|Wifey Material|Bruno Bucciarati

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Married to the Capo? Oou, yes please ;)

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet someone," Bucciarati says, walking into their constant reserved table at Libeccio's.
"A newbie?" Mista asks.
"To you, I guess it would be. But Abbacchio and Fugo have met her."
"What? And I haven't? I joined the team a little after Abbacchio," Narancia says.
"She's been here and there. She has a lot of travelling missions, but there's never enough time to introduce her to you guys."
"Well if she's in your team, shouldn't we work with her too?" Mista says.
"Yeah, it doesn't make sense that we haven't met her," Narancia says.
"Well, technically she's not in my team. She works alone." 
"Heh heh," Abbacchio chuckles as he sips his tea. Fugo just smirks. 
"Eh? Fugo, you know about this mysterious member. . .what's she like?"
"Narancia, weren't you listening? Bucciarati said you were going to meet her."
"Oh, oh, right! So where is she?"
Bucciarati looks at his watch. "She should be here any minute-" He stops talking as the woman walks in. Her hair flowing and a glowing aura radiating around her. She took off her sunglasses as she put her arm through Bucciarati's and looks at the group before her. She smiles. 
"Abbacchio, Fugo. It's been forever! How are you? And you two, Mista and Narancia, right? I've heard all about you. Bucciarati talks about you guys nonstop. He loves you guys, maybe even more than me!" the woman teases. She punches the Capo beside her lightly. Mista and Narancia look at each other in confusion. 
"We just heard about you today!" Narancia says. 
"Narancia, manners," Fugo shuns. He looks at the girl! "We're great! How are you doing (f/n)?"
"Oh I'm great. Non stop missions though, you know the drill. I got what I signed up for. But how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm (f/n) (l/n). I decided to keep my last name."
"Keep your last name?" Mista asks. Abbacchio continues to sip his tea. 
"She's my wife," Bucciarati says. Narancia's jaw drops to the floor and Mista scratches his head. 
"You didn't tell them?" (f/n) asks. 
"Uh. . .no. . .?" 
""WOAH BUCCIARATI YOU'RE MARRIED?! I never would have thought! You guys are so young!"
"It was on a whim. We kind of just did it, but honestly no regrets!" she says. 
Mista speaks up. "Now I know why we never met you. Every time you got to come to Naples, you and Bucciarati were probably-"
"I can't believe you didn't say anything about me, but not surprised." She turns to the boys. "He's a very secretive man, isn't he?" 
"Wait, Fugo you and Abbacchio knew?"
"Yeah. But they've only been married for like a year?"
"Yeah a year," Bucciarati confirms. 
"Their love story was pretty annoying," Abbacchio says. "Those two were so in love and they couldn't even see it. Took them forever."

 A new mission. And this time, Bucciarti's wife would join them. They were all more than ecstatic to see her in action. They learned that her position in the organization required her to travel all over Italy. She couldn't get into the details about it, however and that's maybe why Bucciarati kept her on the down low. 

They had to track down an enemy, and while it took a few days with the help of Moody Blues and Aerosmith, they had reached their target. The ultimate fight came as a head on head battle. And Bucciarati never lost sight of his wife. As capable as she was of herself, he could not feel anything but protective of her. 

The enemy group stood in front of them at the waterfront of Naples, away from citizens. "So you found us. . ." the enemy leader says. "But you can't beat us."
"Don't worry guys," (f/n) says. "I've got this." 
"Eh? My Sex Pistols can hit them," Mista says. 
"Well you guys can join in now if you want, but I was going to show you what I can do. Don't you want to see?" 
"(F/n) stop going in head on in super dangerous situations. There are a bunch of us that can-" She rolls her eyes and turns her back. "Darling, you're here if I need you. But remember, once I start, don't interfere." She walks towards the oncoming group. 
"Oh, a little girl? You guys are sending her in?" 

She looks behind her at the group, the team Bucciarti had rounded, all ready for action. Her heart swells. She rarely works within a group, and when she does it's only temporary. It's not a family like this. She ponders a thought for a moment and returns her focus on the enemy. "What can you do sweetie?" the enemy asks. She glares at the man in front of her, then smirks. 
"Guns n' Roses!" A red and pink Stand emerges with green thorns spiking out its arms. 
"Pretty Stand for a pretty lady." The enemy group laughs. 
"Rain o' Petals!" she calls and the stand releases an almost infinite amount of flower petals into the sky towards the enemy. The men all laugh and charge towards the young woman, but they fall down into a hole and reappear a few meters behind them. They look around in confusion. Bucciarati stands protectively in front of his wife and recalls his Sticky Fingers. 

"Oi, oi calm down. They're done for anyway," (f/n) says. The enemy runs back towards the team. Mista aims his gun at the enemy and puts his finger on the trigger. 
"No Mista! Don't shoot! You might get your stand caught in the petals!" Bucciarati yells, but it's too late. Mista already shot three bullets. 

(F/n) is quick to react and calls her stand to block the bullets by allowing herself to get shot. She falls back from the impact, but it doesn't affect her attack. Nothing can stop it. Bucciarti catches his wife in his arms. "MISTA WHAT DID YOU DO?"
"I uh-I-I'm sorry, I-"
"No it's alright. He didn't know," (f/n) says. "It's not his fault, he was just doing his duty. See you should have talked about me more." She chuckles. "Don't worry about me, Mista. I've survived worse. Just, nobody go near those petals." She looks at Bucciarati's enraged face. "Hey, I'm fine. You've got me. I'm ok." This somewhat reassures him and he brings her closer to him in a protective and loving manner. They all watch the last of the petals fall. "Arrivederci."

That's when the enemy begins to sink, slowly. Some fall on their knees and start coughing intensely. The rest attempt to scramble out of what looks like quicksand. Their actions are futile, they sink further and further in until they're no more. The ones who inhaled too many petals cough to try and get them out of their lungs, but are not able to. They turn blue, drowning in flowers, and drop. The enemy, defeated. 

"What in the world?" Mista says after the show is over. 
"I don't remember that," Fugo says. 
"Tsk," Abbacchio sounds.
"W-woahh! That was awesome. You didn't even have to lift a finger! That all came from your stand?" Narancia says excitedly. (F/n) sits up, pain sharp but bearable. 
"Yeah, that's my Stand: Guns n' Roses. Basically makes people suffocate in petals, whether they sink into a petal puddle or inhaled too many. Once the attack starts, even I can't stop it. So if you can, try to get out. However, the petals blind and confuse you, so it's difficult to navigate through. That's why if your stand got in Mista, you would have lost three pistols and taken some serious damage."
"Her stand is quite invincible," Bucciarati says. 
"Damn. Well, uh, thank you," Mista replies. She nods in response. 
"Okay, Bruno. You can take me to get these things ou-" Without any falter, Bucciarati gets up and rushes toward the emergency room.


Bucciarti stomps towards his girl angrily. There's someone behind her, someone sketchy and he better not lay a finger on her! "HEY! YOU! Leave her alone! She doesn't want you around. GET AWAY!" (F/n) turns around and raises a brow to her husband. 
"Bucciarati? What are you-" He stomps past her to the man in a dark cloak and uncovers it harshly. Behind it lies a wary Narancia. 
"Oh, Bucciarati. . ."
"What are you-"
"Narancia was trying to get an outfit for an undercover mission. I told him this was to conspicuous," she said.
"Yea, Bucciarati you have to take it easy or you're going to pop a vessel or something. Learned that from Fugo, heh heh," Narancia says smugly. 
"You're a little overprotective. . ." she says. 
"I know. I just, ugh. I barely see you and I get worried when you're out there alone. I want to join you on your missions but-"
"Your place is here, I know. But hey, I've been in contact with some of the elite squad and I pulled a few strings. . .I can stay here with you guys for a while. I'll have to go out every now and then, but not as often."
"But, you didn't tell them about us?"
"'Course not. I was persuasive. I'm staying." Bucciarati hugs his wife and spins her around, glad that he can spend more than a day a month with her. 
"Guess you're in Team Bucciarati now," he says. 
"I guess I am."

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