Chapter 2: Where am I?

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Darkness...that's all I can see and feel once I opened my eyes again laying on the ground in an empty dark space I stood up and looked around

You:'where am I?' I thought walking looking for anything that could help It feels like walking on water I can hear splashes of water every time I took a step.

You:'I'm like in the middle of nowhere, what is this place?' I kept walking.

You:' there is nothing here' then running.

You:' I'm all Alone' I stopped running and stood looking at the ground a tear dropped down my cheek into my mask I hate to admit it but I hated the dark hate being alone it brings back memories that l wish to forget.

You:"Naruto?...Sakura?...Sasuke?...Kakashi sensei?...(p/n)? ANYONE?" I shouted before dropping on the floor on my knees and hugging myself.

You:"please..I don't want to be Alone..[hic]..not again" I lowered myself more until my forehead touched the floor or the water ready to accept that I'm probably dead.

There was silence just the sound of my hiccups and sniffing Then out of nowhere a bright green light appears from behind me I turn my head and there is a big mirror.

You:'where the mirror come from?'

                                            "Ah my dearly beloved"

I jumped out of surprise when it spoke. a talking mirror!? I got up slowly and walked closer to it wiping my tears away when I got in front of it I was surprised I couldn't see my reflection like any other regular mirrors there's nothing in there then it started to speak

                                   "A lovely and noble flower of evil"

You:"W-what?" Does it know my past? Is that why it called me evil? N-no I-I'm not evil, it wasn't my choice it was them they made me do it.

                              "Truly you are the most beautiful of all"

You: "s-stop it doesn't make me beautiful at all they made me do it" I didn't know why but I started to feel pain in my body my heart started to beat faster my head is spinning I covered my ears but I can still hear it, it's like if it's in my head.

                                        "Mirror mirror on the wall"
                               You:"Mirror mirror on the wall"

my eyes shot open

                                    "who's the...fairest of them all"
                           You:"who's the...fairest of them all"

I heard my own voice speak with the voice of who aver is talking in the mirror I couldn't control myself it's just like before all I can do now is close my eyes and pray that whatever is happening it will end soon

                              "Those who are guided by the dark mirror
                                       As long as your heart desires it"

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