Content in the silence and each others presence. And emerged in your book. However, on his off days, or even just whenever he felt like it, he would place his head on your lap as you sat up, and read. With one hand, you held your book and with the other, you played with tuffs of his silky hair. This isn't something he asked for, you just started doing. He never acted against it, and secretly, he loved the sensation of your hand combing through his hair.

Today, it was the same thing. Reading in the library, his head on your lap. He then turned his head to face against you and dropped his book. You noticed this and set your book down. "Are you okay, Panna?" you asked. That was the nickname you called him, but only when you two were alone, enclosing a further intimate nature with this man.

"Yeah, I'm fine. . ."
"Are you sure? You know I'm always here for you."
"Then can you do me a favour?" he asks sitting up and staring straight into your eyes. You nod. "Let me hold you." You knit your brows together in confusion.
"What do you-" He pulls you into him, landing sideways on his lap. He wraps his arms around you tightly. This all happens in one quick motion taking you by surprise. A good surprise. You nuzzle your head in between his neck and shoulder as he rests his chin on your head. You take one of his hands wrapped around your waist and interlace your fingers with his. He brings up your hand to his lips and brushes it with a soft kiss. You chuckle at this cute action. He then wraps his arm around your waist again, bringing along your hand with his arm. With your free hand, you reach up to his cheek, moving your head to face him. Your brush his cheek with your thumb and gaze at his lips. You wonder if he's going to kiss you, or if you should kiss him. But he escapes your gaze and buries his face into your neck. You feel something warm fall on your skin. Something wet. You turn back to look at him, but he squeezes you tighter and then throws you off of him, walking out of the library and into his room.

Your confusion leaves you stunned on the couch. What just happened? You get up and rush to his room, turning the knob but his door is locked. "Fugo," you say softly as you knock. "Fugo let me in." You here items crashing onto the ground, glass breaking, Fugo's screams.
"Is he having another fit again?" Abbacchio says from behind you.
"It seems so," you reply.
"And he's not letting you in?" You shake your head. "Well, you should let it pass then. Give him a few moments." You nod and follow him like he gestures. In the dining area, you and Abbacchio drink some tea. The rest of the group are on a mission. You know what Abbacchio said is right. Usually, Fugo just needs to calm down and then he'll talk to someone or pretend to be alright. But this time, after what just happened, you feel the need to go up there and intervene. So you do. You walk upstairs in the middle of Abbacchio talking.
"Hey! I'm still talking woman!" he yells.
"I'll listen later. This doesn't sound normal," you say, hearing more crashes coming from down the hallway. Abbacchio grunts but says nothing more.

"Fugo," you call from outside his door. "Fugo?" No response. "Panna!" Again, no response. Instead, everything goes quiet. You summon your stand and kick the door open with its strong legs. Fugo's on his knees, staring blankly at the wall. His room is an utter disaster. Every single item broken. His sheets torn. His bead frame has scratches from what looks like a knife. You take it all in and sigh. You crouch down beside the boy. "Panna," you say softly, capturing his attention. His cheeks are tear stained, but his eyes no longer watery. They're full of anger, regret and sorrow. You put a hand on his shoulder, not pressing him further. When he wants to talk he will. But he brushes your hand off him. You're shocked but still feel just compassion for him.

"Panna? Panna, look at me." You move his face toward you. Upon looking at you, his eyes well up in tears. He removes his face from your grip.
"No, no. I can't," he says.
"A few minutes ago you held me so tight I thought I was going to explode. Now you're pushing me away. . .?"
"That was my fault. I gave in."
"Gave in?"
"I can't. . .we can't. . .not like that. Not again."
"Why not?" He looks straight at you, irritation forming on his face like you should already know the answer.

He breathes heavily, and grabs his head in frustration. You smash your lips into his and he melts into the kiss. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him close into you, but he pushes you away and breaks the kiss. "DID YOU NOT HEAR A WORD I JUST SAID?"
"I heard every word," you start. "And you're wrong. You're not a monster. You have a heart of gold. You do have control over your temper, you give yourself little credit."
"Have you seen what I did to my room?"
"But you wouldn't hurt anyone. Those are inanimate objects. You wouldn't hurt anyone, well except an enemy, but that's fine."
"I'm scared," he confesses. "I'm scared of what I am. What I can be."
"I'm not," you say boldly. You lean your forehead against his and he lets you. Everything is so silent all you can hear is his staggered breathing. You kiss the top of his forehead. "I love you too, Pannacotta Fugo."

"No. Don't say that. We can't let this go anywhere. (F/n)..."
"You're like the night sky..." you start.
"You're like the night sky. You're full of darkness, but there are billions of stars that light up the night sky. So much potential, so much light. And then there's the moon. It brightens the entire sky. Your soul, your heart, their full of that light. Plus...In my opinion the night sky is much more beautiful than the day."
"How do you do that? " he starts, "how do you make us all feel so much better?"
You shrug. "Once upon a time I lived a life where no one cared about my well-being and because of that I turned cold and well, that made everything worse. I don't want people to feel the way I did. If I can help in anyway I will. Even if it's a simple hug."
"Oh (f/n), I had no idea."
"It's alright. I don't like reminiscing on my past. It's too dark. Now," you smiles. "Now I'm happy. Even being in a gang."
He chuckles. "You know we all love you. I love you, but I shouldn't..."
"Bah! Come here."

You pull him in this time. He tries to resist, but you use all your force and he falls on top of you. You snicker. "Panna, I'm not letting you go. You're stuck here." He sighs and gives up. He craves your warmth, he craves you. "You're good for me, for everyone else. You make us a team. Without you, we'd have a missing piece. You're a valued member. One we all love," you say. He lays on your chest, arm wrapped around you as you play with his hair. You watch as he slowly drifts off to sleep and kiss his forehead.

You wake up to Fugo's sleeping face in front of you. He looks so peaceful. You rub his cheek and plant a kiss. At this, you feel an arm wrap around you and his eyelids flutter open. His violet irises meeting yours. "Good morning love," you say.
"Good morning gorgeous," he says, kissing your head. You both lay there in silence, holding each other for a few moments.

"You really have that much trust in me?"
He sighs. "I love you."
"I know. I love you too."  You plant a soft kiss on his lips.


Mmm, I love me some Pannacotta. 

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