|My Boyfriend's Best Friend|Okuyasu

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I love Okuyasu so much! Just ugh, this man makes me laugh. He puts a smile on my face all the time. Just imagine Oku as your best friend. You can't tell me your life would be boring.


"Where is everyone?" you ask Okuyasu. He scratches his head.
"I don't know. I think Koichi went out with Yukako."
"What about Josuke?"
"Oi, I'm right here," Josuke says walking up to you two. He laces his fingers with yours. "Let's go."

You all head towards Josuke's house to hang out. Once you get inside, his mother, Tomoko starts yelling at her son. "Why did you get here so late? We have to go out of town! Hurry up and get your things! Hello, Oku, (f/n)."
"Hello," you both say a little scared of Josuke's mom.
"I'm sorry to the both of you. Josuke can't hang out today, or you know I'd let you all stay here. Maybe another time. JOSUKE HURRRY UP!"

Josuke flinches. "Damn, I'm sorry guys. I completely forgot! I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye!" He says giving you a peck on your cheek as he pushing you out the door.

"Alright then," you say.
"That was kind of scary," Okuyasu says.
"Ms. Higashikata is always scary. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Oku," you say and start walking off.
"Oi, wait. Why don't we do something? I don't want to go home yet. I still have so much energy."
"Just us two?"
"Yeah! Why not?" You consider his offer. You've never hung out just you two before. You only talked to Okuyasu when you both were with Josuke. Plus, he kind of annoyed you at times. The man was an oddball.

"Uh, I don't know. I still have homework to do..." you say trying to make up an excuse.
"That can wait! We can have a fun day!" You cave in.
"Alright fine." How bad could it be?
"What do you wanna do first? Are you hungry? Let's go to Tonio's! I have this pain in my arms, probably from working out so hard." He flexes his biceps, showing off his muscular arms. You had to hand it to him, he did have a nice figure. But you had to extinguish his fire. You feed onto his ego he'll take it too far. Plus this was just classic Oku, trying to impress a girl, even his best friends girl.
"Oku, we all go workout at the same gym at the same time. I know what your arms look like."
"Oh right, right."
"Let's go."

On the way over, Okuyasu raves about how amazing the food at Tonio's is and how it healed every unhealthy aspect of his body the last time he came. You laugh at his exaggeration. "Oi it's true I tell you."
"Guess we'll see when we get there."
Upon entering, Tonio ushered you both in to a table not handing you a menu. "Uh is the menu on the wall somewhere?"
"No no. I make dishes specifically for my customers."
"Oh alright."
"Oi Tonio, bring what you made last time. So gooood," Okuyasu says. Tonio smiles and walks to his kitchen.

A few minutes later, Tonio returns with two dishes. You try yours and your eyes light up. "This is amazing!" 
"I told you."
"Ah but something hurts." You hug yourself as you feel pain seeping through your inner body. After a few moments, all the pain is gone. Completely gone. Your muscles no longer ache. "Woah. I don't feel achy anymore and I feel like I have a lot more energy. Do you have some secret ingredient you put in your food?" you ask Tonio.
"A chef never reveals his secrets!" He winks at Okuyasu. The boy slurps his spaghetti and gives a thumbs up back. You guess Oku's in on his secret. You'll get it out of him. 

After a hearty meal, you two decide to head to the arcade. "Oi I'm the king at video games. I used to come here all the time and set high scores."
"Did you not have anything else to do with you life?"
"No, not really. I set my priorities straight."
You snicker. "I bet I can beat you though." You run to the building, your competetive side catching up with you.

You both spent a great deal of time in the arcade playing two player games. Both were pretty evenly matched. Okuyasu was surprised at your skills in the video game department. "I thought girls didn't play video games," he said.
"Misconception! But I mean, I guess I never did until I met Josuke. We play too many video games." You laugh, memories of you and your boyfriend aggressively playing against each other.

"Josuke and Koichi both have girls, but I don't," he wails, tears coming out his eyes.
"Oh poor Oku. You don't need a girlfriend right now. You'll fine one eventually. Put those tears away, and let's go get a prize."
"Usually Josuke tells me not to cry about it," he says.
"Well Josuke can be a jerk. C'mon." You both walk to the prize stand. You have enough tickets to get a small stuffed toy and choose a turtle. 

"A turtle?" Oku asks.
"Yeah. I'm gonna give it to Josuke." Okuyasu breaks down laughing and falls on his knees. "You're so dramatic." You snicker. Josuke hates turtles. They freak him out, so you were planning on torturing him and helping him overcome his fear. Lovingly of course.
"Oh he's gonna freak!"
"I count on it."

 You notice a blonde girl about your age watching Oku with a smile. She eyes a small stuffed piglet that she wants. The worker on the opposite side shakes his head and she looks down in disappointment. You get an idea. "Hey Oku, that girl was looking at you earlier."
"Who? What girl? Where?" He asks eager. You roll your eyes and subtly point out the only other girl around. "She looked like she wanted that stuffed pig but didn't have enough tickets. What if you got it for her?" He considers.
"But I want that hand clap toy. It reminds me of my Za Hando." You furrow your eyebrows.
"Do I even wanna know what that is?"
"Oh right, you don't know... I forgot. I'm not that smart you know." You slap him in the head. "Ow!"
"Stop saying that! I have a few tickets left over. I'll get you that Za Hando thing. Go talk to her."
He nods at you and walks over to the blonde girl. You talk to another worker behind the counter and ask for the hand toy, which he gladly gives you. You start whipping it back and forth and are easily amused by the small clapping hand.

You turn your attention to Oku and the blonde girl. The worker helping them grabs the stuffed pig and hands it to the girl. She's so ecstatic and gives him a hug. You grin from ear to ear. They were adorable. They start walking out together and you slowly trail behind. Outside, you watch a car drive off leaving Oku on his own.

"How did it go?" You ask.
"Good I think. She came with her cousin so he drove her back home. I offered to walk her. But she goes to our school and we're gonna meet up for lunch tomorrow!"
"Hey! That's exciting!" You exclaim. He hugs you.
"Thank you. I wouldn't have met her if you didn't point her out. She's so cute! And totally my type."
"Oku, you say that about everyone. I'm pretty sure you said that about a dead girl."
He scratches his head. "Did I?"

In the evening, you receive a call from Josuke. You talk to him, putting your homework aside. "Josuke!" You exclaim always excited to hear your boyfriends voice.
"Hey love. How was your day?"
"It was fun. Missed you though."
"Me too. Sorry for running out on you guys like that. My mom had to take us-"
"No worries it's fine. I hung out with Oku."
"You did? Really?" His voice interested.
"Yeah! It was pretty fun actually. I mean odd, but he was pretty amusing."
"That's Oku." He laughs.
"Oh and guess what?"
"I sort of set him up with this girl! They're gonna meet up at lunch tomorrow!"
"Oku? With a girl? Really?"
"Yeah it was adorable! He got her this stuffed pig and she was laughing at his jokes and stuff. It was adorable!"
"Awe ahah. Wait, a stuffed pig? Where did you guys go?"
"The arcade."
"You left."
You laugh. "Oh question, what's a Za Hando?"
It's Josuke's turn to laugh. "I'll explain tomorrow."
"It sounds. . .I don't even know. Oh! I've got a surprise for you!"
 "Ooou you did? What is it?"
You chuckle menacingly. "I'll bring it over tomorrow."


Za Hando, ft. stuffed turtle, signing off. 

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