dating Headcanons - Heartslabyul

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Y'all can imagine if (m/n) is dating one or in a poly relationship it doesn't really matter.

This is How I personally think they'll be in a relationship with (m/n)


- Riddle is obviously touch starve but he can't show it in front of the others so he'll wait until the two of you are alone He'll sometimes sit on your lap while working and immediately gets up when he hears someone coming.

-you and Trey will be in the kitchen a lot helping for the tea parties Trey loves it when you join him he thinks is nice date and to spend time with you.

-cater Definitely takes a bunch of pictures of you he has an album filled with your pics some are cute and fun and some are....he makes sure no one see them but him.

- Ace loves you but will still be a Tsundere about it.

- Deuce is shy about it he'll be blushing walking around holding your hand his first thoughts when dating you was "I want him to meet my mom"

-they'll try to hint you to stay over when you do he (as in each of them) has no choice but to sleep on top of you since you literally take up the whole bed he doesn't mind tho.

-Riddle is immediate "Off with your head" if anyone does anything wrong to you.

- Riddle doesn't care for jealousy since he's Busy most of the time but he'll pout when he sees you talking and laughing with the other residence he knows you only helping them but they're getting to comfortable he'll give them double the work.

-cater fangirls when he sees you from afar.

-Trey really appreciate it when you help him in the dorm.

-Ace stays over a lot saying how he wants to be with you for the night but also hiding from Riddle.

- Deuce is very much interested in your world he'll soon ask questions about it and ask you to show him how to use Justu is adorable when his eyes shine when you show him.

-Trey's loves when people try and complement his cooking but he's mostly excited about your opinion he gets a lil nervous while cooking or baking wondering what you'll think of them.

-Dates with Riddle will be tea times and no one is allowed to interrupt except Trey for when he brings the pastries.

-dates with Trey is whenever you two are together you don't get a lot of time for each other since Trey is busy with his dorm most of the time and you helping around the school or at your job at sam's shop so anything you do together considers a date going the the Library getting things from Sam's shop or helping in the dorm tho he wishes he can have a real date with you, you noticed and felt bad so you sand your clones to do your chores whil you took him on a real date and he really appreciate that.

-Dates with cater will be Coffee dates ramen and gossip and then walk in the park sitting on a bench and Sharing ice cream and between all of these at least 10 pics were taken.

-Dates with Ace are mostly fun. He Dragged you to the amusement park and made you try all the games and surprisingly you won all of them Ace laughed at the workers faces seeing their schemes didn't work on you.

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