Request Page

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Alright lovelies! This is where you can request a a character and story plot! Let me know if you want me to tag you on the chapter page!

Part 1-7. I've watched the anime and read part 6 & 7, making my way through 8 now.

Feel free to PM me if you're uncomfortable posting in public!

Literally tell me your craziest requests, I'll write them. If you want a story about turning into a vampire by Dio and somehow not dying, and then y'all become partners in crime, becoming the greatest criminals of all time, then I can write that, lol.

Or a simple, hmm let's see how it would be if I bet Josuke his entire share of the lottery winnings to not hurt me for 24 hours and constantly diss his hair. . .actually I kinda want to write that one.


Also, if anyone just wants to talk about Jojo, let's!  It has kinda consumed my life right now. . .

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