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I don't know how to explain this I don't know how but I woke up from a very long nap with the WEIRDEST dream I don't know if I should be happy or scared for my life but I tell you that the moment I woke up I opened Genshin impact and killed thoma and Ayato multiple times.

So let me tell you what happened put your seatbelt on because there's gonna be a lot of speed bumps.

If you don't know my main 4 in Genshin are itto, Diluc,Baizu and Ayato and they all appeared in the dream but not in a way that I expected, like I love me some yandere but this....I'll tell you what I remember.

The dream started with me running in a dark hallway and I hear itto calling for me in a very sadistic way like (where are you~) (please come back~) I continued running until I slam into him then the dream switches to him on top of me F the daylight out of me repeating I love you over and over in a very lust lovesick way then I remember waking up in a cage in a office and I see Ayato sitting on his chair drinking his Boba then he wakes up to me crouches down and reaches his hand in between the bars and patted my head then dragged it down to my cheek (note: I don't know if I Mentioned it but I can feel it when someone teaches me in a dream) he held my cheek softly first then squeezed it very hard like I can feel his nails digging in my skin the it switched to me in front of that Secret room or basement in Diluc's house and I was about to open it then I was in a dark room and there's only one light Above me and Diluc walking circles around me with both his hands behind him smirking and eyeing me I wasn't tied up or chained but I couldn't move THEN it switched to me in a hospital bed and Baizu standing looking over me smiling.



Oh my lord. So before I tell how the dream ended let me tell you something I have a best friend I know shocking but I have a best friend that LOVE Thoma and mines him she tried multiple times to get him to come home but no hope instead he keeps coming to me tho I don't want him.

let me tell you what this little whore did when I tell you these hoes ain't loyal.

The dream switches to Thoma standing in front of me NAKED full on NAKED I saw everything in a man's pants then it went dark and I hear him laughing then I woke up.

When I told her she went on drawing many drawings of her hitting him.

I don't know how to feel I'm happy I dreamed of them but I didn't expected like that.

Oh! Did I mention that I couldn't feel my legs when I woke up?

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