🥀 down with a bloody Queen🥀

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I opened my eyes slightly feeling a cold air hit me I sat up and saw I'm in the same garden.

You:" another one?" I got up and unlike last time I can walk so I walked around seeing if I can find the girl until I heard yelling near me I went toward the sound and hid behind a bush.

"You went and sullied my roses! Prepare yourself"

A big woman wearing a black and red dress and a crown on her head I think I recognise her from somewhere but I can't remember she was yelling at the cards and the girl holding the tree with the painted roses.

" I beg your forgiveness. Your Highness. It's their fault"

"It wasn't me. It was Ace"

"Was it you"

"No, it was two"

"Two's doing?"

"No, it was three"

They kept pointing the finger at each other clearly scared from whatever punishment comes from her.

"Enough. Off with their head" she shouted and red cards came and dragged them away.

"Of course you'll lose your heads for using the wrong colour"

"I can't believe anyone would mix up red and white"

As I Watch them being taken I started to feel dizzy again and my eyelids getting heavier I tried my best to keep them open I looked at the girl on last time and she's starting at me again with the same fear before she mouthed something repeatedly and I managed to caught one word before everything went black.



I jumped up Breathing heavily I put a hand on my chest and my heart is beating fast and loud I can almost hear it I looked down and grim and (p/n) are still sleep I looked at the guys and they're sleeping I  honestly took Ace for someone who will snore but he's peacefully sleeping so I carefully lifted the two animals and laid them down on my pillow got out of bed grabbed my mask on the nightstand and quietly walked out of the room.

went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face as I'm Drying it with a towel I looked at the mirror and I see the girl in my dream standing behind me, my eyes widened and I turned around and she's gone I looked back at the mirror and there. One it written in red paint.

-Down with the bloody red Queen-

I got freaked out and immediately got out trying to calm my self down I walked to one of the Windows and opened it taken in some of the Fresh air I looked outside at the quiet night nothing but the wrestling of the trees with the wind and a owl at a distant is all I can hear.

I stood there trying to make sense of what happened how did I see the same girl in my Dream in the mirror and that word written in paint that I saw in the dream as well but what does it mean? is she trying to ask for help is she a spirit and asking to be passed on?.

Still in my thoughts in the corner of my eyes I caught something moving in the woods I looked at it trying to make out what it is, is a tall figure with two pointy things sticking out on top walking into woods then it stop and turned to my direction I immediately docked down hidden.

You:' please don't be a demon and come here I don't want to deal with these again' I waited for a couple of seconds and popped my head out slightly and he turned back around and walked away until a bright green light surrounded him, the light disappeared and the figure as will.

A Ninja? (Twisted Wonderland x Naruto male reader) Where stories live. Discover now