|Monster of My Past|Passione & Dio (Request)

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Hello lovelies. This one was a request from Rachels_28

I had fun with this one. I always see stories or art about how great of a father Dio would be to Giorno, and while those are wholesome and I love them, what if Giorno feared his father. . .?

(Mild spoilers for part 5 and 6)

The sky darkened around the vampire as he walked forward. Even the birds could sense the evil and flew away from the location. But upon hearing about his sons current status, only one of them was a success. Only one had proven themselves to be ambitious. Giorno Giovanna. The leader of the mafia in Italy. The man who brutally defeated the former boss with THE arrow. Already from the stories the vampires subordinates had told him about his son, he could tell that Giorno had inherited many of his qualities. But the vampire also thought that if he had his own qualities, he must have inherited some of Jonathan's, and he needed to see who his progeny was for himself. 

Giorno was with his squad, all working on a plan to keep narcotics off the streets of Italy. He had just taken position of 'boss.' Everyone agreed the Giorno was a born leader, and although Abbacchio didn't agree to follow Giorno around, he agreed with the leader bit. Giorno still wanted Abbacchio's support, so the compromise was that he would only take orders from Bucciarati, not Giorno. That was fine. 

The team wandered through the streets of Venice, where Giorno decided to stay. Everyone needed a new scenery; the start of a new chapter in their lives. No one knew the bosses identity, not yet. Everything was too new, the team had to insert themselves in the highest position of the organization carefully. 

As they strode, they all felt like themselves. Laughing, smiling, conversing, it was such a relief that their fight with Diavolo had ended successfuly, thanks to the golden boy. No one was hurt and everyone went home. Even Trish had found her place in Naples. But the light was fractured by clouds of darkness. It wasn't unusual for Venice to have heavy rainfall but these clouds were different, they were menacing. 

"Giorno Giovanna," a deep voice called from within the darkness. The boy stood in front of his team courageously and they all lined up beside him. 
"Show yourself!" Giorno shouted. Everyone looked in anticipation to this seemingly new enemy. A shadow of a figure emerged, one hand on hip. His image getting closer and closer. Slowly, Giorno could make out the features of the man. He was brooding and exceptionally tall. His smile was as sharp as the fangs in his mouth. Skin pale from the lack of sun exposure. And his eyes, shining as gold as a pirates buried treasure. 

Giorno gasped and took a step back subconsciously. Those eyes. He's only seen eyes that illuminating once in his life. The distant memory rushes back to him like a river. . .

He was a child. A small child. Trembling, all alone in the night. His mother wasn't in sight, always abandoning her son for her own pleasure. And then he felt a shift in the room, a presence. He believed it to be his mother, but to his surprise a giant man stood before him, the sun in his eyes. The man felt familiar. And then he smiled a wicked smile. And in a moment, the man was gone. Giorno didn't know if he had imagined the whole thing out of fear or if it had actually happened, but now he knew for sure. His father had visited him when he was young. 

"F-father?" Giorno asks in shock. The team look at him stunned. "H-how. . .I thought you were dead."
"Do I look dead, my son? I merely faked my death and had to start from the beginning." It had been 12 years since Jotaro supposedly killed Dio in battle, but that was merely an illusion. Dio was still alive, but he was not well. The blood of Joseph was taken back and left the vampire weak. He needed to escape, find Pucci and start at the beginning of his plan to obtain heaven. And Pucci gifted Dio a way to overcome the sun: his twin brothers stand ability Weather Report. He inserted the disk with the Stand into Dio, giving Dio complete control over two stands. This was possible since he had two bodies, his own and Jonathan's. 

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