|Bullet Wound Bond|Guido Mista

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Okay, just a side note. I love love Mista of course, but it's kind of hard writing some sort of romance about him. IDK WHY! Give me ideas people! Lol, anyways I wanted to read a cute Mista story (because I myself CANNOT WRITE ONE FOR THE LIFE OF ME), but I couldn't find any cute ones that caught my attention. There was one where (y/n) was dating Abbacchio and cheated on him with Mista AND I WAS LIKE EXCUSE ME?! So yeah. . .if y'all know any good Mista stories, please let me know! Okay I'm done ranting. Enjoy this attempted Mista one-shot


"Mista!" you shout as you walk in the gangs shared villa. "Mista!!!!" You search all around the villa but don't see him anywhere. He must be outside. So you head to the hill right behind your villa. "MISTAAAAA!!!!!!"

"WHAT?" you hear a sing song voice shout. You run up the hill towards the young man and jump into his arms. "Oi, (f/n), take it easy. I'm still recovering!" You don't even apologize, you're just happy to see this beautiful boy again. 
"UgH, I missed you!" 
"You were gone for two days."
"Too long!"
"Okay, yeah. It was pretty long," he agrees and squeezes you tight against him. 
"(F/n)'s here!" Number 1 says.
"(F/n)!!" the other pistols shout and come out to meet you. You laugh and let all six sit on your shoulders and head. 
"Looks like they missed me more than you," you tease.
"Impossible!" He falls back on the grass brining you with him. 
"I thought you were still recovering?"
"Eh. How was the mission?" he asks. You both lay on your backs looking at the rolling clouds above you.

"It was fine. You should be glad you weren't there. There were bullets flying everywhere. You would have been hit for sure."
"Hey, what does that mean?"
"You always get shot. You even end up shooting yourself. Look what you did a few days ago! You're still recovering because of the amount of times you were shot. You've gotta be more careful. You worry me, you know."
"I just, you know, go for it. I always come out alive, don't I?"
"Yeah, thanks to Giorno." You lay side by side in silence for a while and then you roll to your side to face him. You watch him, admiring every aspect of this man before you.
"Enjoying tha view?" he asks when he notices. You hum in response. He turns now towards you. You blush and bite your lip as butterflies swarm your insides. He never fails to make you nervous. His gaze then sets upon your shoulder where a red mark rests. "What happened here?"

"Oh, that. Right, well I told you there were bullets flying everywhere. Everyone got nicked, myself included. It's just a scratch." It really wasn't too bad. Others got it worse. He pulls down his sweater revealing his shoulder, a similar red marking. 
"We've got matching bullet wounds."
"Wow, romantic. We don't need matching rings or tattoos, we've got these matching scars." You both chuckle. He props himself up on his elbow and moves closer to you. You feel his lips on your shoulders sending you shivers.
"Now we have some unique bond, huh?." 
You smile and both lay back down, looking at the bright azure sky, hands interlocked. 

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