🦁Long live the king 🦁

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I slowly open my eyes Upon hearing whining not to far from me I sat up and noticed I was in a Cage. No wait it's an animal skeleton working as a cage I looked next to me and there's scar laying on his back with an animal skull in his hand and running the other one through the bars of my cage

"Do stop Zazu. Your bringing the mood down" he said as he ran his other hand through the bars of my cage I looked ahead of me to see a Hornbill bird in the same cage as mine but smaller.

"Oh I'll never have to do this with mufasa" he muttered but scar heard him and slammed his paw in from of him making the bird flinch back.

"What did you say? I'm the king" he snapped at him but stopped when the three hyenas walked in.

"Hay boss we got a bone to pick with you" said one of them glaring at scar as he stood in front of him.

"There's no food no water and we're starving!" They said and all scar did is roll his eyes.

"I don't care eat Zazu" he said turning around giving them his back.

"Things were better under mufasa" one of them whispered to the others but scar heard them and turned around glaring hard at them growling bearing his teeth.

" hmph is that so? You're in eyesore. Get out!" He clawed at them they dodged it and left with one of them laughing scar walked back to his rock bed and plods down on his side facing away from me still growling.

You:" if you're gonna get mad for comparison then do your job better king"I said thinking he won't respond or hear but surprised me when he turned around facing me glaring but then smirked and got closer to my cage brought his paw in between the bars and on top of my hand digging one claw in then pulled back fast scratching the back of my hand I hissed and pulled my hand back looking at the bloody scar he left I glared at him but then felt tired and my eyelids getting heavier I didn't fight it this time wanting to get out fast but before I finally woke I heard a deep chuckle coming from him.



I woke up feeling someone shaking me and something soft on top of me I slightly open my eyes to see Jack shaking me but also (p/n) sleep on top of my face covering it.

Jack:" hey...Get up" he said still shaking I pushed his hand away and sat up and (p/n) slide down.

You:" that lion is irritating" I muttered rubbing my head.

Grim:" huh? Why are you in our dorm?" Grim asked jumping to the edge of the bed looking up at him.

Jack:" I came during my morning run. Today is the magical shift tournament. I couldn't let you oversleep" he said grim glanced at me and his eyes widen.

Grim:" (m/n)! Your mask!" Grim said panicking looking back at Jack him not reacting to my face reveal confirming that he to a peek while I was sleeping.

You" he already saw it, grim. Is alright" I said and grim sighed in relief but then his eyes widen again.

Grim:" Ah! That's right! We gotta catch the culprit so Ramshackle dorm can get our prize, entering the tournament" he jumped down the bed pulling (p/n) with him I pushed the covers off and brought my feet down but before I can got up my left hand was grabbed.

Jack:" what happened to your hand?" Jack asked gently bringing my hand up to look at it closer as more blood ran down from it.

You:" I move a lot in my sleep I mast have Accidentally hit the edge of my nightstand" I lied and pulled my hand back Jack looked at the nightstand then back at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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