Chapter 1:Mission gone wrong

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(Welcome welcome to my other twisted Wonderland story. I really was going to re-write that one and change it but a lot of you want me to make another book for males and leave that one for females and here it is I hope you like it)

(And up there is what my MC looks like you obviously don't need to go by it put your one OC if you want but please keep the mask The scars and the mismatched eyes and yes you are6'2 I forgot to put the village headband so you can Imagine it where you want it to be)

(And another disclaimer please note that you are 16 and the other Naruto characters your teammates and the other teams are 15 except for the Senseies don't want you thinking I'm putting 12-year-old with 16-20 males 😅)

(Oh! and instead of the monkey coconut I'm going to put (A/k)= animal kind and (p/n)= pet name I don't think a lot of people liked the idea of a monkey so now you can put your choice of an animal It could even be a baby dragon if you want to.)

(Now Enjoy)



Naruto:"I'm so excited I never been outside the village before"said Naruto throwing his arms in the air.

We are walking out of the Village gates starting our mission to escort the bridge builder if it weren't for Naruto's stoppering attitude we would be picking potatoes out of the ground or helping with the groceries or help some workers to build a small house which honestly I was excited about.

Sasuke:" quiet dobe or you going to attract some ninjas to us with your loud annoying voice" scoffed sasuke

Naruto:" shut it Tima"

Sakura:"NARUTO! Don't tell Sasuke-kun to shut it!"yelled Sakura who was in the front with the client

Kakashi:"[sigh]...stop it you three or you seriously going to attract some ninjas"

Bridgebuilder:" am I really trusting my life with them?" Whispered to himself I chuckled at my team behaviour and put a hand on his shoulder assuring him that he's save I felt someone pulling on my arm looked down next to me to see Naruto.

Naruto:" say (m/n), have you ever been outside of the village?" Asked Naruto and I can't help but laugh a little kakashi sasuke and Sakura sighed shaking their head.

You:" haha of course. did you forget where I came from a week ago?"

Naruto:"oh right hahah I forgot" said Naruto rubbing the back of his head and a blush on his cheeks.

We kept walking I don't know if Naruto noticed but he's still holding my hand not that I mind but his cheeks are still rad I hope he's ok.

Sasuke:"say (y/n) have you been to any other village before coming here?" Asked sasuke coming in between me and Naruto breaking our hands holding and Naruto glared at him.

You:"I did but never really stayed that long only for a day or two. Honestly after my village was burned down I lived outside and didn't dare to go to any other village fearing they my kill me so I stayed out here most of my life until I find my settling place" I said as I patted (p/n) head I feel bad lying to them but I have to and it isn't exactly lying I just left some things out like how I did live outside after managing to escape from them and did go to some villages but it's to find informations about them.

Sasuke:"Is...Konoha that place?"he asked with a small blush Avoiding my eyes I chuckled at how cute he is and wanted to tease him a little.

You:"hmm..I don't know~ I still need to think about it~" I said as I walked faster.

Sasuke:"huh!? W-wait-" He didn't get to finish as I walked forward in the front laughing in the inside at sasuke and Naruto reaction.

Time skip~

Finally getting off of the boat after fighting some ninjas Who disguised themselves as water puddle they couldn't think of something else? Like Why a puddle when it didn't rain in weeks? Anyway after defeating them and thinking that sensei is dead turns out to be a clone and Naruto Stabbing Himself more with the poison got on the boat and the
bridge builder telling us his story.

Walking down the path getting closer to the village until I felt someone's chakra I stopped walking.

You:"everyone stop" I said and all of them stopped and looked at me.

You:"there's someone here, Sakura, sasuke stay close to the client everyone get ready this Chakra doesn't feel too good" I said as I got Ready To take out my katana and my team pulled out there kunais and got in a fight position.

In comes Zabuza down from the threes Glaring at all of us when his eyes landed on me they they turned to shock then softened a little while I glared harder he was Surprised by that but glared back and reached his arm back to pull out his giant sword.

And so on we started fighting...

Time skip~ because I need to finish quickly and post~

Me and Zabuza swords sliced against each other we glared at each other trying to push the other person back it didn't help that his is huge.

You:"you know? I never imagined out next meeting to be like this" I said to him but not too loud so the others won't hear me.

Zabuza:"I never imagined I will have to fight you" he said managed to push me back grabbed me by the neck and threw me off hitting my back against a tree feeling the air leave me I slide down on the floor my chin was then lifted up by his swords.

Zabuza:" Your the only one I won't kill so I'm giving you a chance to ran" he said I saw Naruto and Sasuke coming behind him.

You:"sorry Zabuza but you should know I'm not a coward to do that" I said as I kicked his sword with my lag and Naruto and sasuke jumped on him as they were distracting him I pulled out a kunai and sneaked up behind him I got closer and jumped getting ready to attack.

But he noticed me and with out doing hand signs he made a strong gust of wind throwing me back in to a river.

Kakashi:"(Y/N)!!!"yelled my teacher pushed Zabuza away and ran to me.

You:"don't worry I'm ok" I yelled back as I was swimming to land I felt something wrapping around my lag and pulled down.

You:"AHHHH!!" I yelled as I tried to pull my lag away from whatever that grabbed me but it pulled harder under water.

All:"(Y/N)!!!" they all shouted and ran to me I saw Naruto stick his arm in and grabbed my hands pulling and all of them joined even Zabuza I tried to kick the thing with my other lag but it won't move another thing wrapped around my other leg and one around my waist and it pulled even harder my hands started to slip out of their grasp with my gloves started to slip off until they came off and I filled down in to the water being pulled down deeper by whatever that grabbed me I tried to swim up but no use I started to lose air and my Vision start to get blurry the last thing I heard is my team calling my name and saw (p/n) jump in to the water swimming to me then I passed out.


Is here! finally! it took way longer then I wanted so sorry 😥 I hope you like it.

See you my loves <3^U^<3


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