🦁Long live the king🦁

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Crowley:" You can join the tournament as a player if you solve these mysterious accidents"

Deuce:" clover got hurt fallen down the stairs!"

Riddle:" I think it's safe to say someone intentionally is targeting magift candidates"

You:' my dear (p/n), what did you see? Was it what got you scared?'


After investigation I started heading to the hall of mirrors thinking of what I just found the way Riddle fell didn't look normal it didn't look like tripping over or missing a step he fell in a way I can't really explain it like he was pushed or forced to fell.

And (p/n) mast have known something about this they were shaking the entire time and looked worried when the investigation came up.

I suddenly stopped and my eyes widened.

And yesterday, minutes after the meeting and the time of the 10th student incident they came out looking afraid.

You:' is..is (p/n) behind this?' I quickly shook my head out of this nonsense and continue walking getting closer the mirrors.

No. (P/n) will never pull something like that, yes they can be mischievous sometimes and a prankster but they'll never harm someone like that unless they're doing something to me but why do I feel like they're hiding something from me?

But Enough about that I will investigate it later Whatever they're hiding I'm sure they'll tell me, I finally reached the dorms mirrors and looked over at all of them.

You:' dang it. I should've asked what it looked like before I ran off' I thought irritated looking over at all of them trying to figure out the one for Savanaclaw And not wanting to look like an idiot walking in the wrong dorm I know that one is Heartslabyul and that one is that fairy tale elegant dorm but I don't know the rest.

I sighed irritated already getting tired of this I decided to take the hit and go in one of them I Chosed the closest one to me a mirror that looked to be made off stone scratches on the wall around it and  two animal skulls on each side and torches in front of them and a lion head on the top I looked closer at it and writing in very small letters. savanaclaw.

I sighed again closed my eyes and went through it I opened my eyes again and they slightly widened at the site I'll never get used to this school and it's weird abilities.

The place looked ...not gonna lie kinda dead with all the animal skulls everywhere and the giant rock Castle I walked further in trying to find the guy's while being stared at closely by the residence I can feel the hunger and lust in them as they follow me.

I eventually did find them when I heard laughing and saw them being surrounded by a group of half animals staring hungry and mischievously at them and the guy's looked terrified Behind the hungry group I notice that lion and hyena just staring at them I walked closer and cleared my throat making their attention turn to me, the half's looked surprised and confused while my guys looked happy and relieved.

Grim:" (m/n)!" Said grim happy and (p/n) jumped from deuce's arms towards me I caught them and held them close.

You:" I leave for not even 10 minutes and you're already causing trouble?" I slightly glared at the three who immediately put their hands up in defence.

A Ninja? (Twisted Wonderland x Naruto male reader) Where stories live. Discover now