Chapter 6 : Punishment and fishy little fishes

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You:' this is not going to end good' and my prediction was right The wind Blow the fire away from him and went Towards the statue of the Queen of hearts surrounding it in it's fire I panicked looked around there wasn't a river or lake so I couldn't use a water style jutsu to stop the fire and if I used a wind one it may make it worse.

Ace:"AAAAAH!!oh no! The Queen of hearts statue is burnt black!"

Grim:"it's because you changed the flames direction with the wind! It just got burned insanely!"

Ace:"you think there's someone who'd get burned on purpose!"

You:"stop blaming each other and help me stop it before-"


You:"..he gets here.." I sighed and looked Down.

This morning isn't going any better.

I turned around and saw Mr.Crowley marching Towards us with his whip in his hand I couldn't see his top face but you can tell that he is fuming with anger The students that were around us start running away definitely not wanting to get in trouble while some of them stayed holding A rectangle thing in there hand and was pointing directly at us I looked at ace and Grim and they looked pale as paper and about ready to run for their lives

Ace:"Ah! It's the headmaster"

Grim:"that guy. He'll bind you with his whip of love! RUN!" They turned around and tried to book it keyword:tried. But the headmaster was faster than them .

Grim/Ace:"AAHHH/OOOWWW!!!"the whip hit them on their back with a very loud smack it made me cringed at the sound then it wrapped itself around them tying them up together making them smack each other's forehead against each other and fell on the floor.

Grim:"fugyaa!! That's two days in a row it hurts!"

Crowley:" it's the whip of love it's 100 years too fast for you to run from me *sigh* I thought I said earlier to not to cause a rucus. Furthermore. To Burnt black the Great seven statues it seems you want to be expelled so much" he said looking down at the Two

Ace:"wait!! Not that" he was looking at Crowley with pleading eyes but Crowley ignored it and turned around looking at me crossing his arms over his chest

Crowley:"you too, you can't call this taken care of Grim"

You:" I tried to stop it headmaster but Ginger there won't stop talking and it made grim angry And won't listen to me, I'm sorry " I said looking down I know it's not my fault but I couldn't stop thinking it was I could've done something but I didn't want to show everyone what I can do.

Crowley:"Honestly,... you, what's your name and year ?" He asked turning around again to Ace

Ace:" Ace Trappola...I'm a first year"he said looking down.

Crowley:"well then Trapppola grim and you"he points at me" as punishment I order you to clean 100 windows" All of us looked at him wide eyes.

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