|The Boss and the Queen|Giorno Giovanna

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"This thing behind my head, or rather every souls head. All we have to do is destroy it ," Bucciarati says. "The ability of Requiem, the stand that went berserk will disappear." And so that's what he does. As the Stand-gone-beserk is destroyed. You feel your essence leave the burrowed body and go back to your own. Everyone else's does the same thing.

"He did it," you say, referring to Bucciarati. "Of course he did it." You look at your wounded team members. You and Giorno are the only ones that haven't been to heavily affected. Giorno catches a bleeding Mista and Trish lays unconscious on the ground. You look over to Diavolo.

"HOW DARE YOU!" he shouts. "All for a stupid girl! I, Diavolo, shall me the one who possesses the arrow." He jumps towards the arrow, but you're quicker. You use your stands Speed of Light in order to get there before King Crimson, but he notices you and stops time. He's about to punch a donut through you like he did with most of his other victims, but your Speed of Light takes in effect automatically and he destroys the very right side of your abdomen, not hitting a single organ but doing a lot of tissue damage. You fall on the ground and groan in pain as a tremendous amount of blood oozes out of your half dismantled torso.

"(F/n)!" Giorno calls, running to you.
"I'm-I'm fine. This is n-nothing," you say.
"Clearly not!"
"Get the arrow. G-get the arrow before the boss does. GET IT NOW!" You shout at the blonde boy. You know all too well how long it would take to treat a wound this severe. And he needs his energy to defeat the boss. That's all that matters. The others, Narancia and Abbacchio gave their lives for this very reason, you could too. But you will hang on for as long as you can. You look off into the sky and see a golden cloud shaped like a person. It's oddly peaceful.

"Don't worry, Giorno," a voice says from the sky. "I'm simply returning to how I once was. . ."
"Bucc-Bucciarati?" you ask. Giorno's gaze is up too. He can see the moving cloud now shaped as your Capo. You wonder if you're hallucinating from the blood loss, but the fog from the cloud comes down and when it disperses, the arrow is in Giorno's hands.

"No," you say in realization,"h-he's gone." You don't even have the energy to let tears well up in your eyes. Giorno quickly creates some sort of item that covers your torso, to stop the bleeding. He gets up and lifts the arrow to the sky, proclaiming that he will become the next Requiem. You try to watch the scene unfold in front of you, but your eyes blur. When they sharpen once more, you see Giorno in the sky with a powered up stand.
"That's Giorno's Golden Experience Requiem!" Trish exclaims.
"Giorno," you smile. "I knew-I always knew you could. . ." Darkness engulfs you.


"(F/n), hey (f/n)," you hear a voice call. You open your eyes to see Narancia a few meters away from you.
"N-narancia?" you exclaim. "Is that really you?"
"Oi, Narancia, you're going to freak her out!" another voice says. Abbacchio.
"Abbacchio? Am I dead?"
"No, you're not dead. It's not your time," Bucciarati walks in and says. The three boys stand together and stare at you. Now the tears form and pour down your cheeks.
"Narancia, Abbacchio, Bucciarati!" you exclaim and run towards them. Except you can't. You can barely move an inch. "What?"
"Like I said, it's not your time," Bucciarati repeats.
"But she's here isn't she? She can stay with us. It's not the worst thing," Narancia says.
"No, she's not done with the world yet."

You keep trying to get to them, forcing your limbs to move, but they refuse. You scream in frustration. "Always a fighter," Abbacchio says and smirks.
"But I want her to stay," Narancia pleads.
"Narancia, that's selfish. Besides, our fates are sealed. She still needs to keep living. She'll join us one day, they all will. But not yet," Bucciarati says. Narancia sighs knowing his Capo is right as always. Slowly, the three start to fade.
"Wait, wait, guys! Don't leave me! I can't. . .not without you! Don't leave, please!" you cry. The Capo smiles at your warmly.
"We're not leaving you. We'll never leave you."
. . .

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