|For Good|Johnny Joestar

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This pretty much spoils SBR so don't read unless you've finished or don't mind spoilers I guess.

Johnny sat in the tavern, already losing count of the number of mugs he had downed. It was one of those nights. . . One of those nights where he missed his dear friend. This particular night grief had washed over him like a tidal wave and so he tried to forget. But his friends face was embedded in his mind. He couldn't forget, no matter how much he drank. Gyro, that bastard, wouldn't leave his mind. He made such a huge impact on Johnny's life and Gyro made sure he wouldn't be forgotten.

Lesson 5. Gyro's last words were meant to teach Johnny. A true mentor. A true friend. . .

Johnny drank more from his mug and turned his attention towards the stage where two girls were preparing for their number. One girl, the blonde had a guitar in hand and began to strum a melody. The brunette began to sing. Her voice was beautiful, eerie and uplifting at the same time. He focused his attention at the words coming from her voice.

I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those who help us most to grow
If we let them...
And we help them in return.
Well I don't know if I believe that's true,
But I know I'm who I am today because I knew youuuuu

Johnny drank the words in. It reached his heart, his mind more than the liquor ever could. These words...these words. They reminded him of Gyro.

It well may be
That we will never meet again in this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me is made of what I've learned from you

Johnny looks at the steel ball in his hand. He learned the power of the spin from his friend. A gift. A gift that gave Johnny the ability to walk again. He smiles.

You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end

He winces as a picture of his friends lifeless body comes to mind. He fished him out of the ocean. They had found him with the help of Mr. Steele. But when they found Gyro, he looked peaceful.

I know you have rewritten mine, by being my friend.

When the song is over, the people clap. Johnny pays his tab, gets up and walks out of the tavern.

He walks around the block reminiscing on every moment in the Steel Ball Run Race. It was truly an experience, and he had grown so much. Before the race, his soul was breaking, shutting down. The world was cruel, life was meaningless. He was in despair, but those steel balls, those damn steel balls are what led him to have this adventure.

And to be honest, he felt guilty about his friends death. Like with Nicholas, he blamed himself. It was Johnny who wanted the 'corpse' parts, not Gyro. All Gyro wanted was to win the race and get amnesty for the boy wrongfully imprisoned.

Johnny sighs and sits down on a pier. It's a clear sky so the stars sparkle like millions of sapphires. He points out the constellations Gyro taught him about. That man knew everything.

Then, all of a sudden a large cloud emerges. It seemed strange, out of place and a figure emerges. "Gyro?" Johnny asks. The cloud motions resemble a hand tipping its hat. It disappears as quickly as it came.

"I need to stop drinking."

On that exact spot that the cloud emerged, Johnny could make out a constellation shape he's never seen before. It looked like a man riding a horse, a cowboy hat placed on its head.

"Hey, Gyro. Look it's you." He chuckles. "Valkyrie would be jealous you found a new horse. But I can see, yes I can see. You're free to ride through the sky. That boy, you know, he's free now. Your goal was accomplished. I made sure of it. Go Gyro. Go, go Zeppeli."

He smiled as the constellation shined brighter than any other star in the sky. "Can I name that constellation after you? Can I call it Julius Caesar. No one will know it's your name, but it seems fitting. Would that be okay?"

Johnny sighs and looks down at the water below his feet. "I heard this song and it reminded me of you. You changed me, forever. I wish you were here. I wish I could have mastered Lesson 5 earlier. I wish I didn't drag you towards the corpse.

"I guess there's no use in worrying about the past. That's what you'd say right? It's useless. What's done is done. You really were my true friend, and I'll miss you for always."

He looks up and begins to sing the last few lines of his newly learned song.

"Who can say if I've been changed for the better, but I do believe I have been changed for the better...


Because I knew you. I have been changed for good."

I'm not crying you are. I just finished Steel Ball Run and this song 'For Good' from Wicked the musical really reminded me of the duo. The best duo. Ugh, I miss Gyro. Best Jobro. Best JOJO. Best story. I'm so sad it's over but it was a complete masterpiece. Alright, it's time for Jojolion!

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