|Cherry Blossom|Jotaro&Josuke

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"Hey Jotaro!" Josuke calls running through the beach to his nephew. "Jotaro-san, Jotarooooo!" He calls as Jotaro stands still, trying to ignore the much too energetic boy.
"Yare yare daze. What does the kid want now?" Jotaro sighs, clearly not in the mood to have any social interaction, but attempts to act his best. "What is it Josuke?" he asks. But as he turns around, he's taken aback by the sight before his eyes. A girl with long flaming red hair stands beside Josuke. Her eyes are like amethysts. She's pale and small. She looks like-

"Jotaro-san," Josuke breathes, catching his breath.
"Why did you run? He didn't even move," the girl states.
"He could have used his time stopping ability! So I ran just in case."
"Still would have gotten away."
"Uh-uh," he pants. "I-I can. . .okay I can talk now. Jotaro, it was awesome running into you here. I was actually planning on getting you two to meet."
"Who is this?" Jotaro asks. "A Stand user?"
Josuke nods. "Yes, she is. She's my friend and I didn't want to introduce you to her earlier you know, cuz we had just met and I didn't know if I could trust you and all that, so I was being protective. But now I know you're here to help and your crazy strong stand is our ally so. . ." the boy rambles.
"Kujo Jotaro, correct? Josuke's told me all about you, I hope that's okay. My name is Kakyoin Sakura. It's an honour to meet you," the girl, Sakura says politely and slightly bows.

Jotaro stares at the girl in bewilderment. Kakyoin? Could it be? The same Kakyoin as Noriaki? They look the same, it must be! A relative. . .

"Um, Jotaro-san? Are you alright?"Josuke asks. "I think you kinda spaced out." Jotaro shakes his head and looks at the boy.
"Oh, right. No, I'm fine. I just-" He turns to the girl. "You, I, uh- yare yare I'm at a loss for words."

Josuke and Sakura look at each other in confusion. "I uh, I am a stand user. I was born with it. The name is Behind Sapphire. I can show it to you if you'd like. I feel you're a little suspicious of me and I want to earn your trust," Sakura says.
"Oh, if that's the problem, Jotaro, I've been friends with Sakura for a long time. Stand user attracts Stand user right, we were the only Stand users in Morioh for a while and we became fast friends. But now more and more users are showing up, whether enemy or ally so I decided to introduce you to Sakura so you know she's our ally and she can help us. You should see her stand, it's pretty epic. It can do quite a number of things."
"Oh come on Josuke, your Stand is so much cooler. It can heal and has amazing power!"
"You know what, you're right. But not as cool as Jotaro-sans."
"Well yeah, he can stop time! But hey, you took back your words really fast."
"Well yeah I realized you were right."

The two friends bicker at each other about their Stands, briefly forgetting about their older companion standing right beside them. "Yare yare daze. You two are annoying."
"Oh, sorry Jotaro-san."
"Yes, sorry Jotaro-san. I didn't mean to make a bad impression on our first meeting. Josuke talks highly of you and your ability."
"No, you didn't it's not that. Ah, you said your name was Kakyoin, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"I had a friend. In my past. His name was Kakyoin Noriaki. Have you heard of him?"

The girls eyes widen. Her purple eyes become a shade darker. "Oh. . .yes. Actually I know him. Or knew him rather. But I don't remember him much. Noriaki was my older brother."
"Wait, Jotaro, you knew her older brother?"
It's Jotaro's turn to widen his eyes. This girl was an embodiment of Noriaki. In her eyes, he could see the same kindness, the same virtuosity he saw in Noriaki.
"I did. We went on an adventure together. He didn't make it out. But, he never once mentioned about a sister." Jotaro pondered this fact and the only conclusion he came up with was to protect her. If he had spilled her name, an enemy might of heard and used it against him or actually go for his family. The mission was dangerous. Severely. "He was protecting you," he tells the girl.
"I see. I've tried to learn about my brother, but my parents can barely bring themselves to talk about him. Could you, Jotaro-san, tell me about him?"

So Jotaro does. The three sit on the beach under the evening sky. Sakura listens intently at her brother's friends words, soaking up everything she can. She was learning so much about his persona, his bravery, his ability, his sacrifice to win the battle against the vampire, Dio. As she listens to the part about his death, she can't help but slightly sob. She may not have known her brother well, but there were fragments of memories still in her mind. All glowing memories that she had held on to and cherished for years. She yearned for her brother. Something she can never have. So every word that comes out of the man before her's mouth is like a new note in a beautiful song.

Jotaro tolerates the sobbing girl for his friend. Though he hates when girls cry, he doesn't say anything. When he's done his story, Sakura wipes her tears and smiles warmly. "Thank you. Thank you so much for that. I never thought I'd feel closer to my brother, but I do. I couldn't be more grateful."
"What a small world," Josuke says. "And what a crazy adventure! You know, Noriaki's Stand sounds kind of similar to Sakura's."
"It does a little."
"What does your Stand do?" Jotaro asks.

Sakura stands up. "Behind Sapphire," she calls. A stand of mainly blue and details of purple emerges from behind her. It shines greatly, like a thousand sapphires some would say, though non-blinding. It's figure is slim and female like. It holds a giant sapphire in its chest. "With this sapphire I can do one of a few things," she starts. "I can take it. . ." The stand grabs at the gem. "And split in two, turning it into knives." The Stand holds the knives in each hand. The blades are sharp and dazzling, piercing. Then she turns the sapphire back to its original shape. "I can make it a tracker. I whisper a name into the gem and it won't necessarily find the person, and it's only limited to living beings, but it finds tracks of the specific being. It can find remnants from days ago like dried blood, or skin flakes, nails, footprints that have even been cleaned up. It's quite extensive. And last. . ." She walks 6 meters away from the men. "Sapphire Splash!" The sapphire bursts into millions of tiny shards and shoots out at alarming speed around the 5 meter radius.

She recalls her stand and walks back to the boys. Jotaro smiles. "Like your brothers Emerald Splash."
"I love that I share a piece of his ability."
"Both your abilities are quite powerful. You and your brother a very alike." Sakura smiles.
"Maybe one day my stand could be of use to a mission as Noriaki's was to yours. I aspire to be like him. . .make him proud."
"I'm sure, he already is," Jotaro says. "And who knows. A tracking stand may be quite useful soon with all these bizarre occurrences in Morioh."
"Oi, what's up with that, huh? Things are just getting weirder and weirder. It's all the Stand users, they're attracted to this place now."
"Yeah, exactly. We have to be on our guard."

"It's getting late, I should probably get home," Sakura says. "Thank you again, Jotaro-san. I'm looking forward to seeing you again!"
"Yea, I'll tell you more stories if they come to mind."
"I'd love that."
"I'm gonna walk her home. Bye Jotaro," Josuke calls.
"Bye Josuke. Good bye Sakura."
The two young teenagers walk together down the beach, back towards town. Jotaro looks up at the sky and smiles.
"Oi, Kakyoin. I wish you had told me about her sooner. I'd have watched over sooner." He chuckles to himself. "I guess you didn't have to. Fate has a strange way of working out. Don't worry, I'll watch over her along with you."

He treads through the sand, stopping just as the tide hits his shoes. He gazes upon the calm sea. He takes his hat off his head and lowers it to his chest. "I miss you."


Sakura, in Japanese by the way means cherry blossom. . .cherry. Hehe. I miss Kakyoin. Honestly, I miss everyone but some hit more than others. It would have been awesome if he made it to part 4. I've seen edits and woah!

Behind Sapphire isn't a band that got super popular, but they have some great tunes! I really like their song 'Last Night.' Definitely recommend you guys check it out!

"20 meter Emeraldo Splash!" ~Kakyoin

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