|Fine, I'll Stay|Jotaro Kujo

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Hello wonderful people. I wrote this one after having a mental breakdown myself. . . hahahahahaha. I'm fine. Anyways, I write a lot about things that I kind of wished happened in my life but doesn't. They're 'imagines' for a reason right? And just having on person to listen, that's honestly enough. So listen to your friends, or family or whoever. Unless they treat you like crap and don't appreciate you and say "you were never there for me," when you literally put them first in everything and yourself last, damaging your soul, heart and mind in the process. . .hehe.

Enjoy lovelies! Writing Jotaro chapters is kind of fun actually.


"You're such an annoying bitch!" Jotaro shouts at you. You look at him unfazed, tears streaming down your eyes. You'd been crying, experiencing another mental breakdown. These have been happening quite often, and you tried to keep yourself quiet, but one day your roommate and best friend, Jotaro heard you. "I know," you say. This takes him by surprise. 

"I know! I know I'm an annoying bitch, but I can't help it! Just leave and pretend you didn't see anything." He starts to walk out the door but pauses before exiting. 
"I didn't mean to insult you, it's just-"
"You hate crying women, I know. No one told you to come in," you say coldly. He was cruel. You loved him, but when it came to emotions the man was unavailable. He hated the mere talk of anything emotional, so you always avoided that topic with him. 
"That's true, but. . .you didn't cry or just give in. Girls usually do that. . ."
"Yeah, well, I'm not your typical Kujo Jotaro fangirl."
He scoffs. "No kidding. But even my mother just says okay and leaves me alone."
You stare at him in shock. "You call your mother that?!"
"Yare yare, you're a real jerk."
"That's my line."
"It's not copywrited."
"Yare yare daze, you really are annoying."
"Not as annoying as you, asshole." At this, he grunts. You think he's going to finally leave you alone, but instead he closes the door and sits on your bed.

"Why the hell are you still here?"
"You're usually not this cold unless something's really bugging you. Yare yare, I hate these kinds of talks but, maybe I can, I don't know do something." This was the kindest thing you've ever heard him say and you can't stop yourself from laughing. "Ugh, I'm gonna leave."
"No, no. Stay. I'm sorry," you apologize. 
He nods. "What's bugging you?"
You sigh. "It's just everything. Everything came out at once! I've bottled it for so long, for years, and. . .you can't tell me it doesn't affect you too." He knows exactly what you're talking about. 
"Egypt," he states. "Dio." You nod. Avdol, Kakyoin, and even Iggy, all gone. Your best friends in the world. Especially Kakyoin. You were both sent after Jotaro at the same time, becoming a team and after the flesh bud was removed from both your brains, you held that closeness. You both were partners. And you knew for a fact that Kakyoin and Jotaro became instant best friends, even if Jotaro didn't want to confirm it. 

"I miss him. Everyday. Every single damn day. I see him in everything," you say staring at the wall. 
"I miss him too. God, I miss him so much," he confesses. He looks down at his hands. You've never heard him say those words before. He didn't like to talk about Egypt. Would Ora Ora Polnareff or the old man if they brought it up. A beatdown from Star Platinum didn't sound fun, you saw what happened to Dan. 

You share a little more, not wanting to overload Jotaro, but wanting to get stuff off your chest. He barely responded, but he listened. And that was enough for you. He didn't open up anymore though. He placed a hand on your thigh in comfort. You smile and rest your hand on top of his. 

"Thank you," you say. 
"For what?"
"For listening."
He nods. "I know how you feel." 
You knit your brows. "You do?" But he doesn't elaborate, instead he gives a suggestion. 
"Let's go," he says getting up. 
"The aquarium." Your eyes light up. The aquarium always makes you feel at peace, but you rarely go. Always too many people. 
"Isn't it closed by now." You look at the clock. 10:57 pm. 
"Yeah, but I have the key card. They give me any trouble, I'll just use Star Platinum." You chuckle imagining the scene play out. 
"Alright, let's go!" You take his hand and drag him out the door. 



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