|Writers Block|Rohan Kishibe

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I feel like we all have a soft spot for Rohan, right? I can't be the only one. Presenting the one and only: Rohan Kishibe. 


Writers block. That's what's happening right now. You're a writer and you've partnered with a mangaka to create a new intriguing story. Your art skills may not have been the best, but you got your ideas illustrated down clear enough for the mangaka to create something amazing out of. Rohan Kishibe. That was the magaka's name. He didn't want to partner up at first, however upon hearing your name he agreed. You were much like him. You had published your first best selling novel when you were 17 and since then released another two books of the same series. They were wildly popular across Japan and were now getting offers to translate the text in different languages to sell globally. Rohan, though he wouldn't admit it, was really into your story. It was right up his alley, and he couldn't lie, he was a fan. And you were a fan of his. Though your styles in story making were unalike, so far your new manga was coming along well. . .more than well. It was amazing. The contrast in styles had created a masterpiece, but right now, both of you were stuck. Writers block. 

"I've got the designs set in stone, but how do we write this character in? He's supposed to be an enemy but. . ." Rohan goes on about how to incorporate this new character while you're trying your best to figure it out. You scribble out ideas on how this enemy could impact the plot. None of them feel right. 
You scribble down more ideas but get frustrated and sigh. 
"Geez woman, I've been calling you."
"Sorry, I'm trying to figure this out, but I'm stuck." You place you head in your hands and rub your temples. 
"I think a break would do us well," Rohan suggests. 
You hum in response. "Sure, we could sketch out-"
You furrow your brows. "No?"
"No," Rohan repeats. "We've been doing this nonstop for days. I don't think I've seen you leave that desk unless it was to get food. You even sleep there."
"Well we're- we were on fire."
"Yes, we were. But we can't overwork ourselves. Let's get some physical activity. We've been sitting for God knows how long." 
You blink twice. "Exercise?"
You laugh in response. "No, no. I'm okay."
"C'mon (f/n). It'll get those creative juices flowing."
You sigh. "Fine. What do you want to do?"
"Let's go for a run around town."
"A run? I don't run."
"You do now. Let's go," he says and drags you out the door. 

After much convincing, you went home to change into your athletic gear. Rohan is already waiting for you at your agreed meeting place. "I don't know how you convinced me to do this," you mumble. 
"I've got a little trick up my sleeve called Heaven's Door." He smirks.
"What's that?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets does he?"
"No cuz everyone already knows how he does it. Can we get this over with now?"
"Wow queen, great attitude."
"We'll start lightly, come on."

He grabs your wrist and leads you down the sidewalk. You start at a slow pace and match your steps with his. At first you were enjoying yourself, it wasn't that bad. And that's when Rohan picks up his pace drastically. "Hey!" you called. He looks behind him and smirks at you. 
"Keep up if you can!" 
"Ugh, ROHAN!" You laugh and pick up your pace as well, catching up to him. He notices you coming in close to him and he sprints even faster. You lungs are on fire and your abdomen is cramping up, but your competitive nature compels you forward. However, your body isn't accustomed to extreme physical activity. One wrong step on a cracked and uneven piece of sidewalk and your ankle twists abnormally. You crash on the ground hard, skin scraping against the pavement. "Ow," you say and check your ankle. It hurts, but it doesn't feel broken. 

You stand up and feel small drops of sweat mixed with blood drip off your face. You feel your cheek, the area tender from the scrape. You shake out your ankle to get it moving again but as you take a step with it, you are hit with an intense shock of pain. "Damn," you say aloud. 
"What in the world did you do?" Rohan asks as he jogs back up to you. He examines you and sees the burning red scrape on your cheek, leg and arm. 
"I fell."
"Clearly." He takes out a piece of cloth and wipes the blood off your cheek. 
"I think I hurt my ankle," you say as he concentrates on not being to harsh as to not hurt you. He turns his attention to your ankle. "I can't walk with it."
"Did you break it?"
"I don't think so. I mean it freaking hurts, but I think a broken ankle would hurt more. I would have probably screamed for you."
Rohan smirks."Oh yeah?"
You slap his arm. "Shut up." 
He chuckles. "Here let me help you up." He does so. You try to put weigh back on your ankle but the sharp pain returns. 
"No, I can't walk with it. I told you I don't run. It's kind of pathetic. . ."
"Pathetic. . ." You both say in unison. You both laugh. "You are pretty pathetic," Rohan says.
"Shut up, you prick." You start to hop on your good leg away from him. 
"What are you doing?" he calls after you. 
"I'm going to get this checked out."
"You're going to hop to the medical centre?"
"Precisely. It's not too far from here." He sighs and goes after you. 
"I'm not letting you hop you weirdo, climb on." He lowers himself so you can climb on his back. 
"I'm not letting you carry me."
"Fine suit yourself." He crosses his arms and watches as you continue to hop down the road. Already tired, this has proven difficult and you stop to take a break. You look back at him. 
"Fine, I may need your help." He smirks and walks up to you. You climb on his back. "Stop smirking." 

You get comfy on his back, wrapping your arms around his collarbone. You lean your head on his shoulder. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy this. So would Rohan. He loved feeling your warm presence on him. After a few minutes of walking you reach the medical centre. They immediately take you in. 

"It's just a bad sprain. Nothing broken. You should be fine in a few days, a week at most. Make sure you rest your leg, and do not put any weight on it," the doctor says. 
"Well that's a relief," you say. Rohan sits crossed arm beside you. 
"I know you'll have to get around, so I'll send the nurse to bring you some crutches. Come back next week and we will re-evaluate your ankle."
"Crutches? I don't want crutches."
"You're going to have to get around some way. There is another option. We can give you a wheelchair."
Rohan laughs. "Yes, I'd love to push you around in that."
"Oh heck no, I'll just take the crutches."

You both took the bus back to Rohan's place, back to work. You enter his house and he picks you up bridal style. "What are you doing?"
"Do you know how long you'd take if you walked up the stairs with those things? I'm not wasting my time waiting for you."
"Fine." You hold on to your crutches as he climbs the stairs. He places you on the couch in his work room. 
"You stay there and rest for a bit."
"Can you bring me a glass of water?"
"Uh, wha- We were just downstairs."
"Yeah but I'm thirsty. And I didn't ask you to pick me up."
"I was helping you."
"Were you?"
"Oh my, you're so annoying," he says grabbing the bridge of his nose. 
"Yeah, but you still love me," you say smoothly, with a smirk. This catches his attention. He walks over to you, moves your leg so you're in sitting position and sits beside you. You look at him in confusion. 
"Ho-how did you know?" He says gently caressing your bruised cheek. You flinch and he moves his hand away.
Your eyes widen in surprise. "Huh?"
"How did you know I loved you?" Your face turns crimson red, as he smirks one of his signature smirks. 
"Oh, you prick." You laugh, knowing this is just another one of his jokes. "Stop fooling around, we've got work to do." You get up but Rohan pulls you back down on the couch. He looks you dead in the eye sending shivers down your spine. 
"I do like you, (f/n)," he says being the straightforward man he is. "And you like me." You look into his beautiful and green eyes. 
"Of course."

He smashes his lips into yours catching you by surprise but you melt into the kiss, bringing him closer to your body. You wrap your arms around his neck as he places one hand around your waist and the other deep into your hair. It was a heated moment, but in that moment, a lightbulb turns on in your mind. You break away from the kiss suddenly leaving Rohan confused. 

"I know how to write the character into the story!" you exclaim.
"Are you serious? Right now, you're going to do it right now?" You nod and shoot up out of the couch. He grabs your arms and pulls you into him. "Stay here, this is more fun."
"More fun than our story? Really?"
"Yes." You smile then shake your head. 
"I have to write this down." You escape his grasp and hop towards the desk. You trip on some books and fall flat on your face. Rohan laughs uncontrollably. You pick yourself up and reach your desk. "Can you get that glass of water, please."
"What? No."
"C'mon I said please."
"Still no."
"Fine I'll go and then fall down the stairs and you're going to have to deal with my half dead self."
"Fine, fine." He rolls his eyes and heads down the stairs. You quickly scribble down your idea for this new character. You're done by the time Rohan comes back with the water. He sits on the couch. 
"If you want it, you'll have to come here."
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious."

You start hopping back on your good leg and trip over the same stack of books. Rohan catches you before you hit the ground and lifts you up. You're caught between his arms. "Geez, you never learn do you?" You laugh in response. "You're gonna be a pain this week, aren't you?"
"I may be, but you don't mind."
"Actually yes, I do mind. You think I want to be a babysit-" You cut him short by smacking your lips against his this time. 
"Like I said, you don't mind."
He scoffs and then grins. "You know, you really are annoying."

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