|Allegiance|Dio Brando

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"You know, every human I feed on just heals more of this wound. It brings me closer in completely claiming this body as my own. You can help me do that," the brooding blonde says. The girl looks up at him, daggers in her eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you," she says boldly.
"They usually aren't. Come here and let me drink those crimson rivers from your veins."

She stands and continues to stare at him but doesn't move. "I said to come."
"No. If you want my blood come to me."
"Oh?" The man smirks. "Where did you find this one Enyaba?"
"Let's just say wrong place wrong time," the girl says coldly.
"Leave us," he commands the old woman. She exits the dark cool room. The man walks down the long staircase. He towers over the girl but never once does she break eye contact. "You're quite small."
"You're just huge," she retorts. He chuckles. He picks up a few locks of her hair with his fingers and plays with it.

"Never once has a woman not listened to my command. They usually throw themselves at me, desperate for me."
"Are you really a vampire?" she asks.
"Indeed. I've rejected my humanity. It was the only way to fulfill my path."
"And what path is that?"
"The path in obtaining heaven."
"Heaven? You reach heaven when you die."
"No. Not everyone. But I mean obtaining heaven here on earth."
"That's- that's impossible. Heaven is true happiness, there's no such thing in this world."
He smirks once more. "You understand then. And you're right, there isn't until I reach my goal. I have a plan, a journey."
"Why are you telling me this?"
He crouches down to become levelled with her face. "Let's just say I've found myself amused by you."

He turns away from her and takes a few steps, pacing. "What's your name?"
"(F/n). What's yours?"
"Oh, you think I'll tell you my name?"
"Why not?"
"It is I, Dio." An aura glows around him. For some strange reason, the girl feels a warm comfort surrounding her. That's why those other girls must have thrown themselves at this vampire, Dio. The temptation is daunting, but she fights it.

"You're truly evil aren't you?"
"Evil? Hmm. I would rather call it driven, determined, made for glorious purpose."
"If you're gonna kill me do it already."
"Eager? Aren't we? You're planning something. You're planning to escape."
At this the girl smirks. "Of course."
"Tell me, if you could obtain true happiness for the whole world, would you take it?"
"Without a doubt."
"Whatever it takes?"
"Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
"Hmm." The man rubs his chin in consideration. "Come with me."

So she does. She follows the man down a hall. It looks like his own personal quarters. He picks up a broken arrow and flaunts it in his hand. "See this? This is an arrow, obviously but it has something interesting about it. I want to try an experiment. You seem strong willed, full of a fighting spirit."
"Fighting spirit?"

In the flash of a moment, the girl falls back on the ground in pain. The arrow that this Dio  was holding had pierced right into her heart. She wasn't expecting this at all. She thought her plan was progressing nicely.

And then it stops. No more pain. It lays on the ground beside her lying body. She sits up and shakes her head. What just happened?

Dio picks up the arrow and licks the dripping blood, savouring it. "So I was correct," he says. "You survived."
"Figures you were gonna kill me. So why aren't I dead?"
"Do you think that if you knew your destiny, the path you'd take and the result, you would be happy?"
"That's quite a question. Perhaps? It does allow me to accept my fate however, but life is full of surprises."
"Exactly. What if it wasn't? What if obtaining heaven meant everyone knew their fate."

The girl ponders at his words. "That would be. . ." She trails off unknowing what to say.
"What were you doing with this?" He asks holding up her beloved knife.
"When did you get that?" she checks her leg where she left the dagger.
"That's my power 'the World.' But answer me, why was this even on you?"
"How does your power take something without me noticing? Unless. . ."
"You do not get to know my true power, not yet. I'm the one asking the questions here, you answer," he commands.
"I was going somewhere. You disturbed my mission."
"You're not the only vampire out in the world you know. But why didn't that arrow kill me? It pierced my heart."
"Another vampire you say? What's your deal with him or her?"
"I wanted his power. He told me to take the heart of this man, I guess he was in his way. I don't care. I just needed that power, to become a vampire myself."

Dio laughs manically. "Useless! You poor fool. I understand you'd deny your humanity, I did that a century ago, but I'll make you a better offer than this vampire. Join me."
"You'll give me your power?"
"I already have. Look behind you." The girl does and she sees a strange large creature floating protectively. The colours perfectly blended from red to blue to grey and brown almost maroon. Four symbols lay in a star like pattern on its chest. She looks back at Dio and to her surprise he has a similar creature beside him, this one of pure gold.

"What in the world?"
"It's called a stand, a manifestation of your fighting spirit. Yours seems to be self explanatory but why don't you give it a try?"
"I don't know how to use this thing." He comes close to her face, right beside her ear.
"Just try," he whispers.

She nods and while closing her eyes, she unleashed everything within. It was like her body already knew what to do. When she opened them, the 'Stand' had four arms out, one with fire, one of ice, one of wind and the last a rock. The elements.

Dio grabs her shoulders and leans into her ear once more. "Do you see this power? I'll let you live and keep it. You can create a new world. A better world. With your stand, my stand and my friend Pucci, we will be invincible."

She stared ahead at her stand. Her burning desire brings a smirk to her face. "So you can't turn humans into vampires?" she teases.
"Of course I can. But I won't. The sun is our weakness. I need you to be out when I can't."
"Hmm." He spins her so she's facing him. Their faces just an inch apart.
"I will vanquish that vampire. I have a feeling he will bring ruin to my plans. And, if you refuse I won't let you leave this place alive."

She smiles devilishly. "Oh, Dio. Why would I want to leave your side? You're offering me something far greater than what I can imagine. The World."

He grins from ear to ear. "Good." He can sense what's in the heart of a human and this particular girl had no other motive than pure drive, no distractions. Much like Pucci. Luck was on his side. He only needed one friend but he found two.

She had finally found it, at last. A true leader. Someone with a goal and barely any accomplices. The best things truly get done with less people, or vampires. She knew she shouldn't trust him, that was a given, but she already respected him and felt devoted, pledging allegiance. And this power, this power. . .
"So what do you say? Shall we slay a vampire?" she asks.
"Of course."

The world will change. Destiny will no longer be a mystery.



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