|Autumn Leaves|Holly KujoxPhotagrapher!Reader (Request)

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Requested by Herosperger

During the story she's going to be Holly Joestar as this takes in her youth. I'll be honest, this one was a little tricky to come up with a story idea I think would be interesting, so it took me a little while to write. But I loved the challenge! Here's the final product, I hope you enjoy!


You admired the scenery before you. "Earth is so beautiful," you say out loud and capture the view before you. The shades of orange, red and yellow graze beautifully on the decaying leaves. Even death can be beautiful. You walk through the park, snapping pictures at different angles to really capture autumn. Within your lens, you see a young woman, about you age strolling about. She was very beautiful and looked lively, the biggest smile on her face. She captured your attention, as striking as your photographs. She walks off into the distance. You sigh, knowing full well you would never have the courage to talk to her. "Very, well," you say out loud. "Gotta get to work."

A bus ride later you stumble out to your friends apartment. You were there to capture her new fashion line on some models. She believed wholeheartedly that this was the line that would get her noticed and upon seeing her designs you had to agree. They were so unique, so exquisite. The colours were of the ones you just came from photographing, orange, red, yellow. "Damn, Miranda you really outdid yourself this time," you say, marvelling at the pieces that hung on the rack. 
"This is like my ultimate last move that I've been saving," she says.
"Woah, you don't wanna say that. You're going to have to come up with more pieces this amazing to stay in the game."
"Mmm yeah, but I wouldn't mind just being one shot fashion designer. I kind of want to try something new. Maybe photography," she teases.
"Nuh, uh, no way that's my thing." She laughs and calls her models in to pose for the photoshoot. One by one, they come into the stage you've set up for them. You capture flattering angles and work with the natural and artificial light you've set up. You skim through the pictures as the models leave to change into their second outfits, when suddenly the door flies open. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm late I know! My father was being really stubborn," the girl says. She scrambles in and heads to the room to change. You notice her instantly as the girl you were staring at earlier. 
"Who's that?" you asked Miranda.
"Oh that's Holly Joestar. She and I were roommates when we were freshmen. She offered to be a model."
"Oh." The models resurfaced and you continued taking their picture. When it was time to take Holly's picture, you couldn't keep from containing the blush from spreading on your cheeks. She really was beautiful. Her dark golden locks, and her gleaming green eyes. You wanted every picture of her to be perfect, so you took the longest photographing her. 
"Um, I've been up here for almost ten minutes. Is there something wrong, or does it normally take this long?" she asks you. 
"Oh! Sorry, I was just uh-" You look around trying to come up with an excuse. "Just trying to work with the lighting. The suns in a different position now, so I had to move around a bit." You scratch your head in embarrassment. "You can take a break now." 
"Okay, no worries, thank you." She scurries away to change into the next and last set of outfits. 
"Nice one," your Miranda comes in and says. 
"You're into her."
A blush creeps on your face. "No, no. I'm just-" She pats your shoulder and walks away snickering. 

You take pictures of the models again when lastly comes in Holly wearing a deep burgundy knee length dress, with a slit going up mid thigh. There are violet and red accents embroidered on the dress. This was the true masterpiece of the collection, and of course Holly had to wear it. Great, this didn't help your tomato problem. As you shot, you made a few comments here and there that made the girl laugh, which in turn made you smile. You gave her tips on how to pose, creating photos that really highlighted the dress. It was perfect. 

You and Miranda were going through the photos as the models finally finished changing into their regular attire. They filed out of the apartment, except for Holly who peeked over your shoulder to get a glimpse of the photos. You flinch and the sudden change and she jumps back. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to see!" she calls. 
"No, don't worry, you just startled me. Of course you can see!" You pull up a chair beside you and she takes a seat. Together, the three of you look through the countless photos. 
"Woah, you're amazing! You really have a way with the camera," Holly compliments you, sending you into tomato overdrive.
"Thank you, but look at your photos. You really are a born model. The poses come naturally!"
Now it's her turn to blush. "Thank you. But this all couldn't be done without the wonderful work of Miranda," she praises. 
"Oh you're too kind but you're not wrong," Miranda says, getting a laugh from the both of you. "Anyways, send me those. I've gotta clean this up." She begins to arrange her pieces, refusing any help so she can place them away 'properly.'

"Hey, Holly," you start.
"Hey, oh my, I didn't even ask your name, how rude of me."
"I'm (f/n)."
"Well it's nice to meet you, (f/n)."
"Likewise." You smile. "I wanted to ask, if this isn't too strange, but I do see the beauty in these photos. You out stand the other models. I was wondering if-if you would-if you would like to model for me. I can do a simple photoshoot with you outside, especially in this season where the leaves are so beautiful."
"Yeah! Of course. I would love that. Do you have time right now?"
"Right now? I-" Before you can answer, she grabs your wrists and sprints towards the door. "Bye Miranda," you both call.

In the middle of the park, Holly sits on a bench in front of the tree with the reddest leaves, bringing out her eyes and her hair. She looks into the distance as you capture her. You both continue to do this. You give her some ideas and she takes the pose into her own hands. And every time it works out amazingly. She lies on some piles of leaves that you both shuffled into a pile. She climbs a tree and hangs from one of the branches, and your favourite, a simple smile as she looks at the camera. For the final photo, you ask a bunch of pedestrians in the park to help you out. They all grab an armful of leaves and on your mark, they throw them up at the sky towards Holly, showering her in the beautiful decaying leaves. She twirls, lifts her hands up and smiles. Perfection. 

"Holly, what are you doing?" a deep voice rings from behind you. You make eye contact with him. He's a tall, almost middle aged looking man, scratch that. He looks like two men combined into one. "Who are you?" his voice resonates in your brain. 
"I uh- I'm-"
"Dad, this is my friend, (f/n). We were having a photoshoot."
"Hmm. You do realize it's almost 8, young lady."
"Already? Time sure flies when you're having fun, huh?" She elbows you on the side. You're quick to nod. 
"Uh I'm (f/n)," you say to the man in front of you, stretching out your arm. "Nice to meet you Mr. Joestar."
"Mm." Is all he says but doesn't return his hand. You awkwardly bring your hand back toward you. "Holly, let's go home. Your mother and I have been waiting for you for an hour for dinner."
"Sorry dad. Won't happen again." She grimaces at you, as you lightly chuckle. "I'll see you soon?" You nod in response. She comes up to you and gives you a peck on the cheek. "Great looking forward to it!" You frantically nod again, as she giggles. 
"Oh, so you're here trying to take my daughter away from me, is that it?" Mr. Joestar asks. 
"No, sir. Of course not, I-" His ginormous figure approaches you, intimidating you. Then he begins running. Your instincts take over and you leap into the air, holding your camera to your chest and sprinting across the park. 
"You can't outrun me, small fry!" Mr. Joestar calls. 
"Dad, stop!" Holly calls. She manages to calm her dad a great distance away from you. You catch your breath and sigh in relief. You look back at the father daughter duo. She catches your eye and waves. 

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