|We're (not) Monsters| Pannacotta Fugo

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Looking back on this chapter, I know it doesn't have too many connections between the characters, but this was a little personal. I sometimes write fanfiction that relates to me as therapy, oops. It was more of how I can somewhat relate to Fugo. Anyways...hope you enjoy this one!


The team lounges in their usual hang out place, a restaurant named Libeccio. This is the place they all were officially in Bucciarati's team so it holds a dear place in all their hearts. Bucciarati reads this mornings newspaper, updating his mid in current events. Although he knows most of the events that occur in Naples before a rumour is even spread, sometimes he finds more details or something that slipped his ear in the paper. 

Fugo is teaching Narancia about the history of Italy, which Narancia barely listens to. It's not that he doesn't appreciate Fugo's lessons, his mind is just usually not in it. The girl listens to these lessons beside Narancia, but at the same time, listening to another one of Mista's conspiracies. This one's about how some bugs may be microchipped by foreign countries in order to spy on others. Abbacchio sits back and sips his wine, headphones in, drowning all the commotion around him. Giorno wasn't there. He was wandering through the streets of Naples. 

"They want to be greater than everyone and overpower the world!" Mista exclaims, pounding his fists on the table. This catches Abbacchio's attention.

"Who's they?" the girl asks, her eyes darting to Mista. 

"I don't know yet, but it's gotta be American or Germany or China or anyone! It can be an underdog." Abbacchio takes his headphones off.

"What's he blabbering on about now?" he asks.

"World domination through bugs that have microscopic bugs on them," the girl answers. 

"Why'd I ask?" Abbacchio replies and returns to his music. 

Then, a man in a dark suit enters their private area. Everyone looks up in confusion, but Bucciarati gets up and meets the man, saying nothing. They head to the corner of the room, away from the team. 

"What do you suppose-" Fugo starts. 

"I figured it out! 15x5 is 125!" Narancia exclaims. Fugo looks at him in disapproval, anger lines welling up on his face.


"I know, but it was bothering me from yesterday and I finally figured it out! I'm right, no?"

Fugo looks at him, grabs the book in front of him and is about to smack him, when a "Fugo, stop," comes from their leader. To everyones surprise, the blonde boy stops his actions midair and throws the book on the ground at full force, relieving some anger. The girl watches his every move, empathizing. 

She was a lot like him, only she could control it somewhat. Anger is a trait she learned from her late father. Her life was miserable, especially after her older cousin, the only other person she had abandoned her for some man. Her cousin never returned and the girl was left with an abusive father. Although he kept physical aggression to a minimal, he belittled her. He made her feel like she was the scum of the earth. Nothing was good enough, and like Fugo, she was smart. Expectations were put on her. The confusion weighed on her heart. She was worthless but capable of becoming a surgeon, or preferably a lawyer. It was confusing for the young girl and one day she couldn't take it anymore. She took the knife a friend had given her and jabbed into her fathers side, puncturing his lung. He gasped for breath. She was shocked at her actions. She'd imagined herself doing it, but never thought she could actually inflict that much harm. She took some of her belongings and left the house, catching a bus and riding it as far as she could, leaving her in Naples. She learned later her father had passed through a news article and felt no remorse. Bucciarati found the lone girl in the streets, determination in her eyes, although sitting alone with a small back pack. He knew immediately there was something off about the picture. She told him her story, and he gave her shelter at his house. As she became her own person, she discovered she was actually strong, not a worthless being. She discovered parts about herself she didn't know existed, and months later, Bucciarati accepted her as part of the team, and her stand Indestructor came to be. A stand that protects, coming from a place where she needed to shield herself from any hits from her father. An indestructible mind she always wanted, so her stand manifested in a way to block out everything. 

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