|Silky Tufts|Leone Abbacchio

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Guys! Give me more Abba ideas because I love him but creative mode just turns off when it comes to my mans Leone.

Also I got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. . .it's been swell! (get it cuz I'm swollen like a pufferfish. . .no? alright sorry, I tried)


"Abbacchio," you call.
"What is it?" has asks annoyed.
"What are you doing?" your slurred.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he says holding up a book and a glass of wine.
"Mm reading wine and drinking a book~"
He shakes his head in disapproval. "Why are you slurring? Bucciarati doesn't let alcohol in here other than my-" Abbacchio glares at you when he comes to the realization. "You got into my wine cabinet."
You smirk and spin the key on your finger. "Maybe I did~"
"When you're sober, you're gonna get it," he says grabbing the key and putting it in his pocket.
"That stuff is strong," you say picking up the bottle on the table Abbacchio was working on. "How do you drink this all the time?"
He snags the bottle away from you. "Maybe because you're a light weight. No more for you." You pout but don't argue.

You walk over to him and sit right beside him. "Can't you leave me alone? Go bother Mista."
"No, I don't wanna go to Mista. What are you reading?"
"A new novel from one of my favourite authors."
"Can I read with you." He sighs and nods. You lean in closer and start reading the blurry letters on the page. He flips the page before you can finish a paragraph. "Hey you're going too fast!" you shout.
"I'm going at my own speed!"
"That's inconsiderate!"
"I bet you can't even put the words together in proper sentences."
"Is that a bet you said? Haha you're on! I'll read the first paragraph see, look. . ." You stare at the page. The words bounce off and swirl around your head. "Woah, Abba, the letters are dancing."
"Oh my god (f/n) go get some rest."
"Okay." You put your head on his lap and get comfortable on him. He pushes you away instantly.
"Not on me!" You giggle and hiccup. You walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water to quench your thirst. Abbacchio keeps an eye on you from the couch, making sure you don't fall into a corner and rip your head open. You stagger back to him, feeling a little refreshed. You fixate on his pin straight lavender hair. It looks soft. You rake your fingers through and he pushes your hand away.
"Leave me alone!"
"But your hair is so soft~"
"Of course it is. Your hairs a mess." You laugh and agree at your unkept locks. You pull a comb from your pocket and brush through his hair. He glares at you but sighs, knowing you won't give up. He lets you brush his hair, surprisingly liking the sensation. You split his hair in three parts and start braiding. When he realizes what you're doing, he stops you. "No, not like Giovanna!" he shouts, making you chuckle.
"Okay fine." Instead, you grab his hair and wrap it into a small bun. You place some strands to frame his face and smile proudly. "You should wear your hair like this more often, Abba."

You grab the comb and hand it over to Abbacchio. "Want to brush my hair for me?" you ask.
"Come on. I want my hair to be pretty like yours."
He sighs. "Will you leave me alone after that?"
"You better not tell anyone about this."
"Who am I gonna tell?" He takes the comb, raking it through your hair.
"Geez woman, your hairs a tangled mess. Thankfully I know my way through them." You hum in response and lean into him. The sensation of his soft fingers on your head and the comb being swept from roots to ends relaxes you. As he hits a tangle, he gently unknots it leaving no pain behind. By the time he finishes untangling your hair, you have fallen asleep on his chest. Your hair now flows down gracefully behind you. "(F/n)," he calls you. "(F/n)?" He shakes you awake.
"Mm I'm awake. What?" you say.
"I'm done. You can leave now." You brush through your hair.
"Hey it's as soft as yours now!"
"Of course it is."
"Thanks Abba!" You wrap your arms around him to give him a hug. He rolls his eyes. But when you don't let go, irritation lines his face.
"I said to-" He looks at your sleeping figure once again. He sighs and warmly smiles. He moves your arms beside you so they don't feel uncomfortable when you wake up but leave your head against his shoulder. He raises his book and begins to read again.

"Well, what do we have here?" a voice rings from the entrance. Bucciarati.
"She got into my wine cabinet."
"Of course she did," Bucciarati laughs. "Want me to help her to her room?"
"You know what, Bucciarati, she's comfortable here. It's fine."
"Oh? Alright. Well let me know if you change your mind." The man walks off. As soon as he does, Abbacchio gently grabs his glass of wine and fills it half way. He lifts it and smiles, pouring it all over your sleeping body.

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