|His Sister|Rohan Kishibe

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Hey lovelies! It's been a while, sorry! But I'll make it up to you with another Rohan one-shot. I'm going to write as much as I can but life gets busy, huh? And then lack of motivation. . .ugh! Anyways, let's hear it for our mangaka. 

P.S. We are not questioning Tomoko's decisions.


Rohan walked the streets of Morioh aimlessly and lost in thought. He sighed and sat on a bench at the park, sketching the scenery. Kids laughing and playing with bubbles, a couple sitting on a bench, bird perched on the fountain, Josuke and his friends. . .wait. He stoped sketching and menacingly looks at Josuke. The boy ruined yet another one of his sketches. Rohan was keen on making is sketches as authentic as possible, but he didn't want the irritable teenager in one. He ripped out the page angrily and decided to redo the sketch when Josuke had left, however as he watched, he noticed a new face. Okuyasu and Koichi were there, but there was also a girl. Not Yukako, Koichi's girl, this girl looked older. She had blue wavy hair and brown eyes, olive skin and a slim build. He looked at her questionably. Who could that possibly be?

Koichi noticed Rohan and excused himself from the group to greet him. "Hi Rohan-sensei!" Koichi said coming up to the mangaka. 
"Hello, Koichi-kun. Who is that girl with you guys?"
"Oh her? That's Josuke's older sister. She's your age. She just came back home from university in Tokyo to stay for the summer."
"Josuke has a sister? And it's her?!" 
"Uh, yes."
"They look nothing alike."
"They have different fathers. She's not Mr. Joestar's daughter."
"Hmm." He looks over to the small group conversing. Josuke notices Rohan staring and glares at the man. The girl notices Josuke's glare and slaps him behind his head. She looks to where he was looking and makes eye contact with Rohan. She smiles lightly, then starts scolding Josuke who looks like he's arguing back. 
"Anyway, it was nice to see you Rohan-sensei. I just came to say hi, I need to get back. We're going to the theatre."
"Alright, bye Koichi." The boys runs over to his friends and the older girl. She looks back at Rohan quickly then follows the boys. 

As the days went by, he would discreetly follow Josuke and his sister around. He became intrigued in this girl for the sole fact that she was Josuke's sister. He predicted she was much like her brother and would be a nuisance. Josuke, however, noticed Rohan's loitering and excuses himself from his sister. She takes a seat on a bench as she waits for him. The boy angrily stomps at the mangaka who stands perfectly still. 
"What do you want, Higashikata?" he asks. 
"I've noticed you tailing us around. The question is, what do you want Rohan?"
"I don't want anything."
"Then why are you following us."
"I didn't know you had a sister."
"Of course you didn't. You're not my friend so I wouldn't have told you."
"Hmm." Rohan puts his finger on his chin. 
"Don't tell me you're interested in her. . ."
Rohan's eyes widen. "Are you kidding me? Of course not! She's related to you. I thought one of you was bad enough and now there's two." He rubs his temples. 
"Then stop following us and don't go near her. You're just going to use Heaven's Door to pry into her life." That was true, Rohan loved a good story. 

Rohan complied to Josuke's wishes and stopped following them. Not because Josuke asked but because he got bored. He went to the beach to get some live sketches for his new manga chapter and saw Josuke's sister sitting there reading a book. The beach was full of people but he didn't see Josuke anywhere. He sat down and began drawing. He finished the sketches he needed within an hour and looked to where the girl was previously sitting. She was still there. Rohan grabbed his pencil, flipped to a blank page and began sketching her. He started with her face outline, then her figure, then the scenery and finally the details. She quickly looked in his direction, not noticing the artist and he quickly drew her eyes. Proud of his work, he packed his stuff and went home.

Later that day, Rohan walked to his usual cafe where he saw Jotaro, Josuke and the sister sitting together. Intrigued, he walked up to them. "Hello, Jotaro-san," Rohan greeted.
"Oh, Rohan. Hi. Why don't you join us?"
"No, Jotaro," Josuke whispered. 
"Grow up Josuke."
"Of course, thank you," said Rohan who sat in the chair beside Josuke's sister. The boy glared at the artist. "Hi, I'm Rohan Kishibe."
"Ah, you're the infamous Rohan. I'm Kaida Higashikata."
"I've heard a lot about you from Josuke."
"So I assume you already have a negative impression of me."
"Based on what this kid says, yes." She rubs Josuke's hair, his pompadour becoming loose. 
"MY HAIR!" She ignores him and continues the conversation with the mangaka. 
"I heard you came home from university."
"Yes I did. And you're the famous magaka."
"I am."
"Your work is pretty good from what I've seen. I haven't read your work but Koichi's shown me bits and pieces. You know I do a little sketching myself."
"I would love to see that sometime." Josuke stares at the two wide eyed and jaw to the table. Were they being friendly? They were being a little too friendly. Jotaro just smirks but returns to reading his book. 

The following morning Rohan meets Kaida at the same cafe. "Rohan." She nods. 
"Kaida." They take their seats and order some tea. "Does Josuke know you're here?"
"Of course not. That kid would have a fit. I brought my sketches." She takes out a small briefcase, opening it to reveal a few pages of her work. "I'm not the best, but I brought the ones I liked the most and were most suitable to be seen by a professional artist." He looks at them in astonishment. For an amateur, they were really good. 
"They're not bad. Not bad at all."
"That's probably the best compliment I'll get out of you, so thank you."
"Why do you say that?" he asks. 
"The boys talk about you sometimes. I know a bit about you Rohan Kishibe."
"Well I don't know anything about you."
"Well maybe you'll find out. . ."
"Maybe. . ." he says tempted to use Heaven's Door but decides against it.  "Anyways, if you want I could help with your technique. I can show you some line work and shading."
"Yeah! I would love that! Can I see some of yours?"
"Sure." He hands over his sketchbook proudly. She skims through them completely amazed. 
"Rohan, you're amazing. I-" She stops at one specific sketch, a soft pink shows up on her cheeks. She shows him the page. "Is this me?" He blushes a deep red. He had completely forgotten that he drew a sketch of her. 
"Yes it is. So what?"
She smiles warmly. "I like it." His heart skips a beat in embarrassment, but he doesn't show it. He stays stone faced. "Maybe I could return the favour."

Days pass by and the two have hung out almost everyday. Kaida started reading Rohan's manga series which she praised him for and Rohan would give her some advice on her sketches. They loved to go to different locations in Morioh and sketch out their hearts desire. But one day, Josuke stomps up to them as she reads his newest unpublished manga chapter, giving him her opinion. "Rohan!" he shouts. 
"What is it?"
"What did I tell you about my sister? Leave her alone!"
"Why? I like her." Josuke jaw drops, again. 
"Josuke, I'm older than you," Kaida says. "I can do what I want."
"And I know Rohan. He's trouble."
"So are you."
"I-I don't like this!" 
"Relax baby brother. He's friends with Koichi and we all know Koichi is a reliable guy."
"That is true, Higashikata. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but for Kaida's sake I'll agree to make a truce with you." Rohan extends his hand. 
"No, I- But-" Kaida glares at her brother. "Fine." Josuke takes his hand. 
"Good boy," Rohan says and shags Josuke's hair. Josuke stares daggers at him. "You can't do anything, we're truced." He turns to his sister. "And stop calling me baby brother." She chuckles as Josuke stomps off, steam escaping his ears. The two laugh at him in unison. "You know, you're really different from your brother. "He's so unlikable, but you. . .you're not like him."
"Are you telling me I'm likeable?"
"Well yeah. I like you. I don't like him." 
She laughs. "The kid is unique. But I agree. Josuke told me stories over the phone about all of you. He loved to rant about you, but you're not that bad either." 


Fun fact: Kaida in Japanese means Little Dragon

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